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Lv 55,851 points

Lady of the Pink

Favorite Answers14%

Greetings! I am pansexual. I am liberal...ish. I am an aspiring psychologist. I am an atheistic, nihilistic naturalist. I am a woman, a daughter, a sister, a wife, an aunt, a good friend, and an individual. I am a Homo sapien. And I am just like you. Namasté!

  • How do I tactfully...?

    I had a night of casual sex with a friend, which didn't go too badly except that he couldn't keep an erection while using a condom. I refuse to go without, and he has said that he "hopes it's not a one-time thing." How do I tactfully tell him that I'm interested, but only if he can keep it up while wearing a condom?

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Is the consent of both parents required?

    ...for non-therapeutic infant male circumcision in the United States?

    Let's say a married couple gave birth to a baby boy in the United States, the child did not require circumcision due to religious or medical reasons, and one parent consented to have their son circumcised while the other parent did not. Could the medical practitioner legally circumcise the boy or not?

    Please provide a valid legal source!

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Men who regret circumcision vs. men who regret staying intact?

    My husband and I are arguing over whether our son(s) should be circumcised at birth or not. Since we're both so stubborn about our opinions my husband has called a tie-breaker: he wants me to find the percentage of men who were circumcised as infants who regret it, and the percentage of men who were never circumcised (or not circumcised until later in life) who regret that it wasn't done when they were an infant.

    I can find all kinds of statistics about how many are or aren't circumcised as infants (internationally and for individual countries), and even some about how many men decide to get circumcised later on, but nothing about percentages of regret on either side. Can anyone help, please?

    20 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Has anyone found getting a tattoo to be a spiritual experience?

    I got my first tattoo last Friday, and having finally experienced it I started to understand why many people find getting inked almost spiritual. I found myself slipping in and out of trances. When out of a trance, I would notice a few areas that caused me more pain that others, but when in a trance even those more painful areas were relaxing, comfortable, pain-free and dare I say, enjoyable.

    I also noticed, when in a trance-like state, a feeling of separation from my surroundings as I was deeply in touch with my inner being, and simultaneously an interconnectedness with everything outside of my body from the needles penetrating my skin, the the artist, to the earth, to the galaxy. At these meditative moments, I was indescribably serene and unshakable.

    If anyone else has experienced this, have you ever found a way to consciously STAY in this trance without fading in and out (as I seemed to do uncontrollably)?

    6 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Has anyone found getting a tattoo to be a spiritual experience?

    I got my first tattoo last Friday, and having finally experienced it I started to understand why many people find getting inked almost spiritual. I found myself slipping in and out of trances. When out of a trance, I would notice a few areas that caused me more pain that others, but when in a trance even those more painful areas were relaxing, comfortable, pain-free and dare I say, enjoyable.

    I also noticed, when in a trance-like state, a feeling of separation from my surroundings as I was deeply in touch with my inner being, and simultaneously an interconnectedness with everything outside of my body from the needles penetrating my skin, the the artist, to the earth, to the galaxy. At these meditative moments, I was indescribably serene and unshakable.

    If anyone else has experienced this, have you ever found a way to consciously STAY in this trance without fading in and out (as I seemed to do uncontrollably)?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How to get my sweetie to relax about my nudism...?

    My boyfriend was never comfortable about revealing his body, and never used to disrobe completely to have sex. I have broken him of his shame, but only when it's just the two of us. I'm interested in social nudity and was recently invited to attend a local naturalist society with a good friend.

    He doesn't wish to stop me from exploring nude recreation, but his views on nudity rub me the wrong way. We agree that sex and other related activity should be exclusively within a committed relationship, but he also feels that a naked body is something special and should only be exposed to one's partner.

    I feel that this view is a case related to the idea of equating nudity with sexuality that plagues the US. I used to feel the same way, and I'm wondering if I can do anything to help him see things from my perspective. I feel it would help him relax about my interest in participating in social nudity, and maybe get him to join in and enjoy its liberating and empowering effects himself.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How to get my sweetie to relax about my nudism...?

    My boyfriend was never comfortable about revealing his body, and never used to disrobe completely to have sex. I have broken him of his shame, but only when it's just the two of us. I'm interested in social nudity and was recently invited to attend a local naturalist society with a good friend.

