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Why have Americans become so jaded and bitter?

No one is getting along anymore, it's always them vs us in America ... Gay vs Religeous, Black vs White, American vs Mexican, Republican vs Democrat ...etc ... no one is working together to better the USA, to make us a shining example in the world. We used to be the envy of the planet, and now we are loathed ... With the threats that face us today, you would think we could come together as a people, but instead we drift further and further apart ... what does that say about our country

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wish I had an answer. This country is unfriendly and mean and getting more and more uneducated and unsafe every day.

    Our founding fathers had a vision and thats completely gone. We could be an example to the world but we are seen now as bullies and ugly and crass.

    We are made by the media and our government (ALL of our government not just one party) to fear and hate each other. Its sad and there is no reason for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Our recent leadership, ever since Johnson, with the exception of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, has been focused on spreading the worst parts of American culture and influence on the rest of the world, while we have been sitting on our collective butts watching television. We are now experiencing the consequences of all of that. What this says about our country is that we think more about our own material well-being than we think about ANYTHING else...and these three simple choices below show where we have gone wrong...

    Vigorous competition -or- Cooperation & Collaboration?

    Pick one...

    Tolerance and acceptance -or- Criticism and condemnation?

    Pick one...

    Only "we" can be right -or- There may be many good ways to a good end?

    Pick one...


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    8 years of republican dominance is making our buttholes hurt. Nobody knows the truth about anything that goes on here, our votes are being tampered with- making us seem like we mean nothing to our government. Our rights are decided for us (voting does nothing if its even imposed on certain issues), and the country is so divided by false choices (either with us or the terrorists- or having to choose between two complete lackeys- claiming the same crap save one issue- to lead us and represent us). Our country is constantly at wars we are lied to about to the point where we don't even know if we are arguing over two true points of view or if we are just being led off into another false argument.

    Why are we bitter- because we are losing control of our government, and freedom doesn't work that way. Our freedom is being taken away and we're doing nothing about it because someone in Washington is convincing a large number of people that we can't.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    reason #1 is that people are deeply and truly stupid.

    reason#2 is that those who wish power have spent the last 30 years making people divide themselves so that they would be easier to control and inflame.

    reason#3 people consider any vote for a 3rd party a "waste" against all the ideals of America which locks us into the 2 party system in which both parties are so out of touch with reality they can do nothing BUT screw us all over

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