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I'm sick of being fat?

I'd rather be dead than live anymore as a fat person. What are some good recommendations for a diet plan or "lifestyle change"?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am not a big Oprah watcher, but today's show had a doctor with a great life changing plan. I'm not sure about your time zone but you can probably catch it tonight. Really... watch it. It was very truthful and inspiring.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a life time battle. Of course you have to change you lifestyle and food choices. Some simple changes and you will see results pretty quick. I am not a fan of exercising but if that is what it takes to get me there then I do it 3 times a week. Make it your job, make it your goal, make it you. Anyone can achieve weight loss, however keeping the weight off is the problem. There is no pill, no magic solution, no one thing , it is all the above and more. Find a person who wants to do the same or help you reach your goals. Going it alone would be tough. I wish you a healthier tomorrow. Now get up and get moving toward your dream.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I'm fat too...about 60 pounds overweight. The first thing you have to do is acknowledge that there is a problem. Which, you have done. Then you have to change your eating styles....what you eat, how much and when.

    I work with a lot of people that have had great success with Weight Watchers.

    Personally, I have great intentions going into a diet....but then I loose the motivation and give into my temptations....I need something that I can work with other people for support.

    I've been procrastinating starting a good diet plan. Bad thing. There are so many obesity related illnesses. And I have 2 of them. Don't fall into the the never ending procrastinating pit....

    Take charge now...there's all kinds of help out there. Oh, and don't try to loose weight by taking pills....doesn't work....and they can cause other have to change the way you think in order to loose the weight and keep it off.

    Best wishes.

    Source(s): Life experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    Dear fat, I know what you mean. I hate the words just exercise and eat right. Go to my website. I am not trying to sell you stuff for my gain but because this is the easiest weight loss system I have ever tried. If you are interested please call me. It truely is a miracle for me and for all my friends who have tried it. My phone is 406-443-8787 after 5:00 mountain time. i have tried everything from Jenny Craig, Richard Simmons, Nutrasystem and so on.

    The hard thing about these programs is that you cannot keep up with it. Its all counting calories and measuring food. Isagenix is truly the food of the future because its easy! It is actually taxed as a food in Canada. My doctors even love it and recommend it. My Cholesteral has gone down along with the ugly fat cells. They all ask me what have you been doing? Then I show them the ingredients and they say its truely a wonderful system. It was even on NBC and Fox. You can view this on my website.

    Call me and I will tell you more. Lia

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  • Ms. K
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Cut down on your portions and eat more small meals throughout the day. Exercise at least 20 minutes a day 3 times a week. Other than that you just need to give it time. It can take a couple of weeks before you start to notice a weight loss. Keep in mind - that from the exercise you're toning up and developing muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat but is compact. So you may actually gain weight but trim down if that makes any sense. Don't give up - lots of luck!!!

  • lucky
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like you might be really serious about this, sooo, now it's time to sit down and be HONEST! w' yourself. I don't know what your chowin down on or how much physical activity your getting but you do. You need to honestly think about what you need to cut out of your life diet wise, like the junk and then start with a realistic exercise program. You can't go from couch tater to work out pro just like that and trying to will only deppress you. Start by not buying the junk at the grocery store and bringing it home in the first place.Replace these things with healthier stuff and i know it takes will power but you have to work on portion control! Next, start fitting in exercise that works for yoy, not everyone can do the whole " aerobic workout"'s just not for me for examle.. try to find things that get you moving that you like. A nice brisk walk somewhere that you like, park, lake, etc. Try diff. things and add stuff on to increase your exercise time. Most of all.. keep up with it, don't let yourself fall back. Remind yourself of why your doing this and of how good you will feel when the wieght is gone! I went from 115 to 185... emot. stuff was my reason for snacking away. Then i realised that i was only adding to my depression by being unhappy with my wieght..and that was something i could fix! Now, I still have problems, but i don't take it out on myself by reaching for the bag of oreos and potato chips while i try to lose myself in the tube! It took dilligense to turn around what had become a habit..but i did it and so can anyone who is ready to really do it! Good Luck To You! I hope you reach a place that you can be happy with yourself!

    Source(s): Life the way, i now wiegh 125..GO ME!.. and GO YOU! =)
  • 1 decade ago

    go and get your ear stapled. I heard it really works. The article recommends tha if you are trying to lose more than 10 lbs. to get both ears done. It cost 65 US dollars per ear.

    Source(s): www.ear
  • 1 decade ago

    1. Relax, life isn't that bad.

    2. Jog 2 miles per day, it will make you feel better.

    Good Luck

  • 1 decade ago

    eat healthier and exercise thats what the doctor orders all the time to make it fun get your friends to join you so that your not alone doing it GOODLUCK.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    exercize. go to the gym... Eat differently... Create a healthier menu for your self

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