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  • Does anyone remember....?

    Does anyone remember a cartoon from 15-20 yrs ago featuring a not-so-smart baby eagle going hunting and returning to the nest singing "I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee"? Possibly a Bugs Bunny movie? And if you do remember, do you know where I can find a clip of it? I've told my husband and 5 yr old about it and they both think I'm crazy! We can't find it anywhere!

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Experience with delay in closing due to government loan?

    We had a contract pending on our house with an expected closing on 9/30/09. I just got a call from our agent who said that there is a delay in the closing because the buyers have a government loan and the government is just backed up right now with paperwork. Supposedly the money is approved, but the paperwork is the only hang up. We have already filed an extension on the loan we took out for this house and have until 10/15/09 to get this deal done. I'm wondering if anyone else has had recent experience with such a "delay" and if so, how long were things held up? Also is there anything we can do (threaten fees, etc) to speed up the process?

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Do tattoo artists really want pictures?

    I just had a tattoo done two weeks ago. It was a custom drawn piece that took about 4 1/2 hrs to do. It's got lots of detail & color, and the artist seemed really happy with it when finished. He asked me to come back after it healed so he could get pictures. But when I mentioned this to others, they say that all the artists say that about everything. So, my question is this....does he really want pictures or do they just say that? I don't want to go back in there and bother him if he's really not interested. Any tattoo artists opinions would be especially appreciated. :o)

    9 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • How do I set up a mass email without having it blocked?

    I work for a small HVAC company that is wanting to send out a monthly newsletter to our customers that have given us their emails. I have created a new account on yahoo for this purpose only and have started entering email addresses, but was just told by someone else that if you send more than 25 contacts an email at once, they will automatically go into the spam box of recipients. Is this true? If so, how can it be avoided?

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • My drop down screens won't let me drop down!?

    Recently at work I got a new computer with Windows XP. I do a lot of ordering for our company and one screen I have to use online has 2-3 boxes where you click on the arrow and make your selection of how you want it shipped, etc. Well, since the new computer, it won't work. I can click the little arrow as much as I want and nothing happens. If I log in on someone else's computer with my same account, everything is fine so I know it's something set up on this particular computer. Also, I keep my personal photos on Kodak picture gallery. On this same computer, it will allow me to see the album, but when I click to pull up a picture to edit or crop, etc., I can't see the picture. I still see the caption so I know it has loaded, but no picture. Again, works fine at my home computer. Is it something with the cookies setting or what??!! How do I fix it?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • My child has a positive lead test...what next???

    We live in Kansas and state mandates require lead testing for children between 1-2. He tested 14 and 15, which is not high enough to require medication therapy yet, but the doctor's office did have to report it to the state. What happens next? Do they come investigate? Surely they can't take my kids away right? This whole thing is freaking me out! Anyone with any knowledge on this or experience from your past?

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Baby car seat question...?

    My son is 9 months old, but weighs 21lbs now (9.9 at birth- not overfeeding!). My question is this....he's outgrown/outweighed the carseat that lays down and faces backwards in the seat, but I don't think he's supposed to be in a forward facing seat yet is he? And he can sit up now of course, but is he really stable enough to be in one like that? What's the next step, or any suggestions of who to ask that would know?

    20 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Real Estate Agents: would this be beneficial?

    I'm thinking of a business proposition and wanted your opinions as to if it would be beneficial to you as an agent and your seller. To make a long story short, I've been in several houses recently, foreclosures specifically that are on the market, but are total dumps inside. People just up and left---leaving trash, etc behind. My thought is to charge real estate agents/bank sellers to go in and clean these messes up. My mindset is that if it's cleaned up and doesn't smell so bad, people will be more willing to pay the full asking price which benefits the agent & the seller. What are your thoughts? Would you use it? Like I said, just an idea I want to research a little further.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding: significant difference in amount from each breast?

    I am breastfeeding with my second child (7 weeks old) and he is thriving, growing, gaining weight etc., but I have started pumping because I am returning to work and have noticed I get a little more than 4 oz from one breast, but only a little over 2 from the other. I don't have any clogged ducts, nothing is painful, we switch sides to start when nursing... everything seems as it should be, but this is weird. I nursed and pumped with my daughter who is two for more than a year and always had pretty much the same from both sides. I've noticed in the mirror I'm starting to look a little lopsided also. Any ideas why this may be happening or how to increase the one side to "match" the other?

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Overdue....anyone have luck with enema??

    I'm 40wks and 5 days today. The doctor said I'm dilated to a 4 and at -1 station. The baby is in position and I've had contractions here and there for two or three weeks. In fact last week I went to the hospital with contractions 3-4 mins apart, but they weren't being productive so I was sent home. I've been walking, we've been having sex. I just wondered if anyone else had any luck getting SUCCESSFUL contractions started with an enema? Or any other ideas?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • After the sale, what legal obligations are there?

