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Why are jews hated so much ?

I dont have any reason to hate them,they aint done me no harm.....But if you look back on history they really have been dealt bad hands .....WHY?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are many reasons. Most of them are self induced, some are not. Any group that sets itself apart from the rest invites hostility because that is a hostile act in itself. If you say that you are the chosen people of God, and the rest are not, you will get many who not like it. If you do business, socialize, marry, etc. only with those in your group, you will invite hostility. If you become bankers, or money lenders, and thrive on that you will invite hostility. The Jews also have been highly educated, giving them an advantage over the rest of society and that invites hostility. The Rothschild family has been involved in much of the modern mischief on the world stage, and as they control massive amounts of money, they invite significant resentment for it. These things build over time and become "racial" or religious mythology passed from generation to generation and can be quite nasty. Many Christians blame the Jews for having Jesus killed. It is an accumulation of all of these that has led to the present feeling. Now we have the state of Israel which is a time bomb on the world stage, and many are very upset about this as it could lead to a major conflagration in the world. It is hard to distinguish what is earned and what in not, but there are some of the reasons.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here are the reasons: people perceive them as thinking they’re better/smarter than others, that they rejected Jesus, willing to use underhanded methods to promote their agenda, and domination in certain influential industries like the media. Add to that jealousy and a strong degree of clannishness, and people get a strong distrust. These largely erroneous perceptions have their basis in Jewish teachings that do foster an ‘us versus them’ mentality where the ‘chosen people’ are distinguished from the gentile. While this is partly to blame, people’s perceptions run wild especially given that the Jewish people have always been a merchant people (trade requires negotiation and dependence on the sellers which can lead to demonization of the seller). Trade led naturally to money-lending and, of course, people never perceive money-lenders positively. Hitler used the group’s separation mindset which added to the misperceptions when people in Germany dealt with them for money. So … I think it’s a problem based on both sides – most people have incorrect perceptions of the Jews based on invalid stereotypes but the Jewish teachings (like most human teachings) have contributed to the mess (and it’s not helped by the fact that the formation of Israel was a direct result of the Zionists influencing Britain’s Lord Balfour to renege on the post-WWI deal with the arabs).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Before World War II, it was only the christians who hated the jews, and NOT the muslims. And it wasn't just the Nazis; christians hated and murdered jews for a millennium (Martin Luther, the founder of protestantism, advocated the murder of jews). In fact, until the 20th century it was muslim nations (most notably Turkey, among others) that gave jews sanctuary and military protection from christian violence.

    All new antagonism by christians against jews is not borne out of old animosity, but rather, as a result of Israel's own actions; the mass murder and oppression of Palestinians has created anti-ISRAEL sentiment rather than an anti-semetic sentiment.

    As mentioned above, for a long time, the muslims gave jews sanctuary against the acts of christians. Anti-jewish sentiment by muslims against jews only began in the 1940s, when jews (with US/UK military backing) began an ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland. Every one of Israel's own actions (eg. the targeting of civilians in Lebanon, and NOT Hezbollah) has only increased the antagonism against them. Since 1970, all muslim nations have been willing - and STILL are willing - to accept the 1967 borders (Palestinians get the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Israel gets the rest) but the Israelis have been unwilling to accept that: they want ALL the land and the exile of Palestinians to Jordan or wherever else.

    Jews used to be hated solely because of the christian lie that jews were "christ killers". Now jews are hated because of the _fact_ of Israel's military and government violence. The are causing anti-semitism themselves.

    But if anyone believes the lie that the Israelis are in really danger, ask yourself:

    1. How many airplanes, tanks, guided missiles, helicopters, and other heavy artillery the Palestinians have? Zero.

    2. How many airplanes, tanks, guided missiles, helicopters, and other heavy artillery the Palestinians have? As many as the want, courtesy of the US.

    3. How many Lebanese civilians were killed last summer, and how many members of Hezbollah? Answer: Over 1000 civilians, and roughly 100 members of Hezbollah.

    4. How many Israeli civilians were killed last summer, and how many Israeli soldiers? Answer: Less than 30 civilians, and nearly 100 soldiers.

    And people claim Hezbollah are the only ones targeting civilians, not the Israelis? That sort of revisionism is worse than Ernst Zundel's and David Duke's.


  • Elly
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It is because people couldn't tolerate a religious or ethnic minority in their countries. In the days when Christians used to kill "heretics", and Catholics killed Protestants for small differences in their faith, and the other way round, they certainly had a problem to accept a non-Christian religious minority, a religion that "denies Jesus". Jews were the only non-Christian minority in most parts of the Christian world at that time. In addition many passages from the New Testament caused hatred against Jews, like this story that Jews "crucified Jesus".

