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A joke for you all.?

Patrick is alittle irish boy, its christmas so he asks his dad for a new bike. dad says, " i'd love to son, but we got a £80,000 mortgage to redeem and we aint got next months payment. Sorry son." son says, "ok dad" and walks off to bed.

Next morning, Patrick comes down with a bag on his back, his dad sees him and says "what are you doing with that bag, where are you going son", his son simply replies", Dad, i walked past your room last night, you said you were pulling out and mum said wait for me i am coming too, so hell am i staying here with a £80,000 mortgage and no frickin bike!!

I thought this was really funny when i heard it. i hope you like it. xx

have a good friday and weekend everyone. xx

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 1 decade ago

    I liked that try this one:

    A little bird was flying through the rainforest when it heard something calling out. It flew down and found an elephant stuck in a mud hole. Hello Mr Elephant can I help? No but go and gat the King o the jungle Mr Lion. Off the bird went and found him at home. Told him the problem so he got his Porsche from the garage and a tow rope and followed the bird to the elephant on pulled him out. The elephant was so grateful that he told him he was now his buddy and anytime he was in trouble he could call on him. …………And the months rolled by until one day the elephant was walking through the forest and he could hear a cry for help. Sounds like my buddy he thought. He found him in the same mud hole! Go get Mr Lion said the bird. Off went the elephant, crashing through the forest to the lion’s house. Knocked on the door, no answer, rushed to Mr Rhino’s house and was told Mr Lion had gone on holiday just that morning. Panic set in, he rushed to see the little bird who had now sunk up to his wing-pits. Little bird sorry Mr Lion was not in. I’ll have to get you out myself. With that he reversed up to the hole and stuck his tail out, but the bird couldn’t reach it. He tried with his trunk, still couldn’t reach. Oh no he thought but then I am a bull elephant with one other very large appendage and with that he pushed it out as far as he could reach. The little bird held on tightly with its beak and was pulled out! ……………….

    And the moral of the story is if you’ve got a c**k like an elephant you don’t need a

  • 1 decade ago

    The little Irishboy misunderstoiod the Pushing in and Pulling out game......Ah ?! Thought his dad was running away and his mother also wanted to join him, when she meant to C um...that was too funny and innocent one !!! I liked it ! LOL !!!

  • 1 decade ago

    loved it!!! lol

    here's one for u:

    A married man and his secretary were having a torrid affair.

    One afternoon they couldn't contain their passion,

    so they rushed over to her place

    where they spent the afternoon making passionate love.

    When they were finished they fell asleep and didn't wake up till 8 o'clock.

    They got dressed quickly.

    Then the man told his secretary to take his shoes outside

    and rub them on the lawn.

    Bewildered, she does as he asks (thinking he's pretty weird).

    The man finally gets home and his wife meets him at the door.

    Upset, she asks where he's been.

    The man replies "I cannot tell a lie.

    My secretary and I are having an affair.

    Today we left work early, went to her place,

    spent the afternoon making love then fell asleep.

    That's why I'm late."

    The wife looks at him, takes notice of his shoes and says,

    "I see those grass stains on your shoes.

    You've been playing golf again, haven't you!"

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Zeera
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Very funny, I'm gonna' share it.

  • 1 decade ago

    plz send me jokes in my email id

  • 1 decade ago

    clever boy

  • 1 decade ago

    i like the affair one tht is class

  • mark
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


    that was indeed REALLY funny! lol

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