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Calling all educators!?

I am in a middle school building (grades 5-7). This past Friday we had a student set a bathroom trash can on fire. Whether she did it on purpose or accidentally, we aren't too sure. What we do know is that she was smoking and bragged about doing it.

What my question the punishment (being suspended for a week) a viable one? Should she have been expelled? What do you think about this one....

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I thought most states had ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES toward dangerous students like this. Public Education needs to get tough on things like this. This child needs psych help. She should be put somewhere and observed and then her parents should be responsible for whatever treatment she needs.! I am a former teacher who would have taught for many more years but just couldn't stand the nonsense that went on and the lack of consideration for good students and the teachers who tried to teach in classrooms where students like that got away with murder!

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends - was this her first offense? What are the school's and/ or district's rules. If the rule is expulsion, she probably should have been expelled, but I think these things are best looked at on a case by case basis; that is what I did when I was the director of an after school program - every situation is different. You have to look at the kid. What would happen to her if she were to be kicked out? Would her behavior get worse or would it improve? How is she doing in school otherwise? If the school can educate and help her to become a better person, it is better for her to stay. However, if she is always getting in trouble and bringing others down with her, it may be time for her to go. Do you have a school counselor she can talk to? (there is some reason why she is exhibiting this behavior.) What are her parents like? Do they care? If they do, she will be disciplined at home as well, so that, combined with the suspension may be enough. Anyway, I guess what I am trying to say is that the whole picture needs to be looked at here; I am not a big believer in the zero tolerance rules of some schools.

  • 1 decade ago

    Is she 5th grade or 7th grade? Does she have a pattern of misbehavior? What does your school policy say about punishment for this type of infraction?

    I might consider some type of community service in addition to a suspension. I don't think expulsion is a good idea unless this is a repeat offense.

    Source(s): I teach in middle school also. 29 years of teaching experience.
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