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Einmann asked in Social ScienceSociology · 1 decade ago

Do women commit any form of domestic violence against men? What form does it usually take?

If they do, how can this be explained?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Women are just as violent as men..but I think it is kept quiet because most men wouldn't want to admit to being beaten by "The Little Woman" the increased use of drink and drugs seems to amplify aggressive behavior in the home...

  • 1 decade ago

    this has been quite topical at the moment with several articles in papers.

    Of course some women will commit domestic violence against men. I'm sure it can take many forms. The reason it is very serious is because at least women in domestic violence are guaranteed sympathy. If men fight back or defend themselves they are automatically condemed. I am not saying that women suffer any less but at least they have the court on their side.

    Source(s): various papers
  • 1 decade ago

    As some others have said, yes this happens: Hitting, pushing, throwing things (women tend to be smaller, so are more likely to throw things to hurt "the one they love").

    As many have said, men are less likely to report or mention it: they're embarrassed, and many people just laugh about it, as though it isn't REALLY a problem.

    It's explained the same way as all domestic violence. Batterers usually "learned" it as children, from their parents.

    Many people have a sort of compulsion to recreate horrific experiences and situations of their childhood. This is one of the consequences of domestic violence a lot of victims don't think about enough.

    Also, gays have about the same rate of domestic violence as straights. It has nothing to do with the sexes of the "participants."

    I can't help wondering if, now that we take this more seriously than in the past, and batterers and victims are more likely to get therapy, if we'll start to see a decline over the next few generations.

    Wouldn't THAT be nice?

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, some studies (which I can not cite because I forget where they are) indicate that women are more likely to commit serious violence against men than vice versa. It is just that men do not report it. While some men are dirtbags, most men are good guys but the laws all favor the women. So if there is a domestic dispute, even if the guy did nothing violent, he can still be arrested in some states simply by making the woman afraid for her life. Which some women can easily feign fear due to anger at their mate.

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  • 1 decade ago

    YES! I am a sociology major. In studies based on this topic I found out, that women actually start more of the fights with minor violence, such as slapping, pushing, screaming, and even spitting. It is when the man gets mad, and his pride is hurt that he retaliates against the woman. When I found this out I was so surprised. I do not want you to think this is always the case because it is not. But most women who do this for the first time do not think the man will do anything to them. For the women that continue to do it are pushing the buttons of the man. They know what has happened in the past and what most likely will happen in the future. There are also interesting studies done on when a battered woman kills her batterer. There is no absolute, or objective answers, but the different research and subjective view is interesting! I hope this helped!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it happens all the time except its not reported as much because a man will usually be embarrassed. There really shouldn't be a double standard. We women can be jusy as crazy as a man sometimes. As for an explanation there is no valid one nobody should put their hands on anyone else women or men.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    There are men who are victimized daily by their wives or girlfriends. Verbally, mentally and physically. If anyone could explain why this happens or why the tables turn, chances are it wouldn't be an issue. Hopefully it could be resolved.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes it absolutely happens, and like one other poster said it often goes unreported because men are afraid they will be ridiculed if they tell someone they were abused by their wife. women can become VERY violent if provoked, especially if she is experiencing mental/emotional instabilities. in regards to what form it usually takes, it can be anywhere from throwing objects to scratching and biting, although I would said mental/emotional abuse is #1.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have heard of super glueing the penis to the leg and then there is is famous john wayne bobbit tale where his wife cut off his penis and threw it out the window...I would call that domestic violence

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