    He doesn't wish to stop me from exploring nude recreation, but his views on nudity rub me the wrong way. We agree that sex and other related activity should be exclusively within a committed relationship, but he also feels that a naked body is something special and should only be exposed to one's partner.

    I feel that this view is a case related to the idea of equating nudity with sexuality that plagues the US. I used to feel the same way, and I'm wondering if I can do anything to help him see things from my perspective. I feel it would help him relax about my interest in participating in social nudity, and maybe get him to join in and enjoy its liberating and empowering effects himself.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Concerns about visiting a naturalist community...?

    I have been invited to go along with a good friend to a local nudist colony. He used to participate in nudism often until it became harder to maintain in his evolving life. I have always been interested in naturalism and wish to practice it myself, but I have two major concerns, although one might be a little silly.

    Like 80% of Americans I was raised with puritan ideas concerning nudity, being that it is sexual, and the body is something to be covered up. In identifying my own individuality, I find myself opposed entirely to such body taboos, but I've never (until now) been given the opportunity to attempt ridding myself of the physical habits that come with the modest mindset (at least, in such a vastly social setting). I'm concerned that it will be difficult for me relax and that I will, out of habit, exhibit inappropriate thoughts.

    My other concern is where I will keep (or how I will occupy) my hands. I'm just so used to pockets, I simply feel lost without them.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is sin?

    Most (if not all) religions have some concept of sin. Each one has different specific things that are considered sins, but according to your religion what is it that makes sin sinful?

    Give me something other than "God doesn't like it." Try and find a running theme in what makes the sins of your religion undesirable actions. Does it oppose nature (if so, define nature)? Does it indulge in temptation (if so, why is temptation wrong)? Does it contradict instinct (if so, what is instinctual)?

    Whatever sin is to you, what makes it a sin and why? And if you don't mind, what is your religion (if applicable)?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Yet another homosexuality question?

    I saw a question that asked why homosexuality is wrong, requesting that religious reasons be omitted as homosexuality is a social issue and not a religious one.

    Most answers I saw were simply irrelevant, so I would like to ask the question again myself: excluding religious reasons, why is homosexuality wrong?

    In asking this, I would like to clarify that homosexuality is NOT sexual ACTIVITY, nor is it exclusively human behavior, and thus instinctual, as it cannot be a choice other animals would be unable to make.

    Homosexuality IS a sexual ATTRACTION to members of the same sex (and species) as oneself.

    I would also like to remind everyone that homosexuality causes no greater danger to human population than sterile heterosexuals or people who live in celibacy (i.e. the Pope), especially since homosexuals only account for a relatively small percentage. In fact, they pose even less of a threat as many homosexual people still marry heterosexually, and many of them produce offspring.

  • Another homosexuality question?

    I read a question posted that asked why homosexuality is wrong, requesting that religious reasons be omitted as homosexuality is a social issue and not a religious one.

    I saw some of answers that pertained to the dangers of anal sex, but this is not synonymous with homosexuality, nor is it even exclusively homosexual in nature.

    So I would like to ask the question myself: without resorting to religious reasons, why is homosexuality wrong?

    And I would like to clarify that homosexuality is NOT: homosexual sex, anal sex, oral sex, bestiality, rape of any kind, nor any other kind of sexual activity.

    Homosexuality IS: an instinctual, undeniable personal attraction to human members of the same sex as oneself.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can I believe in YHVH and still be Pagan?

    I believe that the "god of Abraham" does exist. I do not relate completely with the Jewish, Christian or Muslim views of Him, but I do have faith that He is t/here.

    Because I also acknowledge other gods, and practice in a way that resonates with Pagan tradition, I consider myself a (solitary eclectic) Pagan. I do not wish to redefine what I refer to myself as, but I would like to know how others would classify me and why.

    Some people define a Christian as someone who simply believes in the Christian god. In this simplicity, I would presumably be considered a Christian by these people.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians: what is the Abrahamic god's proper name?

    I’ve heard Jewish people call him Yahweh (from Hebrew YHWH).

    I know Muslims call him Allah.

    But other than Jehovah's Witnesses, the only way I’ve ever heard Christians refer to him as, is “God,” “Lord,” or “Father” - all of which are titles, not names.

