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Should poor grammar/spelling be a violation?

It’s hard to understand some questions and answers because the spelling and grammar are so horrible. These kinds of questions are just plain offensive. This is part of an answer I received from my question, “Is reading bad grammar painful for you?”: “People just don't understand how truly offensive it can be! I had a manager one time who compared it to a professional musician hearing a sour note; it resonates in a negative manner. Each and every grammatical error is another sour note. Can you imagine the anguish of a musician hearing a piece of music with a majority of the notes out of key? Poor grammar is every bit as offensive to the sensibilities of an educated person as a sour note is to a musician.” I think this is a succinct analogy.


I don’t understand how Yahoo can let people post such illiterate statements as this: “i no my lil girl once told me while she was sleepin to play a card game and she was actin like she could c her card she lay down the game is called slap jack and i got her to play it for bout 3 mins till she told me mama that not a jack then when back snorin then later the same nite was tellin me y she wanted a baby sister r brother alot of nites i can get her to tell me some crazy stuff most ppl think so weird”.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know- I can't stand that, either. However, the spelling and grammar and such has actually undergone a huge improvement since I started. It used to be:

    H333lp!! Ey rilly rilly lyke him! Whot 2 do?

    Yeah I don't mind the english as a second language people, they speak english better than I speak their languages, most likely. It's the ones who should know better that bug me.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You're so right, but now you've got me started, this could run and run! Forget foreign users of English - many of them write and speak the damn language better than the natives! It's the indigenous population who are the problem, and it's only partly laziness. The standards of tuition in English have plummeted in the last 40 years, and if the teachers can't get to grips with the language, what chance do the students have? It's no longer 'in' to teach sentence construction, so youngsters don't even know how to construct sentences. Imagine asking housebuilders to erect an entire estate without showing them how to mix, and use, cement - it's the same with language. And text speak!! That's killing the ability to spell (which isn't very good these days anyway), and further eroding sentence construction. I warned you this would happen - so I'll give everyone a break before I start on apostrophes, which are either totally misused, or completely ignored. Basically, mon enfant, vous avez raison, as they say en francais!

  • 1 decade ago

    Some people think of "Text Messages" instead of Email and Spell Check! When I was single, I had decided to place some personal ads. I would not consider individuals with poor spelling and grammar skills. Also I am not referring to people who uses English as a secondary language, I can tell the difference when it's someone who is just lazy and slept through English Class.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How can I best say this? It seems as though I am always offending someone.

    Hmmmmmmmm. How about; WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!

    We have a third world country developing inside of our country.

    Way too big a topic, and not near the right audience. Spell check is free from Yahoo. As is their site. But there are those "people" that apparently are smarter than the rest of us.

    lol, piece, handshake & so on and on and on.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a lot of people on yahoo don't speak english as their native language and adapt to english because it is the language of the internet by default. be thankful your english is fluent. many people aren't that lucky -- they are from a different country and/or didn't have access to the same education you had.

    lots in life offends me -- but its really just water on a ducks back -- learn to let it slide. the sun still rises and sets no matter how bad grammar gets.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It might be offensive to others but i believe to others it isn't. Besides, what if someone not good in English tries to do so? Won't the educated person at least help the person so?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Eye halve a spelling chequer

    It came with my pea sea

    It plainly marques four my revue

    Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

    Eye strike a key and type a word

    And weight four it two say

    Weather eye am wrong oar write

    It shows me strait a weigh.

    As soon as a mist ache is maid

    It nose bee fore two long

    And eye can put the error rite

    Its rare lea ever wrong.

    Eye have run this poem threw it

    I am shore your pleased two no

    Its letter perfect awl the weigh

    My chequer tolled me sew.

  • aerie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I love your analogy! Bad grammar and spelling is painful to me! It reflects negatively on our society when the average American can't even spell or use correct grammar. When someone uses incorrect grammar or spelling it takes away all their credibility as far as I'm concerned.

  • eye here what youare sayin. people suk wen the do dat.

    Damn arabs.........


    Its not that a lot of people on Yahoo don't speak English, it's that a lot of people in the US dont speak English, Thats the problem...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No it should not be a violation.

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