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Serious question: Why do good and smart people believe in a creator?

Why did the universe just begin?

How did life start? accepting evolution.

Why are we conscious?

I have asked this before, but I have not one good answer.

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A human need to explain the unexplainable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. It is much easier to believe there is a Creator than to believe that all the universe and everything and everyone in it just came into existence ex nihilo (i.e., out of NOTHING).

    2. Maybe you won't accept any real answer? Like "scientists" who refuse to consider the "supernatural" or to accept a "Creator".

    3. How do "GOOD AND SMART PEOPLE" believe all the matter of the universe might have been in the space of a teacup (or even smaller) just before the "big bang", how do "good and smart people" believe all that matter came to be, and how did all that matter arrange itself so orderly and function according to the "laws of nature" if there were no "lawgiver"?

    >Why did the universe just begin?

    4. How could it, except Someone started it?

    >How did life start? accepting evolution.

    5. Accepting evolution, then life must have been started by inanimate (non-life).

    >Why are we conscious?

    6. Are we conscious? Do we even exist? Or do we just imagine that we exist? If there is no Creator, then there is no creation. If there is no creation, then the Universe, Solar System, and Earth do not exist. If the Earth does ot eist then we do not exist. If we do not exist then how do we imagine that we do?

  • 1 decade ago

    Good people believe in a creator because by believing in the higher power that created the Earth and all of its creatures bestowed upon it they are saying they also believe in eternal life ! Evolution is simply a matter of survival! It often comes to a choice of evolution or excinction for many diff. forms of life . We are concious so we are aware of the evolutions being needed to made by mankind all the time! More specifcally it is believed by "good people" because what goes hand in hand with all in connection with a creator is that man was created with goodness in his heart and when you are a good person it is a it is not only a comforting thought that all others are good people inside it also gives hope when all is not so well in the world surrounding you the creator will guide things back to peace and serenity!

    Source(s): humanity
  • 1 decade ago

    Serious question: Why do good and smart people believe in a creator? Actually, if you did research, Aetheists are made up of people who have at least one major in colledge. Believers are made up of people who have nothing to live for.

    Why did the universe just begin? Ever hear of the Big Bang?

    How did life start? accepting evolution. I heard it started in a volcanoe. Certain things happened and under the right conditions, the first cell was made.

    Why are we conscious? Because we have a brain, heart, and a functioning body

    I have asked this before, but I have not one good answer. Not a good answer, or just answers that you don't agree with?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because it is the truth.

    Life began when God created all of the universe.

    We are conscious because God made it so. He gave us intellect and a free will because He wants us to think and be able to make a choice. It is like why does the world keep on turning? How does it turn when there are no huge ropes or posts holding it. It just floats in space, follows an axis without crashing to the other planets, goes around the sun, without being pulled by its gravity so we could be burned. And yes the Earth spins counter clockwise and moves or rotates at the speed of 8 miles per second and you do not feel it, just

    like your heartbeat or the law of gravity underneath your feet.

    All these daily miraculous events cannot just happen by accident. They were all planned and designed.

    Source(s): Truth and wisdom from the Holy Spirit.
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a "good and smart" person -- considered to be well versed in the technological aspects of the businesses I run. I also believe in a creator.

    I think the reason why good and smart people believe in a creator is that we end up trying to decipher WHY it all exists (as you ask), and try to understand the reasons for living. Many "free thinkers" believe it was just chance. I am a free thinker myself, but I don't see much chance in the beauty of the universe.

    I am a Christian who believes in evolution -- I also believe in the laws of physics and the realistic age of the universe (billions of years old). I don't believe it came naturally. For me, there does seem to be something endearing in the way things work beyond just random chance of physics improbability.

    I see that nothing in life (animals, plants, humans, etc) walks a path of continued existence -- we all battle for what is ours. It seems like one big test, and my years without God led me to think every single possibility. In the long run, it made no sense to me for all these random possibilities leading to what we are today. I didn't have anything missing in my life, I didn't have any problems in relationships or issues growing up. The idea of a creator just made sense -- and the ideals of the creator from MOST religions make more sense -- the idea that we are here not just for selfish reasons but to serve others.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why did the universe just begin? Don't Know

    How did life start? accepting evolution.That's not the right answer either

    Why are we conscious, Because we know we are trapped on earth and can not leave

    I have asked this before, but I have not one good answer, That is not true, the truth is you did not get the answers you were hoping for

    good and smart people, That depends on your opinion of these people, many educated people are not smart

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because we are a social animal, with extremely high empathy - putting ourselves in others shoes to understand our world - therefore we tend to anthropomorphise. When we didn't understand lightning, we hypothesised that it was caused by someone in teh sky. When we didn't understand biology, we hypothesised that we were made by someone just as we are. And etc. Science pushes a creator further and further back but it still leaves plenty of room for us to hypothesize a Creator.

    But most people aren't satisfied with just an hypothesis, they want to know the answer. If there isn't evidence, then the only way to reach a firm satisfying conclusion is through personal belief. And an anthropomorphic Creator is the most comforting possibility to us as it is something our social, empathising minds are built to easily comprehend.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is an answer from a person who believes in Creation.

    I think that evolution is not plausible because on top of the gaps in the fossil record, the similarities between certian species can be explained not only by the idea that all species evolved from one bacterium, but also from the idea that all organisms come from one creator who seems to like to repeat certain aspects in his creation(ie. the idea that all animals use oxygen, the idea that many animals have bones and certain organs such as a brain, heart, lungs, ect.)

    Also, evolution states that certain events created a DNA chain and caused a bacterium to to exist, whose offspring evovled and became all the organisms of the world over the course of billions of years. But if you know how complicated a DNA chain is and how every element must line up properly in order to create life, you know how unlikely that is.

    Another thing is that evolution cannot work unless a species needs a certain trait in order to survive. Lots of bacteria exists perfectly fine without needing to evolve into a complex species like us. So, why would bateriums have to evolve so much into complex species like human beings and develope a need and dependence for delicate organs like a heart so that it's easier to kill them?

    I believe that we were created by God and He is the source of life (both in the literal sense and the Christian/spiritual sense of the word).

  • 1 decade ago

    It all works in reverse, that's the problem with understanding why people who appear to be smart still believe in a creator. It has nothing to do with the question "Why did the universe just begin" or "How did we get here?" it has everything to do with the question, "what happens next?" Humankind finds it VERYYYY difficult to accept the possibility that when they die, there is nothing there, no heaven etc..... they find it difficult because the only concept they have of the universe is not just one with them in it, it's one with them right at the center. We are the biggest egotists and we can't imagine anything other than the possibility that everything in the history of the universe coincided to create us...

  • 1 decade ago

    Because smart people realize that that everything needs a creator. Even if you believe in evolution, the universe needed to be created with the evolutionary force--thus a creator.

    The question should really be, how influential is your creator in your life today?

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