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A question for Athiests - Why do you care if ...?
1) I don't believe in evolution
2) I believe in God
If you truly believe that there is no such thing as God, why would it make any difference whatsoever if I do believe in Him?
Please, real answers only - I'm just curious.
Dear XARMYWIFE - I'm sorry you are offended. I am not trying to goad anyone. I just wondered if there is nothing to believe in then why would anyone they care - it seems to me you really only care when there are things at stake and I was wondering what they're stakes were.
To everyone else, thank you for your responses. There are two threads I see repeated. One is that Christians vote and make laws that some don't like. But that's how it is in a Democracy. The second is that Christians in particular shove religion down your throats - I'm sorry, but I really don't get this. If someone were to try to shove their beliefs down my throat I simply walk away.
The only other thing I have to say is that there are quite a lot of generalizations lumping all Christians together. Although we are all a part of the body of Christ, I have never forced my beliefs on anyone. That isn't my job. If asked I will tell the truth, but it is up to God to grow the seeds that are planted.
31 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
Hmm, interesting question, but I sense the premisse (and I could be wrong), that atheists do not care about other people, or are worried about the happiness of people.
I do not believe in god, but I do believe in people, and I made it my job (I'm a teacher) to teach people to think for themselves. Not blindly following words, but testing them for their truth. I don't like to put all christians on a great big heap, I know there are smart christians and dumb christians, and I admire the christians (some of them are my friend) who not only believe in god, but put their faith to the test on a daily basis, just as I try to do with my ideas and convictions. When people parrot other people, there's a great danger, because a lot of things said are said beautifully or convincing, rather than true. And it is my believe to encourage *everyone* including atheists, christians, muslims or anyone else, to make up their own mind about things.
So in a way I do care if you don't believe in evolution and do believe in god, because I want to make sure you are truly convinced of this, and actually live your life the way you chose. Not because some book or some church or some philosopher or some politician told you so, but because *you* are convinced that it is right, and have checked all the options to make this choice.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Frankly, I don't mind. Everyone has to do the best with what they have. If your best is creationism & theism, good on you. If it serves you well, run with it. I've got no problem with that.
Where I have a problem is with SOME who are creationists and theists who try to have laws passed based strictly on their faith or have things taught in schools that have no emperical support. If I could find *ONE* good secular argument against gay marriage, it wouldn't bother me so much that people want to deny me and my mate the right to get married or live in a unioned life -- but so far, every reason has been, "God calls it abomination" or an appeal to nature (which fails because monogamous homosexual relationships are found in nature).
So hey, if you believe something, great, believe it. Got no problem with it. Do me the courtesy of respecting mine, and we'll get along great. Where your beliefs tell you something is wrong, but there's nothing more than your beliefs doing so, live by your beliefs but do not try to force me to. Where you have a non-faith based reason to believe something is wrong, then feel free to try to make it law.
Frankly, you seem the type of Christian I can respect.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I'm a Christian and I am offended by your question. Atheists and Agnostics have found no reason to believe which, unfortunately will effect where they spend eternity. However, when you goad a non-believer with a question such as yours, you have NOT made them curious or enlightened as to who HE is, just driven them farther away from the Truth by implying that they are less than intelligent or worthy of some day becoming a Child of God. Please, in the future, choose your questions carefully and with LOVE!!! God bless!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Because you generally try to force your religion on everyone else.
Ok, put it this way...
"Keep thine own religion to thineself."
In other words, don't try to bring your religion into schools. Don't follow people down the street preaching. Don't bloody knock on peoples doors to try to preach. Don't hand out religion promoting fliars. Don't say "I pity you for not believing." Don't say "I'll pray for you" or "I'll pray you see the light."
And don't do any of the other extremely annoying things that religious people do.
Other than that, no one will stop you from believing. You can be as closed minded and uneducated as you want. Just don't harass other people about it. Something Christians have an extremely difficult time doing.
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- 1 decade ago
The first reason is that in a democratic society our beliefs affect the social climate and political climate where we live, the christian right wing conservative agenda has harmed this country enough allready, from our civil rights to our educational institutions, we're sick of it. Secondly, because most athiests are also idealists and rationalists. They see that religion is causing alot of problems around the world, we see how you are being led astray to propell someone elses agenda, an agenda that is niether holy nor moral. All we are asking is that you think for yourself and do the right thing not because some invisible, omnipotent being is watching you, but because you are morally responsible for your actions in this life.
- Allison LLv 61 decade ago
You are more than welcome to believe in whatever you feel like.
I don't like hearing that evolution should not be taught in schools, that there should be prayer in public schools, that your opinion on what god wants should dictate what I do with my uterus, that your opinion on when cells are a soul should keep me from getting a cure to my disease, that everyone just assumes everyone is Christian so I get a Christian birthday card from my agency, that I can't go to the work holiday party without hearing "Jesus is the reason for the season", that people tell me I'm going to hell for not agreeing with them and sharing their exact faith, that I can't buy beer on Sunday mornings, but I can every other day of the week.
So you can believe whatever you feel like, but I'm so sick of hearing "Whaa...people attack me for being a christian." When its only on the internet. I'm pretty much persecuted for not being a Christian or at least reminded somehow that I'm in the minority every freaking day in real life. So I don't want to hear it.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I don't care at all. However, with so much evil in the world caused in the name of God, it does make one wonder why anybody in their right mind would want to believe in this dangerous man-made nonsense.
I suppose we find it strange that people can be so insecure and gullible to actually feel they need a God.
Finally, there is stacks of evidence to support evolution (it's universally accepted here in the UK). There is no evidence at all for the existence of a God.
- Anonymous5 years ago
You simply replied you possess query, seeing that! They continually say “you'll burn in hell for all eternity” and that sounds somewhat harsh to me, additionally they not ever quit and suppose how their faith got here to be in which it's, many individuals which can be Christian in these days haven't any proposal how their ancestor pass exist of their time and what number of of them was once no longer a alternative to be a Christian however extra like a danger. Christians additionally best recognize their ideals; there are a few religions that experience existent longer then Jesus himself so I dunno. We or I'm talking for them, we don't attempt to convert individuals, and we would care much less relatively. The factor is, they desire individuals to tolerate and admire them however they gained’t to the identical for others, its additionally freedom of speech. If they may be able to sale faith why can’t we refund faith?
- Anonymous1 decade ago
We could turn that question around and ask?
A Question for Christians - Why do you care if...?
1)I don't believe in god or jesus
2)I believe in evolution
There are many questions on YA like that...look back and see.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Yes, Jimithy, my friend, you are correct. I believe in God, and I believe that he created evolution. He is a god of science after all.
Don't push your beliefs on others, that's not what Jesus was all about. Reread your bible before you decide to act as God's mouth piece.