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How does the soul when you die retain information the brain stores?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dear Aaron:

    I want to speak to you from the direction of Spirituality. Christian, non-denominational spiritual principles (not occult) .

    The Soul/Spirit-mind is what God Created in His Own Likeness - for He knew only of Himself. This Soul/Spirit-mind is positioned behind your human Intellect - not in actuality - but, by manner of our denial of it ! Your human Intellect does not, in all people, want you to get "in touch" with it's soul. It is as IF there is an appointed time decided upon between us and the Holy Spirit when we would be willing to begin the Great Journey and , at the end of that Journey be willing, in gladness, to Return to our Creator. One soul at a time, when willing, is how the Great Separation comes to an end.

    It's as IF we experience, in physical life, having two distinctly different minds : The Intellect and our Soul. The Intellect is actually piloted by the Soul - but we are in denial of this , in order to perpetuate the Separated experience from God. For the Great Separation did take place, but in Eternity ; Mind to Mind and Thought to Thought with our beloved Creator. The end result, was a world that gave to us that which we had actually asked our Creator for - BUT for it to be in the spiritual realm of non-physcialness - our Home. We had asked for individual RECOGNITION and to receive His love for us (that Ecstacy. . .) on a known, special, and individual level, rather than the more generalized overflow of His love to us in an abstract manner. For His concepts involve, always, the One-ness, the Whole-ness, the Inclusive-ness of that structure He engineered, called the Kingdom.

    Through the Power or Force of our Creator's Mind to bring His Thoughts into Being, and because that Power is a "flowing" thing through the entire Kingdom - we are known to Him as His One Son or One Child. For He has structured the Kingdom to share our Minds as One: Like a One-Mind channel that travels through all of us. We have full and ceaseless communication through that channel that proceeds from Him to us and us to Him - both directions. His Power, flowing through us, made it possible for US to Think a physical world into its seemingly reality ; but, it could not detract from nor disappear the Ultimate Reality of our Being-ness. Since in His Mind our idea of physicalness, based upon separate-ness and individuality, is not as high a Thought as His structure of One-ness, He expressed His feelings to us that it was not the highest Thought available. But the holy Sons of God (His One Son) desired the experience of it and were allowed Free Will.

    In order to have the physical experience, you must make that experience REAL to yourself - or it fails. Spirit-mind is all we can ever be, but the body and its brain are the substitute experience for spirit-mind. So, when you examine brain you examine a reality different from the Ultimate Reality that is ours - Eternally.

    Soul or Spirit-Mind lives in an Eternity without man-made Time. Everything - all Thoughts and feelings are occurring in the NOW of Eternity since there is no measurement of Time. (Not HUMAN emotions, exactly - for lower emotions of pain and anger, or feeling opposed and limited, lack of peace and ecstatic love , are not of the Kingdom.) Without TIme, everything is simply NOW ! But what Spirit-mind is - is without parallel. (The speed and memory of computers are not up to the abilities of spirit/soul.) Not one "moment" of Eternity ever leaves the vaults of IT'S Intelligence. All Eternity is stored within it. It is OF God, but not Him.

    Operating as a physical body with human Intellect which learns of it's physical world, primarily, and is concerned with it's individual human "personality" forbids knowledge of Ultimate Reality - or the physical experience degenerates into a feeling like dreaming or hallucinating the whole thing - not what we wanted to have included in our experience of physical individual-ness! However, during each century of Time, many of us do keep our appointment set with the Holy Spirit within us to begin remembering Home. Thus, our spiritual lessons begin - despite the Intellect's yearnings to hold on to the physical world . (It is protecting it's experience of a physical reality.) Soul, being guided by the Holy Spirit, overrides the Intellect - when that soul is willing to come forth and be at the Center of our thinking.

    Can you imagine something of this Power and Magnitude (us !) not being able to remember, independent of the Intellect, all the experiences it has tucked into it's vaults of memory of this physical experience - AND it's Knowledge of Eternity?

