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Is the problem us or the goverment?

Who watched a 91 yr old man get beat? Who takes the word of the media on whether there is enough National Guard to protect us? Someone is that "who" - we can not all be innocent. The media says there is enough state but not enough federal & "we" agree. Will America let the media pick our president? The media seems to tell us how to think - we should trust as our president? should we trust our military? are the Duke lacrosse players guilty, no wait they are innocent?

The media seems to tell us how to think & what to think.

Did the Constitution say we trust the media or did it just say they could print any lie??

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The problem is us. Look at how low the voter turn out is in elections. Look at how people blindly parrot what the media tells them. Look at how people think that the terrorists and enemy combatants have more rights than our citizens. Look at how the politically correct police have invaded every aspect of our lives...Look at how so much of our society idolizes Paris Hilton and can't name their Congressman or Senators.

    Ouor society has lost our sense of the appropriate, and lost any idea of what is really important.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good question. The short answer is both the people and the government are at fault.

    1. The people, because they get complacent and believe whatever the government says. They become like sheep and become intellectual zombies (they think whatever the media/government wants them to think). They complain and don't do anything to fix the problem.

    2. The government, because it's getting more corrupt and deceitful. The government tend to preserve it's power at the expense of the people. The government is getting bloated and inefficient and still getting bigger with all the beaurocratic layers and regulations added on year after year, and deficit spending growing year after year.

    The constitution protects our freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean freedom from lies and deceit. The media will say whatever makes their ratings go up and make them profit. It's up to us to think for ourselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    The first thing that Hitler and the Nazis did after seizing power was seize control of all media in the country. Josef Goebbels had a machine in place that enabled the Nazi state to become the factory efficient genocidal monster that History tells us it was.

    Governments are by their very nature, brutal stupid entities that ruin people's lives.

    Our privatized media and the small spectrum of opinion they endorse is a complete scandal.

    Noam Chomsky and his work is an important beginning to understanding how filtered our media is and why they are trying to destroy the blogosphere.

    The government is the problem. Any government is going to behave in a brutal stupid and arrogant manner while claiming to speak for and protect the people. It is only through constant pressure and eternal vigilance that this beast ever is brought under control.

    And the media (especially news editors), although they never come out and say it, work very hard to keep this brutal stupid monster empowered and the public misinformed and fearful!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should not get your news from the corporate media. That is what is so confusing.

    I would hope you do your own research and find better sources that reflect your world view. SO, unless you ask specifically, i would rather not direct you in my own direction.

    I will tell you though, there is a problem. All of this violence, all of this repression, unless the people go out to the streets and take back their government things are only going to get worst.

    So pick up a history book and check the news. When the time comes to defend the oppressed, will you come out to defend them or will you be confused by the corporate media?

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  • 4 years ago

    If the proprietors and gamers won't be in a position to sparkling up the matters, Congress or any component to the USG easily won't be in a position to dazzling the failures. Baseball does have a anti-believe secure practices via Congress. MLB does no longer exist with out the secure practices it grants. a severe risk to study, droop, or maybe do away with the license is adequate incentive. Congress can, returned, request MLB and the gamers Union to place a severe drug sorting out application in place--in the different case. The sorry certainty is, as undesirable as Congressional meddling may well be, the biggest events are utter fools, clowns, traitors to the interest's historical past.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well because of the media most people will never know....we need some kind of uncensored media ran by the people for the people lol but even that would eventually wear off i guess =(

  • 1 decade ago

    The media wants to tell us what to think and it succeeds with many people. I think everyone needs to realize that all members of the media have an agenda and we should make up our minds for ourselves. The sad thing is that most people are never going to figure it out.

  • pedro
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    POGO: "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

    The education system and demands to conform force most into 'normalcy', many free thinkers are hunted down, or fall victim to excess, law enforcement, or other predators. But a few manage to cling to being basically good in a bigoted society. I do hope to survive, yet...

    Natural selection, or Idiocracy?

    The media are there for the benefit of their shareholders, and for the manipulation of public opinion. If you look on that 'enterprise' which is in reality FOR ENTERTAINMENT, you will be more able to cope with reality, avoiding excess, and harm to others.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The media gives us too many answers and not enough questions.

  • 1 decade ago

    The government has some explaining to do, but I think it's about time that we turned off the TV and started thinking for ourselves.

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