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I love to sail. I never miss an opportunity to express my opinion through voting or any other way. Go Wolfpack!

  • Does anyone know what cowboy in the 1950s or 1960s wore black shirt & pants with bullets on his shirt collar?

    Sorry for long question but I can not find who this outfit is suppose to be. It is really nice & came with a Roy Rogers & Dale Evans outfit but they did not have anyone who wore black on their show. The bullets attached on the collar seems to be the clue. Thanks for any help ... family disagreement. haha

    4 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Why did the protestors at RNC vandalize the cars & buidlings?

    After watching the news films of the Democrats (wearing Obama shirts to identify) protesting in St Paul, I am confused as to the blatant disregard for the law. They fought with the police, broke windows, vandalized cars & even stole - how is this a good political statement.

    They were embarrassing to watch - out of control & seemed to feel justified in their behavior. Why??

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you know if Cigna insurance is any good?

    I am getting new insurance at work. It is a PPO. What insurance would you compare it you Blue Cross, Well Path or any other thoughts on it?

  • When Jenna Bush was found misbehaving it lit up the Q&A boards but now??

    Why is it that she has written a book on a 17 yr old girl with Aids & teaches school & went to an African Aids Hospital where she "lit up the children & the place" all is quiet?

    No one would be so unfair as to judge a young girl on her father's politics, so what is going on.

    All the reporters were completely impressed with her but not the intelligent & fair minded Q&A participates. Did we miss the news reports or ignore them??????

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions on hotel or activities in NYC in July?

    My husband & I are flying into LGA Airport & staying 6 days.

    My son is an Army Ranger & deploying right after this trip, so we are taking them on the trip. 4 adults & 2 little ones (3 & 1).

    The guys are off to baseball game & ladies & 3 yr old off to Beauty & Beast Broadway matinee show (the 3 yr old needs matinee) , but that is a day & 5 left.

    Plus where to stay near train lines . Rather spent money on fun than room but safe & clean is neccessary.

    I am 51 & have never been to NYC except to change planes.

    Yes I am willing to be a true tourist too! Thanks!!!

    5 AnswersNew York City1 decade ago
  • What is with the Ron Paul crowd?

    Everytime I have heard someone say checkout or vote for

    Ron Paul? They have said some unsubstainted facts or conspiracy theory ideas. Is this his campaign or is Q&A

    drawing a different Ron Paul crowd?

    I though his remarks at the 1st Republican debate were way off base & wondered if he misspoke but now I wonder he said what he thought. I can not support a paranoid canidate.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you agree with Edwards lack of respect to our Fallen Soldiers?

    Memorial Day is to honor the wounded & dead of current & past wars. It is not suppose to be political in any way.

    John Edwards emails to supporters to encourage them to "use" this holiday to make an anti-war statement. The American Legion has said it is a inappropiate use of the holiday & said it was "as approipate as putting politcal bumper stickers on the tombstones at Arlington National Cementary"

    So what do you think? Will you be honoring the wounded & dead? Or rallying against the war & President Bush?

    I will be doing the same thing I always do - showing respect

    for the thousands who died for my freedom. Politics will wait another day for me.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is the problem us or the goverment?

    Who watched a 91 yr old man get beat? Who takes the word of the media on whether there is enough National Guard to protect us? Someone is that "who" - we can not all be innocent. The media says there is enough state but not enough federal & "we" agree. Will America let the media pick our president? The media seems to tell us how to think - we should trust as our president? should we trust our military? are the Duke lacrosse players guilty, no wait they are innocent?

    The media seems to tell us how to think & what to think.

    Did the Constitution say we trust the media or did it just say they could print any lie??

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What other reasons can you think of that President Bush would not want to meet with Cyndy Sheena?

    As a Mother of a US Officer & Ranger, it comes right to my mind that she is a media seeking nutcase thanks to all the special interest groups she has allowed to shape her thoughts & actions. She has camped out for weeks with media across from his home when his family was there. By now Elizabeth Edwards would have had her thrown in jail & the ket thrown away. She would be "afaid. very afraid". She is afraid of neighbors who lived there for years.

    Sheehan says she wants an explanation - well, many about about it the right way & received condolences. The explanation is war stinks & soldiers die. If her son did not understand that, then the acorn does not fall far from the tree. Every soldier is told & knows the odds of deployment 98% & death .36% notice the point in front - less than 1/3 of 1 percent.

    She wanted her son to be the exception to death & the president can't & shouldn't have to explain why he was not.

    20 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What is an Allison section A-F at the Bristol Nascar Race this weekend?

    I bought my husband surprise tickets for the race weekens. We have never attended a race? My row is 27 that I understand from basketball & football seats but how can a section span A thru F. Even the tickets say A_F, Row 27 & our seat numbers. Trying to ake it a fun weekend without confusion & I am confused. I want to hear those magic words - no, not start your engines but honey I had a blast! Thanks for any help.

    1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Does 1/3 of USA not know what the symbol of their political party?

    On 1 vs 100 game show tonight, 38 out of 80 missed that the jackass is the symbol of the Democratic Party. Do you think these people are smart enough to vote? They do not bother to know even basic information about the political party, then how can we trust them to know who they vote for. Too many people vote for a party not a canidate or even against a party not a canidate.Do we need a basics test or more patriotism.

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What do you think of 14 yr old girl who threatened President Bush online & got a visit from Secret Service?

    In Sacramento CA, 14 girl old freshman took picture of President Bush & wrote Die on top, drawing dagger through heart on Secret Service found it & visited with her parents, took her out of class & "poor baby" says they were mean & yelled at her.

    She threatened the President of the United States what did she expect. I tried to warn everyone it was a federal offense, but it continues on here all the time.

    In this world of school shooting who can tell the real threats from the stupid statements. Outcome still unknown.

    I am 51 & it has always been a federal offense, the political party does not make a difference.

    31 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Aristotle said "We make war that we might have peace". What do you think?

    Could a great mind in history be right? Will war lead to peace? Has WWII allowed us to live in peace without Hitler's control?

    Can we as individuals decide which wars lead to peace & which wars are fought for unjust reasons? He made me think today - what about you?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What do you know about Fort Drum, NY?

    My son & daughter in law, & 2 of the cutest granddaughters- 2yrs old & 2 months old have been transferred there. He will be leaving for Afghanistan soon with his troop. He is Lt. so they have a nice house but how will my girls be alone? I am worried about them.

    Parks? Weather? People? You know the questions I worry about. Going up in 1-1/2 moths but are they okay? Thanks!!

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What do you think of Micheal Moore lying to dead Solider?

    The Soldier, who was shown as recruiter in poor neighborhood in Micheal Moore's movie, was killed this week. He was told that it was a documentary on Soliders. He was not told it was propaganda against the Military & Commander In Chief. He was so embarassed to be in film , he called & requested his parents & wife never see film. Out of respect for him, they never have seen it. He died in a roadside bombing in Iraq. His father said he lived his life to serve the USA Military & he died the way he would have chosen - serving the USA.

    24 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Any US Army Rangers - what was training like & did you get thru 1st time?

    My son finished school yesterday & graduates on Thursday - a move from Friday over holiday weekend. Trying to get right gift & how to talk with his fellow graduates semi-intelligently. Exactly how difficult was training.

    2 AnswersMilitary2 decades ago
  • Why should we care what the foreigners on line care about the US policy?

    I am tried of people from other countries telling us what is wrong with our great country. The need to fix their own countries, then we will talk. There is a reason we are a world power - politically, millitarily, finically, & socially . Even our entertainment is watched all over the world, we do not watch many foreign films - so why take their advice?

    10 AnswersGovernment2 decades ago