    Later with the rise of nationalism the ethnic aspect got primary importance. This was the base for the anti-Semitism of the Nazis, but existed already for long time before they came to power. In their ideas of an "ethnically pure" nation there was no place for Jews. Also Jews as a minority were an ideal scapegoat for them. From the beginning on Nazi ideology was based on the idea that Jews were to blame for everything, for example for the fact that Germany lost World War I. This is something that obviously many people liked to hear.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because they've often taken on the role of 'middle-man minorities'. These types of minorities have traditionally been hated because people often don't see the value in what they do so they assume that they are being ripped off. When manufacturers used to sell straight to the consumer, there was no middle-man markup. But as industry grows, a middle-man is needed. To the end consumer, he doesn't see why he should pay more for this man to get his product rather than going straight to the manufacturer. In the end, a lot of people feel ripped off or are jealous at the middle-men's ability to make a living off of other peoples manufacturing.

    Source(s): Thomas Sowell's "Black Rednecks and White Liberals"
  • 1 decade ago

    For the same reason that the most religious Jews in Jesus day hated him and had him killed: ENVY! They were only dealt punishment and persecution when they returned into idolatry. God also said that they killed so many of God's prophets and even the Son of God and Jesus warned them they would reap what they sowed. (BTW- many Jews loved and accepted Him then and now) Also, I think that since the Saviour of the world chose to bless all of mankind through the Jewish race and Jesus was a Jew Himself, it is part of prophesy being fulfilled that they will be hated by the majority just as Christians are hated for His name's sake. There's a prophesy fulfiment of the anti-Christ spirit in the world today (just look at all the hate from the atheists and idolatrous confused heathens on this site alone!) and everything is coming into place for the second coming of Jesus. The good news is that now there is neither Greek nor Jew, male nor female, but all can come to know Jesus Christ AND that no matter what the Jews enemies do (their wars with the children of Ishmael were prophesied to continue and there will be no peace between their descendents in spite of any peace treaties or their duration) that Israel will prevail. Don't you find it fabulous that against all odds, with their small numbers, surrounded by enemies on all sides nearly, they always come out ahead?? The world is focused on them because they are central to Bible prophesy and it's like watching God's time-clock for this world.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The answer to that is more complicated than you think! Technically you look around and every race, religion, and culture seems to be hated for something nowadays! So really it's just the world hating on individuals just b/c they have nothing better to do w/ their time!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well, the christian new testament is filled with countless slurs against the jews, including from the lips of jesus himself, the "pillar of christian love", who calls jews members of the "synagogue of satan", and then there is of course the whole parable in the gospel of luke calling on followers of jesus to kill the jews do not accept jesus. and there is also the passage in which responsibility for jesus's death is put upon the shoulders of all jews who have ever and will ever live.

    i think the new testament in general has contributed quite a bit to the genocide of the jews in the past few thousand years.


    "Before World War II, it was only the christians who hated the jews, and NOT the muslims."

    oh, please. pull the other one. the arabs are the very same people who cheered when hitler came into power, and who happily supported his cause against the jews. in fact, it was the arabs themselves who pressured the UN into barring jewish immigration to palestine in 1939, effectively stranding the jews in europe where 6 million of them were gassed in death camps. and there is, of course, the massacres during the 20s of jews in hebron, safed, jaffa, and so on.

    apparently you think the muslims treated jews like kings prior to the 1900s. do you even know what a dhimmi is? in muslim lands jews were forced to wear distinctive clothing, they had to pay special taxes, they had extremely limited access to the legal system, they were even prohibited from mourning loudly. apparently you never heard of ethnic cleansing of the jews in north africa, destruction of jewish synagogues, or forced conversions to islam at the threat of death in places like libya and algeria either.

    its true that jews had a somewhat easier time of it in european muslim civilizations such as spain, but other than that, life was not exactly oodles of fun for any jew living in muslim lands.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you need to reread whatever history you have been reading. i don't hate Jews but i don't support anyone who acts in violence and hatred like the Israeli Jews do.

  • 1 decade ago

    because of G-D'S Promise to them as Yehoodah. in a world that is against it, and G-D too. in which their relationship with G-D gives them a thrilling life and death rollercoaster ride, here in TheTorah. where if G-D says they can have the land, you can't take it away. and if G-D says they can't have the land anymore, you can't give it to them. and if any one gives them hell for what they say and do, it is G-D WHO is actualy giving it.

    Source(s): TheTorah...
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