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silhouette asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

Does anyone else have insomnia?

I have insomnia. I go to bed, sleep for and hour or so and wake up as if I'd slept all night. It get's tiresome. I end up sleeping late and then being tired all day. It's not every night that this happens but it does happen. What causes one to have these issues?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes, I have insomnia..every night. That's what I am doing here, while everybody else is sleeping!! oh..I would love to get a restful night sleep. Mine is caused by stress, and worry and a bit of depression,hell, with all of that, who could sleep?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have a lot of trouble too! I'm 34 weeks pregnant. Tips: Put in a dvd of something you like but have seen before eg: Friends, Sex & The City, Firefly, anything that runs for hours that floats your boat. It clears your head of all of those thoughts you can't get rid of. Try a warm shower or bath just before getting into bed. Use a lavender soap/bubble bath. Have a glass of wine at dinner. Don't have too much to eat at dinner, just enough that you're not hungry but not too full. Don't have too much sugar or carbs. Go for a long walk (or run if you're not pregnant) during the day or late afternoon to really tire you out. Physically relax your body in bed, it's amazing how tense your body can get and you don't realise it. Good luck, sometimes there's nothing that helps, but I try a mix of these everyday. Think of all the others out there who feel the same...going over embarrassing moments in their heads when they just want to SLEEEEEP!

  • 1 decade ago

    i totally have it, one of the main reasons why i'm up this late answering questions online. Insomnia can be caused by numerous factors, one being a messed up sleep schedule, sleeping during the day can tend to keep one up longer throughout the night ans many times till the next morning, it can also be caused chemically, either by the intake of a sugary food or by a chemical sleeping disorder. THe suger tends to keep you up because it gives the body more energy to pump blood faster and ultimately send oxygen to the brain, when oxygen levels are reduced, one tends to get might want to try sleeping pills or see your doctor

    hope this helps :)

    and if you get the chance, please leave comments or sign my guestmap, thanks :)


  • 1 decade ago

    I have the same problem. I have tried everything. The cause of mine is I can't turn my mind off. Because of the hours I work I can't get the prescription drug since you must have 8 hours to be able to sleep. Good luck on your problem though.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's why I am doing this at 1 a.m Luckily I don't work anymore and can sleep whenever I want to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    its the same thing thats in turkey that makes us sleepy after eating thanksgiving dinner

    has no side effects

    all natural

    not addictive

    can be purchased at gnc and wal mart


    only i'm all out

    so here i sit

    glad to have company tho

  • 1 decade ago

    Try taking some Melatonin. It's natural and has no side affects. Go here to read more....

    Don't buy it from here. Just go to your local drug store or vitamin shop.

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah thats why im on yahoo now lol. go to ur dr and see if they can perscribe u a mild sleeping pill, i have one i take every other night. obviously tonite is my off night, but when i take it i do get a full nights rest

  • Kelli
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Oh yes...I hate to go to sleep.

  • 1 decade ago

    try tell ur doctor that u ambian it works great for me

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