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Is there an answer to mid-life crisis?

We have been married 19 yrs, and have two teen age sons. Every since our sons came along, her desire for intamacy has dwindled. I have always assumed it would rekindle. Lately she has been real rash with both me and the boys. She has been lying more and more lately to the point of not trusting her. Her drinking has increased and she is burning, and lying about it.She was caught with a 17yr old boy at night on the side of the house and said they were just talking. When friends of the bouys come over she tries to hang with them and is super nice and friendly, to a point one of my sons told her she was being creepy. She is 44 and a pretty long haired brunette. Is this some sort of mid life crisis? If so, how do you deal with it?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    first off, yes that sounds creepy to most people. BUT, what is she missing in her relationship with you? Maybe it's time for her to separate for a little bit. Maybe she's trying to recapture her youth? Is she going through her sexual peak?

    She needs to talk to her primary care physician, get a correct diagnosis, and if needed, get on some medications and/or seek therapy sessions to see what is going on.

  • 1 decade ago

    It could be possible that she's reached her sexual peak later than most women do and she wants to feel like a young sexy women again, not a middle aged housewife. Try to do something a little different and exciting with her, treat her like you did when you were first in love, go away for the weekend, comment on how nice she looks out of the blue, don't wait for her to dress up for an occassion. Put some ooomph back into your wifes life, it would do you both he world of good.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Time to be direct...playing with 17 y/o boys? Embarassing her sons? Her behavior is outta control. My eldest son had a girlfriends Mother who bought him expensive gifts. I made him return them...she did not take no for an answer. She gave me the creeps....and I always told my kids that if an adult makes the hair on the back of their heads stand up---trust those feelings and get far far away.

    One day my son did not report to school-I got called at work. I went to her house where my son was hanging out there with her daughter, who stayed home from school ill. After I left for work that a.m. she picked my son up at the bus stop and brought him to her home to stay with her daughter-she went to work.

    I contacted the local authorities, and declined my son seeing the girl, whom I had nothing against. Three months later the same woman was arrested for smoking pot with a couple 14-15 y/o boys at the ball field---she apparently hung out there. Other rumors circulated regarding her 'hands-on' approach to gainng friendships with these to yor wife and sons before you have Social Services in your life, or the Police at your door. No mid-life crisis should bring a minor into it.

    Yes at her age she is this it? But if she wants something else, she could choose the harder road, school, job change, new look for herself, Yoga, volunteering etc---being the local boys toy mom is not an option....and think about what that leaves your sons---kids talk------and talk, your poor boys probably have heard things about their Mom that they are not comfortable with..protect them first.

  • 1 decade ago

    If this is not a joke-

    Yes you have a problem. I do not understand 'burning', I am thinking smoking tobacco. Sounds to me like she is on the prowl.The main question is "why". This you need to know. I would get her away, alone, for the purpose of confronting this behavior, and let her know why up front. If she refuses or lies and you know it-tell her you know. Don't argue or fight-just inform her that something is wrong. Ask her to go with you to a family and marriage counselor. Be prepared for counseling for yourself also. This may be bigger than you think, or you may at fault and not realize it. Seek professional help.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Confront her. Get it out in the open. Go to couples therapy. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesnt sound like menopause to me, however, she does have something wrong. Before she ends up in jail for underage sex you need to get some help for her. Why havent you done this yet?

  • Jack P
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Talk to her, alone. If that doesn't work, get therapy for you both. What does "she is burning" mean?

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