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kentata asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Did everybody vote today?

It is time for change in the US, and we, the people have an obligation to get out there and make our voices heard.

To all you Bush naysayers - there is a REASON his approval rating is at 35% (the lowest of any sitting president).

Get out there, hit the polls and stop this idiotic war, and the right-wind agenda.


The Divorce Guru hit the nail on the head. We owe it to those who have died for this right.

Update 2:

To Jesi - this is from TODAY

Poll: Bush approval rating dips to 35 percent

POSTED: 3:55 p.m. EST, November 6, 2006

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush's popularity has dipped to 35 percent, according to a new CNN poll, with 41 percent of likely voters saying their disapproval of his performance will affect their vote in Tuesday's elections for control of Congress.

Sixty-one percent of the 1,008 adult Americans who responded to the Opinion Research Corp. poll said they disapproved of the way Bush is handling his job as president, according to the survey. The poll was conducted by telephone Friday through Sunday.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course I voted! A lot of good people have died so we would have our liberties and voting is the least I can do after they've made the supreme sacrificie!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    a million. Bush's approval score it 40 3%, no longer 35%. 2. it's time to make our voices heard that we are going to no longer longer settle for the Democrats and Republicans forcing their lies and broken provides upon us. 3. The conflict is an equivalent proportion between the Dems and GOP, the two factors supported it. 4. there is not any genuine-wing schedule, Bush is reasonable-genuine and the shortcoming of direction has resulted indoors the indoors combating and absence of progression seen via way of the GOP. 5. on condition that the two factors ought to prefer to get replaced now must be the time to vote for 0.33 celebration applicants and enable your voice be heard... we will not acept employer as ususal. different than one in each and every of your applicants does a great activity vote 0.33 celebration. Vote Libertarian, the genuine conservative celebration.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Bush's approval rating it 43%, not 35%.

    2. It is time to make our voices heard that we will not longer accept the Democrats and Republicans forcing their lies and broken promises upon us.

    3. The war is an equal share between the Dems and GOP, both sides supported it.

    4. There is no right-wing agenda, Bush is moderate-right and the lack of direction has resulted in the internal fighting and lack of progress seen by the GOP.

    5. Since both sides need to be replaced now is the time to vote for third party candidates and let your voice be heard... we will not acept business as ususal.

    Unless one of your candidates does a great job vote third party. Vote Libertarian, the real conservative party.

  • 1 decade ago

    We had about 10,000 dead democrats who voted in our area, so I know the dems are gonna win.

    Hey, they would've voted democrat anyway.

    Well said, Jesi. Both parties voted to go to war and we need to let the tax breaks expire so those lousy middle class can pay more taxes for the welfare state. If we can get the tax breaks to go away, I read where a family of 4 making over $75k will have to pay an extra $2k in taxes. And the good thing is that it goes retro on them. Tough luck suckers !!!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Divorce Guru is right - it p*sses me off that less than half (on average) of registered voters bother to exercise the right to vote. And this with all the yelling that we do overseas about "Free elections! Everyone should have free elections! Down with dictatorships!!" blah blah blah blah.

    And then more than half the people who are eligible to exercise that right can't be freaking bothered.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just got back. I certainly hope it makes a difference.

  • 1 decade ago

    i voted. lets hope that we can send a message today.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes....At least at this end of the computer

  • voting is for losers--just kidding. don't have a meltdown.

    voting is for winners--duh.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wish I could but I'm British. I'll just watch TV and hope..............!!

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