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is it bad of me to have fun hurting myself?

i start and then the more i hurt myself he more i continue, coz its fun and it feels like im finally doin something of worth

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you think that's all you're worth, have at it.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    because using 'damaging your body' to release endorphins in your brain (feel good chemicals) can become addicting. And like any addiction, your brain will need more and more in each release, or need them more often, just to get the same effect. It also rewires your brain, like many addictions. If it becomes your first response to feeling crappy- what happens when you feel really crappy- or it stops working? The brain can only make so many chemicals in an short amount of time- eventually it gives up. Which is why cutters and other self-abusers end up depressed (hint: it's not the act- it's the lack chemicals you need to function the rest of the day). You can explain to him that your drug of choice is self-made, and like any addict- you can't stop; or you'll feel bad. You can tell him that you're working on developing a depressive condition that will cost you a small fotune as an adult to cure/medicate, and it looks so good on a resume, when you can't get insurance due to your 'condition'. Cheers.

  • 1 decade ago

    i've said it before, and i'll say it again: self mutilators and masicists are 2 DIFFERENT THINGS! self mutilators (cutters, burners) tend to do it due to an urge that at that given point wins a fight with their rational brain. a masicist does it for pure joy or attention. hey, bud....your a masicist. and i can say that full-heartedly because there really was no question here. it was like you walked up to a strange group of people and said "i hurt myself to feel happy!"

    i've been a cutter for 8 years, and it's something i would never wish on the worst scum on this earth. but you make self mutilation seem like a hobby rather than a problem. so how about you drop the efin routine, admit to yourself that you're an attention hog, and find some other way to do it cuz you're makin the people who really have a problem look like a bunch of emo pansies. we're not, and never have been. only you fake fux are like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    eh, i used to do that too. i'm a normal, healthy girl that's never under any stress and has an amazing life, and i refuse to listen to anyone who says i'm disturbed and need help. the reason i used to hurt myself is because i liked it. i liked the feeling of the pain and the adrenaline rush it gave me. although there were other reasons when i first started it, when i grew up and started to mature, i found out that i liked it, and that was the end of the argument. i don't know about the feeling of worth i can't answer that part...but all i know is that the reason i don't do it anymore is because i simply don't have time. it kind of was a hobby for a while...but hey, i have other things to focus on now. my advice is to do what makes you happy, but dont do anything that's going to hurt people around you, or potentially endanger your life. it's like alcohol and drugs...only in moderation :) get your rush...and then let it go.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You really should see a therapist. I used to enjoy hurting myself. It's fun for a while, but two or three years from now down the road, sitting at home every night, thinking of different ways to hurt yourself while you have no friends left... It's just not that appealing. Seriously talk to a counselor or anyone, no one deserves to be depressed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you know how PRECIOUS the human body is?

    human body is a gift of God.... the human body is precious because is a vessel of the spirit that is within us, and the human body is the physical support for reaching enlightenment...We all should be thankful we attained a human body and not an animals body.....

    think of it for a while, how lucky you should make a good use of it and the most of it, body is an instrument for achieving good, high, and noble things, think how much tremendous benefit one can do with their body instead of harm.....

    you needs to re evaluate your convinctions about life. You need a meaningful occupation or a lesure activity.... or some social activity... try will discover joy by making other people happy and not put your body into suffering....

    I wish you to find happiness

  • 1 decade ago

    Please see a professional for help. It is not normal for one to enjoy hurting themselves. Usually people who do so are under so much mental/emotional abuse that the physical pain they cause takes away the other pain for a moment. But that is just a short term solution to a very big problem. Seek counsel!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe you should consider being a professional masochist? Making $250 per session indulging on your neurosis doesn't sound bad to me, but then again, I'm not a professional.

  • 1 decade ago

    You may be having episodes of low blood sugar, because pain leads to a rise in blood sugar and high blood sugar feels better than low blood sugar.

    Check out - the symptoms link and see if you have other symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) as well.

  • Lara D
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    please dont hurt urself....... its not right and u shouldnt get ur kicks from causing pain to urself (and it influences thoughts on hurting others too...)

    i wud disagree wiv u, its not fun. you just think it is because u probably feel like u have missed out on something for which u blame urself and now ur trying to punish urself.

    so go seek help from ur GP or someone, really.

  • 1 decade ago

    hurting yourself isnt cool, it isnt fun... its NOT NORMAL. seriously... dont keep doing this to yourself. you need help, you really do. im not saying this in a patronising just cant keep doing that.

    for what purpose are you doing it??? what does it achieve??

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