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Where does common sense come from? Reincarnation maybe?

Have you ever noticed how some things will just come naturally to some people, but other people, regardless of age, sex, lifestyle or background, just don't get it?

I think common sense may be tied to reincarnation. Lessons that you learn in passed lives make an imprint on your soul, which you can recall in future lives. The more you learn a lesson, the stronger the imprint becomes, and the sooner it becomes common sense in future lives.

Say, you learn that fire is hot when you're 6 one life because you touch it. In your next life, whether you touch a flame or not, you'll understand that it's hot when you're 6 because that's when you learned it last time. In your next life, maybe you'll understand it when you're 5, not because you touched it again, but because your soul remembers it.


Unlike things that you learn and remember with your brain, like math and spelling, fundamental lessons are what you learn with your soul, and thus what you will remember in future lives, after your brain (being a material part of your body) separates from your personal essence and deteriorates.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Handling the material aspects of life is usually related to the upbringing , by the situation mostly.

    An over protected person seems to fail to respond with adequately quick responses, having failed to get the instincts 'fired' by impulses, and then, gets 'habituated' to be so !

    The reincarnation theory is more relevant to the inclinations and tendencies, propelled by the strong desires and expectations that remain as residues, and they too, by the strength of their very force of intensity, easily facilitate acquiring these tools right from the child hood, too fast even to 'get noticed' !

  • 1 decade ago

    This questions presupposes reincarnation. What if there is no such thing? I think "life" is a series of levels and that when you die, you go on to another level. You are either born with common sense or you are not. This will determine the pathway that your life takes and indeed, how your whole life will be lived and, even possibly, how you will die. Whatever goes on in this life is of no consequence in the next, neither are the two connected.

    Source(s): This answer is based on my life experience and contemplation on the subject.
  • 1 decade ago

    Common sense doesnt come through reincarnation, unfortunately.

    Common sense comes from every day experience. It is the stuff that you should be able to infer from basic knowledge that you pick up at a very young age.

    For example, you could say that it is common sense not to jump in front of a car. You didnt have to try it out to learn that jumping in front of a car would kill you, but you know that high-speed objects hurt when they hit you.

    It is simple transference of basic experience onto new situations.

  • 1 decade ago

    Answering your question. A human being learns common sence by learning from mistakes and instruction. For example when you touch a hot pot it burns and you don't want to touch it again. If you have never touched it and no one has ever told you what it feels like then you will have no sence on what it is like.

    If you are instructed to not break a toy or you will be punished. Then you are not breaking the toy because you know what will come if you do. And through your life you know that if you break something in a store then you have to buy it. If you hurt yourself then it is usualy normal to not want to do it again. And because God gave us a mind of learning then we are able see our faults and not do it again.

    That is how we get common sence.

    Source(s): My own oppinion
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  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe. I think common sense comes from parental instructions that are picked up by the infant and toddler.

    Scientific, empirical, common sense parents have children who think that way. Hysterical, superstitious, ditzy parents have children lacking in common sense.

  • 1 decade ago

    Common sense comes from our creator, it is the ability we are given to learn from our mistakes. It is His gift to us along with the life he has given us to live. There is no reason to reuse our soul, once it leaves our body, our soul faces its judgement upon the death of our flesh. We get the gift of life one time, and the decisions we make on earth determine whether our eternal soul is reunited with our creator or separated forever.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ah - Plato. Good one. Inate behaviors v lessons learned.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes.. the more times you go through the life cycle .. your soul becomes older and wiser .. and you also gain common sense along with other benefits. Good Luck ! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I think if it came from reincarnation more people would have it. Unfortunately, it's been my experience that "common" sense truly isn't so common.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that common sense is a basic part of our being. Like instinct.

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