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How do you feel about me? Honestly, do you hate me for being ...?

a Middle Eastern, veilded, Muslim girl (I do not cover my face)? I feel that this platform carries a burden of hatred; I just wonder if you carry a share for me.



Dear friends,

Thank you all for your wise, grown up, nice responses. However, this is not all I was looking for. I wanted those whose questions and responses reflect deep hatred to muslims or girls wearing hijab, etc to have the courage to come out of the closet so that we can speak about it and reseolve it!

It is not that I care about how people feel or think about me, especially strangers, but this has an impact on the world - hatred is a real threat we are facing.

Ellie, wanted to mail you but your mail is not there. Please mail me, dear.

Update 2:

Keyser, thank you for your response. Actually I appreciate your effort to free me but I am already free and that is why I chose to be veiled to obey my God. It is not up to us to decide that wearing a 'bag over our heads' - as you mockingly put it - is a good idea for men too. It is a Divine obligation for women just like praying and fasting.

Allow me to correct you please and tell you that the Imam does not have such power over me to tell me what to do. The Quran and Hadeeth do. He is just a human being. In fact he has less power than a priest do. At least I do not need him to confess my sins. I deal with this with Allah directly. Muslims are not a herd led by the Imam Shepherd. We have minds just like you are and we have the Quran and Hadeeth to refer to and use our judgement.



31 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are a nice human being, PLease dont blow us up

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As a total non believer in any faith I can honestly say that these feelings of persecution are probably well founded because of all the hyperbole that has been generated by the press lately.

    I believe in peace, love and harmony, so NO, I do not hate you. As an agnostic Englishman I can even understand terrorism up to a point, that point being; if there was no extremes nothing worth fighting for would be fought.

    some people are evil and usurp the week and easily led to do terrible things unjustly. but these people 'Bin Laden' included should be sought out and brought to justice. BUT THIS IS BEING UNFAIR AS ATROCITIES HAVE BEEN COMMITTED FOR CENTURIES AND SOME BY MY OWN COUNTRY, SO PERHAPS A LITTLE MORE UNDERSTANDING AND LOVE WILL HELP TO EASE THE IGNORANCE OF THE MASSES.

    Love before hate and forgive before vengeance

    peace to all men and women

  • 1 decade ago

    How can I hate someone for thier religious beliefs? I have a saying that says "I am not prejudice. I hate everyone equally." It is funny in its own right but quite honestly, why would I hate you? Have you done anything to me? Not that I know of.

    I do not care for the treatment that the US has on others that do not think like they do. I think the US should just leave well enough alone.

    Hate you? No. In fact, I applaud you for the courage you have to even ask this sort of question. The more that ask this, the less problems we might have. And the more possibility we may have for working together.

    And before anyone complains, I had someone die in terrorrist attacks. She is not one of them. Guilt by association is not what I do. She is her own person.

    I do not hate you. I do not even know you. But if there are more like you, then I would like to see that.

  • ...
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't invest much in hating anything...I don't like experiencing the chemical mix created by hatred...why would I bother hating you...if you were that concerned about it you would stop making a point of displaying yourself in a manner provocative to those around you...since you will claim that it is your belief system that dictates your presentation of yourself, it sounds like you are getting off on being a martyr. Make your choices and live with your consequences. Most likely, nobody hates you personally anyway, get over yourself before you insert still another stupid label into our lexicon; 'emo-Muslim'.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't even know you.Respect gets respect.When the Islamic radicals lay down their arms and quit ruling by the sword,people will begin to think more of Muslims.We all know their are good,respectful,peaceful Muslims in the world,but until all the hatred and fighting is gone,society will look at the Muslim community as a whole and not individually.

    Until Saudi Arabia lifts it's law of apostasy against Islam, things will never change.Until that imaginary dagger is taken away from their throats nothing will change.Until they quit recruiting their children to kill themselves,nothing will change.

    I'm not slamming you by any means.You know what I'm talking about.Until the Muslim's change as a whole,things will never change.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course not... get real. I am a full blood Midwest Girl. Can't get more american pie than me. I have a history in this nation from the civil war and beyond...

    I am a Christian. I just don't agree or support muslim extremist, for obvious reason. I want you here in my country IF you are here legally and peacefully. We are ALL Gods children. ( Ok some are satans - haha but...)

    take care sister

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I don't hate you, in fact I am trying to relieve you from the burden of your oppression. If wearing a bag over one's head is so great, why don't the Muslim men do it as well? If polygamy is so great, why not polyandy also? Now tell me honestly, if your imam were suddenly to tell you you could wear any clothing you like, would you still cover yourself from head to toe?

    As regards to hate, your Quran is chock full of it.

    A large minority of Muslims hate Westerners. A recent survey of Indonesian Muslims found that more than 17% of them support the terrorist organisation Jemaah Islamiah, responsible for hundreds of civilian deaths in Bali.

    And Indonesian Muslims are considered among the most moderate of Muslims. Is it any wonder that these atrocities, and those like it, have caused a reaction against your religion?

    Like many westerners, I oppose the invasion of Iraq, and I can understand Muslims being angry about it. But that is no reason to kill innocent people at random. Go and fight the invaders, not civilians.

    Peace? It's an easy word to say, but we must all work much harder to understand the cause of conflicts and how to resolve them without violence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why should you worry if strangers like you or not? Just be proud of yourself, people are going to have preconceived ideas of what Muslim are, do and represent. We know the truth about our religion, Allah knows your heart is true and at the end of the day he is the one we are trying to please. You sound like a lovely girl and why wouldn't you be?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    from my point of view you are a good example. I'm against women covering their faces because it's an oppression. Covering a face is actually is not in Islam teaching but a culture of oppression i have read the history

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I observed a modern-day FOX community ballot exhibiting that McCain/Palin have been renowned by sixty seven% of registered Unicornian electorate. Obama/Biden path, with this substantial demographic, receiving a trifling 10% help, yet 5% larger than the present administration's dismal Unicorn approval score. Unicorns renowned Bush/Cheney by a large margin for the time of the main modern-day national presidential elections. Twenty-3 p.c. (23%) of those polled declined to state a decision. As November methods political pollsters, national, proceed to reveal screen any differences in projected Unicornian balloting possibilities. Polling errors +/- 3%.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it would be stupid to hate you for being middle eastern. Gosh people can be so ignorant and think so unhighly of other people's culture. I in fact am so drawn in by middle eastern culture, it is fascinating. My mothers friend is Egyptian and i just love hearing about Egypt. Do you mind me asking where your family is from?

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