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Have the Re-pubes set the Dems up to take responsibility for the MESS they've created?

Our country, and economy are about to enter the toilet. When the dollar finishes tanking will the Re-pubes successfully blame the Democrats for their gross mismanagement for the past six years?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know about that, but I do know that the dems will now be forced to work WITH the president instead of just shooting off their mouths. Since they have the majority, if nothing gets done, it WILL be blamed on them. They can't simply obstruct any longer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I certainly hope not. But I also hope that the zdems taking control of the house and senate don't result in an early withdrawal from the war in Iraq. I am with staying the course and finishing what we started over there. the main reason I say this is because I don't want all the hard work and the deaths of our soldiers to be for nothing. If we pull out now, that will open the door for one of the insurgency groups to seize power, therefore throwing that country into a civil war that could last centuries to come. Hopefully the Dems won't run from the problems we face today. I just say this because I would rather the war be going on over there than for it to be here. we all know what happens if they bring the war here. Just remember what happened on 9/11. 4000 people died in one day. Compared to the 2000 or so soldiers that have lost their lives in the past four years. there's no comparison. And being the most powerful country in the world, we will have enemies, and if we try to hide from these enemies, they will be knocking at our doorstep. They don't talk politics like we do, they show no mercy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Our economy is actually doing quite well. Also the Republicans are not intent on the democrats gaining the senate or the house. However, they can take this opportunity to show Americans that the 'other' alternative doesn't have a real plan. That all that they can do is make general changes which have no relevance to national security (the border) and to the well being of the economy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually under the Republican (not Democratic) eye the Economy was soaring , unemployment an all time low... Now that the promise of higher taxes and a Huge increase of minimum wage we will see lay offs and higher prices. These taxes etc.. will be passed on to the consumer .. that's logic and it Will be because of the Democrats, these are things they promised not a Republican set-up..

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sir, our economy is about to tank because now there is no hope of the tax cuts being permanent - thus taxes will go up. Coupled with the increase in minimum wage, this could end up displacing 2 - 2½ million people out of work. Of course it won't happen all at once. Or right away. We still have time to get our finances in order to brace ourselves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not at all. We've never seen the Dems take any responsibility for anything, so we certainly don't expect them to start being accountable any time soon.

  • 1 decade ago

    They will try, but I have a long memory, and so should we all. Who are these people who think our economy is doing fine? Anything can appear fine if you look at the narrow view.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you Libs, if you lose, you're unhappy, if you win, you're unhappy. what can we do to make your Libs Smile??? besides handing America over to the Islamo-fascists, that is.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Contrary to what you think, our economy is doing quite well.

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