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What's the big deal about drafting women?

Why are the females so upset about the possibility that they may get drafted ? Men have had to live with this for years. They are always wanting to be treated equal, aren't they ? They enjoy living in our nation, don't they? Shouldn't they also do their duty ?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree, I also believe that everyone should be eligible from 18-42. No exemptions, no deferments. Except for the disabled and that still depends on the degree of disability. Some could still perform supportive roles.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, you have to look at the historical and social context. I have a point, just stick with me.

    There has always been woman in the military, back in the days when humanity was clusters of hunters and gathers, there were some female hunters. There has always been and most likely always will be woman in the military. With that said, women have never made up the bulk of the military. The men have historically made up the bulk of almost any army.

    Women have been and still are the primary caregivers for children and the elderly. Even today they keep being the primary care gives of children and the elderly. How ever there are men who also full fill the roll of care giver and provider.

    These traditional rolls, even though there has always been overlap, still are very prevalent. Most single parents today are female. Men are not expected to fulfill the roll of primary caretaker in today’s world! You don’t see very many stay at home dads. This is not because they picked it, or that there was an active choice in this, it’s because social systems are set up in that way. Just because they want to have the freedom to choice a different way of life, doesn’t mean they currently have the means to do so. (There are also other issues tied into this, someone who wants to be a wife and mother, may also want to be able to support her and her children if something happens by having financial independents, this means the ability to get an equal paying job, to open bank accounts, and have laws that don’t discriminate against you)

    It’s a scary thought to think that a single mother of five might be drafted. And she is doing her roll for the country. She is keeping basic social systems going. And nations, no human organization, can exist for extended time with out them.

    Men and woman at home during times of peace and at war are still helping the country as much as the solder is. They are making things and keeping the economic system a float so that the solder can function.

    There are different kinds of feminism, as well as different ways of serving our country.

    First off, equal rights, most of them, means freedom to choice! Freedom to pick what you want to do. Freedom to pick if you want to be a stay at home mom or dad, freedom to choice if you want to even have kids or when you have children. The draft is fundamentally apposed to that. It is the lack of ability to choice for yourself. Though the above arguments currently have far more relevance to the question.

    The question is a very complicated one, I hope this helped answer it!

  • 1 decade ago

    My guess that if this were the case, the women who believe that equality with men is vital, then they would not complain about the possibility of being drafted. But then what do I know, I'm not one of those women.

    I have a problem with the draft because really I don't believe it's a womans place. There's a lot of things in this nation I don't believe a woman should be doing, and that a man should be doing instead, but hey that's not the way the world has gone. If you are a woman and have the job of a man, you better be able to do the job as well as a man!

    Source(s): my own opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    To bad so sad. Women will be up for the draft. Yip-pee about dang time. I will go I wil serve. I have volunteered once and if it gets that bad as the govt needs me I will go. I wil fight.

    Oh, and dont think about running to Canada no can do if the draft gets going. Border closes. New legislation from 2000..Sorry, all you "hiders" in the wake of freedom.

    Enjoy the just reward. If you like it, you must earn it


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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree that women want to be treated equal and should share the responsibilities. But here is the problem, who takes care of most of the children in this country? Women!! Now don't get me wrong I know there are plenty of single Dad's out there as well, I was raised by one, but it is still a simple fact, that women outnumber the men in this category and that would leave too many kids being taken care of by other family members or who knows where. This would be a huge problem. Plus, drafts are mostly used for combat arms MOS's like infantry and women are not allowed to be in the infantry.

  • 1 decade ago

    lol- because a lot of women are used to having thing done for them rather than doing things for others. I personally don't want women to be drafted because the last thing I want in my unit is a bunch of thumb-sucking b!tches that don't take their job seriously, and whine and cry every time something doesn't go their way. Give me a bunch of chicks that enlisted because they wanted to and things will work out great. Female(and male) draftees might fall victim to friendly fire.

    Source(s): OIF3 Vet. Military Police 3 years
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't support women being drafted (or the draft at all, for that matter) because I don't believe its a woman's job. Personally, I think it would be better to still have the army not allow women. This isn't because I think men are so much greater than women or anything but I don't think its a women's job to fight in wars. A man can fight better than women (How many women get into bar fights) and women can take care of children and teach much better than men. Men and Women are equal but they are also different.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would not be upset about being drafted....i for one would be over there already if i had anything to do with it, unfortunately i have a child at home and husband overseas....but if i am called, i will go

    Source(s): SSgt's wife (me)
  • 1 decade ago

    shouldn't gay people who want to serve be allowed to? Shouldn't we allow as many people who want to volunteer to join the military do so making it so we don't have to start drafting as early or as many????

  • 1 decade ago

    Women will never be drafted.. I can't even believe this question is going around.. in the Military now, women are not allowed in the infantry.. they sure as heck are not going to draft them.. it's never going to happen.. think really hard as to why and you will figure it out.. it has nothing to do with equal rights..

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