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Why Do 25% of Americans Want Bush To Take More Liberties?

Most Americans do not believe the Bush administration has gone too far in restricting civil liberties as part of the war on terror, a new CNN poll released Thursday suggests.

While 39 percent of the 1,013 poll respondents said the Bush administration has gone too far, 34 percent said they believe the administration has been about right on the restrictions, according to the Opinion Research Corp. survey. Another 25 percent said the administration has not gone far enough.

Asked whether Bush has more power than any other U.S. president, 65 percent of poll respondents said no. Thirty-three percent said yes.Seventy-two percent of poll respondents said they believe the size of the federal government has increased in the past four years. Twenty percent believe it has decreased, and 8 percent had no opinion.

The telephone poll was conducted October 20-22. The sampling error was plus or minus 3 percentage points for questions asked of the full sample and plus or minus 4.5 percentage points for questions asked of the half sample.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i dont want bush to do anything but go to hell

  • 1 decade ago

    What were the actual questions asked? If you don't know, than you can't possibly interpret the results. I have seen the 'conclusions' of enough surveys I participated in to know that the vast majority of the questions are designed to mislead the people being surveyed. Believing that President Bush has not gone far enough in the war on terror and believing civil rights have been or should be restricted are totally different things. You mentioned this was a telephone survey. That tells me 2 things. They did not talk to anyone who uses a cell phone as their primary phone. They did not talk to anyone with something better to do than sit at home answering surveys. Even if the survey was not deliberately biased. The fact it was conducted by phone eliminates the vast majority of the country from the sample.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You are conveniently cherry picking information to suit your agenda. You conveniently ignore the following paragraph from the article you are quoting. "It’s true that the Obama administration has not sought to hold any U.S. citizens in military custody. It’s also true that, to their genuine credit, the Obama White House has strenuously objected to the military detention provision of the bill to the extent it applies to U.S. citizens on American soil, arguing that such a power “would be inconsistent with the fundamental American principle that our military does not patrol our streets.” As for refusing to prosecute Bush officials, why should this be a surprise? Those officials were often following orders, and frankly, the mess Bush left the country in gave Obama a full plate. We were sliding into a depression and he needed to keep the economy afloat. Obama has tried to get rid of Guantanamo, against the wishes of the right wing and Congress. He wants to get those people tried in court, since the military can't seem to get it worked out. He is also going to veto the most recent attempt to allow Americans to be detained indefinitely. Your second article is opinion. You do not seem to be able to distinguish the difference in opinion and fact. Saying something doesn't make it true. Printing something in an opinion column doesn't make it true. It's called critical thinking skills. Clearly you haven't heard of it. You might want to look it up or take a class.

  • 1 decade ago

    59% of Americans want to be safe & if someone looking at the cellphone numbers that you called helps us be save, get over it. Who are you calling that you do not want Homeland Security to know about? They are not listening, they are just looking at numbers unless it is a known terrorist number.

    As the terrorist get more complicated, our methods of protection

    will have to change & become a little more invasive. A little privacy may be sacrificed, but our civil liberaties have never been at stake. The other choice is to allow 9/11 to happen often.

    Every President has been more powerful, maybe more people? maybe more complicated world? I do not know but other than

    President Roosevelt who had great power, the power has increased with each president as has the power of the United States. More power for US more power for president.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because most Americans wouldn't know what a civil liberty was even if it slapped them in the face. Republicans make civil liberties sound like a liberal conspiracy against the American public when they are the single biggest things that protect all Americans freedoms. How ironic is it that US troops are fighting & dying to protect American freedoms in the Middle East while Bush and the GOP are tearing down those same freedoms right in our own country. The hipocracy never ends in US politics.

  • C = JD
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Liberties are not being taken, Chicken Little. The sky is not falling, and saying so does not make it true. Most Americans know that everything being done by this administration has not been done to trample on anyone's freedoms.

    If you're a terrorist, THEN you should worry.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is very mis leading Name and prove one, just one liberty that we as Americans have lost. None there is not one. Right to privacy is not one because it has been destroyed a long time before Bush!!!! This is just more election year scare tactics!!

  • 1 decade ago

    A CNN poll, huh. What did they do?Poll all 200,000 of their viewers.?

    I haven't had any liberties taken.

    edit: had me nervous for a second,had to make sure the men in black didn't confiscate my guns in the middle of the night.They are still there.That was close.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know about you, but I still have all my liberties. Most importantly, i still have the liberty of breathing. Without Bush's policies, thousands of Americans (at least) would no longer have this right.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    some strange concept of wanting to protect america

    kinda wierd huh?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Less CNN. More outdoor activities.

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