    Exodus 34:14 says that his name is “Jealous.” From the Christian viewpoint, is this his proper name? Is it something else? Is he nameless?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • 24 hour fasting?

    My in-laws (to-be) are Mormon, and recently my fiancé's sister's hubby was diagnosed with a staff infection. The doctors are saying that unless they're able to do something soon, they may have to amputate his leg. My fiancé's mom called early this morning asking for prayer and fasting. Because she knows I'm Pagan, she also requested that I do "whatever it is I do" to help. I'm very close with my in-laws, so I’m fasting for 24 hours along with them.

    Although it is not something my religion entails, it's not me I'm doing it for; it's for my brother - and my sister, and their family. So I imagine that (in addition to some health spells) the least I can do is offer my best shot, and I know that they'll appreciate it.

    My question is, what does fasting have to do with anything? It seems illogical to me to deny one's body necessary nourishment to help a loved one (in this manner, anyway). I'm doing well so far, but perhaps understanding its significance better would help.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Learning Gaelic?

    Is there somewhere I can go or something I can buy to learn Gaelic?

    I know that there are some parts of Ireland that still speak Gaelic natively, and that there are classes available to the public that teach it, but I really don't have that kind of money, nor am I in a situation in my life where I could up and leave and move to Ireland long enough to learn the language.

    I also know that Rosetta Stone (the computer language program) is currently taking votes from people for the next language they will offer, and I know Rosetta Stone is a good way to learn languages. While Gaelic is on the list, there's no guarantee they will offer a program for it, and if so when it will come out.

    I am looking for alternative methods to learning this near-dead language.

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Christians: how do you know YOU have the truth?

    The “true” meaning of the Bible may seem clear to you, but there are many different ways to interpret it.

    (see additional details)

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Prozac and marijuana?

    When I was younger, I was prescribed Prozac for depression. At my peak, I was taking about 30-50mg a day. After a few months or so, I started smoking marijuana recreationally. I enjoyed the sensation I got from smoking it.

    Eventually, I overcame my depression, and stopped taking Prozac. I only smoked marijuana once more after that, because it affected me differently. It made me obsessively and dangerously paranoid - enough to the point that I would scare myself to tears, and was unable to enjoy my high.

    Could it have (coincidentally) been a bad batch?

    Was it that the Prozac made it so I could enjoy a high?

    Could my sudden abandonment of Prozac have made it so that marijuana affected me differently while my body was still putting all of my natural chemicals back in balance?

    Was it something else?

    8 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • People who think being gay is a choice: when did you choose to be strait, and why?

    If you really think sexual orientation is a choice, than at what point in your life did you choose to be strait? Why?

    And does this mean that everyone is born bisexual, being that you can choose to be attracted to either the same or opposite gender?

    Does this also mean you can choose to be attracted to blondes, brunettes, and/or redheads? I thought those were just natural, subconscious preferences.

  • Where does common sense come from? Reincarnation maybe?

    Have you ever noticed how some things will just come naturally to some people, but other people, regardless of age, sex, lifestyle or background, just don't get it?

    I think common sense may be tied to reincarnation. Lessons that you learn in passed lives make an imprint on your soul, which you can recall in future lives. The more you learn a lesson, the stronger the imprint becomes, and the sooner it becomes common sense in future lives.

    Say, you learn that fire is hot when you're 6 one life because you touch it. In your next life, whether you touch a flame or not, you'll understand that it's hot when you're 6 because that's when you learned it last time. In your next life, maybe you'll understand it when you're 5, not because you touched it again, but because your soul remembers it.

    12 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Where does common sense come from? Reincarnation maybe?

    Have you ever noticed how some things will just come naturally to some people, but other people, regardless of age, sex, lifestyle or background, just don't get it?

    I think common sense may be tied to reincarnation. Lessons that you learn in passed lives make an imprint on your soul, which you can recall in future lives. The more you learn a lesson, the stronger the imprint becomes, and the sooner it becomes common sense in future lives.

    Say, you learn that fire is hot when you're 6 one life because you touch it. In your next life, whether you touch a flame or not, you'll understand that it's hot when you're 6 because that's when you learned it last time. In your next life, maybe you'll understand it when you're 5, not because you touched it again, but because your soul remembers it.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago