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Pooping in the potty--Any tips?

My daughter is 2 1/2 and has been doing reasonably well with peeing in the potty. We have our accidents, but for the most part, our days are dry. However, we have yet to poop in the potty. She wants absolutely nothing to do with it! We know her "normal" time and have tried sitting on the potty reading during that time, but nothing. Last night she got that look and I ran her in to the potty and we read, and we read, and we read, but to no avail. I asked her to try to poop, or toot on the potty, but she peed and that was it. After wards, she pooped in her pants. We try not to get her in "trouble" for accidents, but we can't seem to get the idea that pooping in the potty is fun too. After we clean her panties, she likes to watch the poop go when flushed, but isn't interested in making it go there first. Any body have the same problem or any ideas? (PS--don't know if it matters, but I guess her daddy was the same way. Pee was fine, poop was not until he was 4!)

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My daughter was the same way. She was pee trained at 2 with no accidents but refused to poop. Then we gave up the potty seat totally and bought a Dora seat for the "big girl toilet". We joked that her pee pee was a waterfall and the poop were rocks or boulders falling in the ocean/lake. She would laugh and relax enough to go. Then she actually got excited to go and do it again and again. That worked for her but try your own game. Kids will do anything if you make a game of it. Even clean their toys up or go potty. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    My youngest daughter was the same way. Patience and lots of it is the key. Just keep trying and she'll get it. Your doing everything right. The only thing I can suggest is to ask her what if there is anything that is bothering her about going poo in the toilet. It may be she's just insecure about that. Mine was and it took alot of calm talks to assure her that she was safe and it was normal. Luckily she had a big sis to help with this too. Good luck and keep up the good work. She'll get there.

  • 1 decade ago

    All kids will go at their own pace don't rush her into it. My son is the same way pee pee but no poop yet. My dr. said just to wait don't rush him9our son) in there we he has to poop otherwise it will make him hide when he goes. He said kids do it when they are ready and girls are faster then boys ..Just give her more time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Is she still in diapers? If so, try moving her onto cloth diapers. Althought its messier for you, its also less pleasant for her and will encourage her 'naturally' to move to the potty.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Offer her something she really, really likes....a pop cycle, a new dolly, ice cream, whatever she likes....If she poos in the toilet......Another idea is to let her run around the house naked....I know it sounds strange but she won't have much choice to go tot he bathroom...will she?...She will "get it" don't worry.....Maybe let her put a sticker on a piece of paper each time she goes....They are smarter than we give them credit for....ya know....

  • 1 decade ago

    if you know when she goes sit her there and make her sit until she goes. my son was poop trained before pee trained. take books or toys in there to distract her and also rub her back and belly to encourage her to go

  • chuy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    keep trying is a trail and error thing

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