    We sold a home we remodeled on March 2. During the remodel, we passed all city inspection requirements, including the plumbing inspections, etc. We purchased a home warranty for the house because we thought it was a good sign to someone as a buyer for their protection, so to speak. The buyers also had a personal inspection done. Now only 2 weeks later, the buyers are "sending us a letter" regarding a problem they are having with the sewer. They had the home warranty company out and say they are going to have to dig up the yard, etc for repairs because tree lines are in the sewer line. We NEVER had any trouble with this, we passed inspections, they had an inspection that made no note of any problems with this. So my question is are there any legal ramifications that could come from this? Could they really have a lawsuit case if it comes to that since all inspections, etc were passed? (We live in Kansas if there is any difference in that.)

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Anybody ever visit the OK Corral in Tombstone?

    What did you think? Is 4 hours there long enough? We're planning a trip in May and it's on our list of places to go.

    6 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Is this maybe a pre-labor symptom?

    I'm pregnant with my second child and am at almost 38wks. My first came 8 days early on her own with contractions starting like normal and no other pre-labor signs. Today I've been having what I can only describe as gas pains/indigestion high up in my belly. Nothing is relieving it and I haven't had gas. The other thing is I normally have one BM a day and today has already been 2 that are soft but not watery or diarrhea. And I'd been having BH contractions all the time since about 28wks, but today they don't seem to be happening much. Did anyone else have this kind of experience just before labor began??

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Doctor says I've dropped.... how long in your experience?

    I'm 35 wks pregnant with my second baby. I never had the experience or people tell me that I "dropped" with my daughter, but with this baby, everyone has been telling me. Today the doctor said the baby is in place and very low. Obviously I don't want to go before 36wks at least, but for those of you who "dropped".... did you deliver your baby sooner than your due date? And how much sooner? Just curious.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Perennial Massage during pregnancy?

    I'm almost 32wks pregnant and my midwife gave me some information on perennial massage which at first I thought would be a great benefit this time around. However, after reading the directions, it seems really kind of weird. (Not to mention akward with a belly this size in the way of everything!) Has anyone else done this? Did you feel weird about it? And if you did it, did you seem to notice a benefit during birth?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Help in choosing a hospital for birth?

    I am pregnant and due in March, but am conflicting on where to deliver. My midwife delivers at a hospital about 45 mins from our house. I had my first child there with her and loved the experience of a midwife. However, my husband has changed jobs since our last baby and now works at the hospital in our town in the office part of the hospital. The dilema is this: Our insurance will pay 90% + $250 per person per year for any work we have done at the hospital in town. Otherwise they only cover 70%. But they don't have midwife at the hospital in town.

    I am torn between the idea of where to deliver because of cost and beause of experience. I like the midwife experience and past experience, BUT cost wise and transportation wise, the local hospital is a better choice. Obviously I am the only one to decide,but any body have any thoughts or ideas from their own experiences with different doctors/ hospitals? I will have my husband and my sister there to help with labor coaching.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Wrapping Christmas gifts from Santa??

    My husband and I disagree about whether Santa wraps gifts. I was raised that the gifts Santa brought on Christmas morning were not wrapped. If for some reason they were, they had to be in totally different paper. My husband however, was raised that everything Santa brought was wrapped. What did your parents do or what do you do for your children??

    23 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Pooping in the potty--Any tips?

    My daughter is 2 1/2 and has been doing reasonably well with peeing in the potty. We have our accidents, but for the most part, our days are dry. However, we have yet to poop in the potty. She wants absolutely nothing to do with it! We know her "normal" time and have tried sitting on the potty reading during that time, but nothing. Last night she got that look and I ran her in to the potty and we read, and we read, and we read, but to no avail. I asked her to try to poop, or toot on the potty, but she peed and that was it. After wards, she pooped in her pants. We try not to get her in "trouble" for accidents, but we can't seem to get the idea that pooping in the potty is fun too. After we clean her panties, she likes to watch the poop go when flushed, but isn't interested in making it go there first. Any body have the same problem or any ideas? (PS--don't know if it matters, but I guess her daddy was the same way. Pee was fine, poop was not until he was 4!)

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Pregnant & Itchy Breasts--Anybody else?

    This is my second pregnancy and I did not experience this with my first. My breasts are itching like crazy!! I'm 19wks and this has been happening for about 6-8 wks. Anybody else have this problem?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnant--What's with the bloating??

    I am 10wks along and literally since I was about 6wks, I have been so bloated! My belly looks like I am 5 months along. I've gone to my regular visits and everything is ok, but I didn't have this at all with my first child. My jeans won't even fit now! Any ideas? Could it be something I'm eating? Not doing? Suggestions please!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago