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Biblical Law?


How did Jesus who only said what the father has told him to say, The father who cannot Go against his own word, The same father who said that Pork and Shell fish are never to be eaten, the same father who does not change nor change his mind. .. Said that those foods are now clean?


If Jesus had said the foods are clean would he be teaching against the words God spoke on Sainai


What is sin?


Is it a relative term?


Is it personally subjective?


Is there an absolute?


Is there a solid line that states In clear text that this is exactly what sin is, and this is what sin is not?


Does God change?


How did people of the old testament get saved?


Do think it was by their works?


Why would God make them follow the Law and not us if he does not change?


Was abraham saved by faith, through grace?


Did his faith result in works?


How Can Jesus be God and nullify God's word?

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The verse you are referring too is taken out of context. In Pauls vision, When God told Paul do not call anything "unclean" that he made, the Lord is not refering to food but to the gentiles. To make a long story short, Paul was a Jew, Gentiles and Jews did not normally mix and mingle back then. The Lord was basically telling Paul that is was okay hang around with the Gentiles(non-Jew's).

    A person can not be saved through works alone just as a person cannot be saved through faith is a combination of the both.

    If you truely love God with all your heart you are going to want to keep his words, its as simple as that...

    We are only human, we are bound to make mistakes.....thats okay, as long as your trying. It is through the blood of the lamb (Jesus) that our sins are forgiven....

    How can we pick and choose which commandments we want to keep and which one's are to inconvient for us

    Tell me if any of these scenerio's sound familiar to you:

    lets see.....don't kill.....that one's easy, I'll keep that commandment

    hmmm.....don't eat pork.....nah, I can't give up my granny's fried ham, not even for God

    homosexuals.....I don't like gay people, I can listen to the Lord on that law

    honor the sabbath day and keep it holy.....the Lord has no choice but to forgive me on that one I'm not giving up my Saturdays for anyone!

    well I think you get the point....Why do we pick and choose which commandments we are going to keep and which one's we are going to throw out? The Lord doesn't change, he said so himself, to say he threw out all of his laws is the same as calling him a liar.

    Maybe God didn't lie, Maybe he just changed his mind.....if he changed his mind about not changing than what else is he going to change his mind about.....

    okay, I think I rambled on enough now....

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow! You have an inquisitive mind! That's a lot of questions; but I will address the one about eating unclean meats, as I've researched this from the Bible very thoroughly. I am a Christian, I do not follow the Jewish law, but I do follow the clean & unclean meats law. Those animals never were good for anybody, and our systems are created exactly the same as those who are Jewish. Those animals were created to be scavengers and it is unhealthy to consume their flesh. God doesn't change; this law is still in effect; however, we would not be condemned if we do eat these animals. It is simply a law that is for own good. God wants us to be healthy; so we make the decision and take the risks if we think we know better than God. Jesus never said those meats are now clean; He just said we are now under the law of love, and grace, and the old Mosiac laws were done away with. So, altho it hasn't changed, and Christ did not teach against God's word. Jesus summed up the 10 Commandments into two, they are "Love God and love your neighbor as yourself". If we obey these, we would be obeying all of the law...( Loving yourself, as instructed, would cover the unclean meats issue...If we love ourself, why would we want to put these scavengers in our bodies???)

    Hope this helps...Won't answer the other questions...that's a whole Bible study!

    Source(s): The Bible
  • Sugar
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    God Bless!!I hope you are asking these questions to get saved,The father can not change. The son change or fulfilled so many things when he went to the cross. Remember he said I came not to change the law but to fulfill the law.So he did not nullify the word.but fulfilled it.The bible tells us that sin is any thing that breaks the laws of God.We are living under grace now, so we are told to bless(pray over) our food now. It has been cleanse by the blood of Jesus.You have asked so many questions I hope that I have answered some of them. The best thing to do is to get into a good Bible study class. There are so many out there.I am sure there are some near you.We do not have to give up anything for the Lord but sin. We don't really own anything anything anyway. I have never seen a (U_ Haul) at a funeral. We can't take any thing with us, just as we brought nothing with us here. Ever thing belongs to God including us.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    14) Jesus did not nullify God's word he fulfilled it.

    13) He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, raised the dead.

    12) He believed God and it was accounted unto him righteousness, yes faith.

    11) God did not change one iota, and Jesus followed the law perfectly. That's why He could pay for our sins.

    10) I believe they got saved when they believed through the preaching of Christ either on earth or in Paradise(after the cross).

    9) it was either 1/2 shekel or 1 shekel, I forget. Refer to 10).

    8) God does not change. If you had read the Bible you would know that.

    7) Start with the 10 Commandments.

    Let someone else do the rest.

    I Cr 13;8a


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  • 1 decade ago

    Are you asking from curiosity/confusion or do you have your own beliefs and are trying to make some people think? I think you are having trouble reconciling the law with the cross. Read Romans. it explains a lot about that. Also don't confuse the social and civil laws of Israel which were designed for them, and God's moral laws which Jesus he said he did not come to abolish. I do not eat shell fish or pork, not so much as an issue of salvation or sinning, but because I believe his health message still applies. my body is his temple and he told them not to eat that stuff to make them healthier and happier. So I don't either.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's alot of questions, I'll try to answers what I know.

    Yes, God's word has evolved over the years, and even through out the Bible and his children grew. You see, the " Thou shall not eat pork " rule, wasn't has two purposes. First, you know what happens to when you eat pork if it's not all the way cook? you get very sick. Second, the levites needed hard laws to reinforce their faith. Sort of like Spiritual martyrdom.

    Sin, in it's generic sense, is any action that goes against the way of creation. In a Christian sense, that mean anything that violates the 10 commandments.

  • Ray W
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Since you don't seem to know anything about the Bible but yet you try to disprove it. I will only say this. God deals with different people in different ages in different ways. The Lord Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world if the would believe and trust in what He did. Today God is dealing with all people alike. He gave the law to the Nation of Israel not to any Gentile. Today we are living in the age of grace. He tells us we can eat anything if received with thanksgiving. 1 Timothy 4: 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:

  • 1 decade ago

    No, God does not change, nor do his requirements for salvation. Those in the OT were saved the same way we are - faith in a Savior who for them was yet to come, for us has already come. And that Savior, Jesus, has not changed anything that God said.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you are sincere in your questions (and not just being funny) the Lord's Word has all the answers you need. Just pick up the Bible and read for yourself. The answers are there and plain as the nose on your face. You just have to open your heart and let Him come in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I mean no


    He never changed His mind. It was sin then; it's sin now.

    When christians bought into the Covenant of Faith, they, too, adopted the dietary laws, but they are blind to this because they like the taste of bbq pork.

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