    While physical-ness and the "human brain, or Intellect" is a type of reality for us, we are what we are - forever - and while the Intellect appears to "die" in physical death, shutting down to darkness and nothingness as one neuron ,after the other, stops firing Spirit/Soul has a luminous light - an electromagnetic type functioning that shines brighter and brighter at the removal of the shadow ( the dense matter of human body ) that was wrapped around it and caused it's light to be unseen ! It is the all-Knowing of the Father's Power flowing through our essence - and not one detail is ever forgotten of the human experience ; nor of our Ultimate Reality that we shall all rejoin -in the now of Eternal living.

    Best regards, Lana

    Source(s): 21 years of spiritual study.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Great question -- shows that the soul concept is really a projection of people's ego/self where, when faced with the death of the body, people create a concept that maintains the existence of their personality in a bodyless state called the 'soul'. When people experience enlightenment, all of these desires for the continuation of this limited self (our body, our personality, our individuality) are seen as silly and the realization is that the person is actually a One Self whose level of awareness and existence far exceeds individual human consciousness and being. But, given the illusion that we are these limited selves, we hang on to the only thing we think we are and, therefore, invent concepts that will somehow make this individual consciousness/personality real (both when the body/person is 'alive' and when it's 'dead'). A close look at the mechanisms of the body will make us realize that memory, individuality, and what we think of as consciousness can not be part of the real Self (and even a soul would be without them given that memory, cognition, personality, etc. are all from the brain -- just think of what happens as a baby grows or when someone gets brain damage).

  • 1 decade ago

    All I know is that The Soul, and The Mind are basically The Same. The Soul consists of The:

    a) Will

    b) Emotions

    c) Intellect

    That said, I would assume that what is imprinted on The Brain remains with The Soul.

  • 1 decade ago

    Assuming , but not admitting that the soul is an independent entity , it required the brain to remember things when any being is alive .The soul having no oran of any type would be incapapble of doing anything . Voice to be made and heard required the air to created vibraion is some thing concrete and sould bein somethng invisible and not known till this moment

    and not told by any one till this time what it is compsed of or made of , isincapable of creating sound . So also to lift and to throw things there must be some matter at least like the air . itis not known if the soul is composed of air. Even of he soul is composed ofair , it is impossible for it o keep theaome together even for a short time as the air of he sould has no covring to protect it from being dissipated or diffused into the surrounding air . The concept of soul is lacking in these details and is otally contrary to the quality and powers of nature . It is puely artificial and unnatural in quality .

    When a man dies he fores every thing .- even his name . Only when he brain is dead , a man is declsred to be dead . Even is here is slight consciousness the man is not dead . So the soul can not have any memeory . It does not have the

    hard disc of the brain , to regiser any memory ! So the quesion of the soul remembering anything does not at all arise .Even the Gods who created all the lives in the universe , needed some physical organ to eneble the beings to remember things . But men who created religions needed nothin g to eneble the spirits to remember things . We ae still vicimes of the ognorance of the creatures of the past , because of he efec of he brain washing from impressionalbe age over several centuries .This are of bainwashing the humans for several centuries , from thier impressionable age eeds o be stied and this will reveal lo of wonderful things that we are not aware of till now . The attributes top the soul have been made by men who hought that hee isa blue vault over the earth and that the sun is going round the earth

    Because of he bainwashing efcs , we are still unable ignore the old wtong notions despite the availalbiliy of scientific proof of he filly of he thoughts of old ignorant days . It might ake anothere mbillion years to change our viees abou such things if the iekld of psychology is developed to to enable people to understnd that the brain can see things ( in imafination ) that are unreal and that it can not see things that are REAL too.

    Spirits do not exist and they exist only so much as the charge of a battery exist after the battery is discharged . Whare dose the charge go? The soul also goes to the same place . If you can find the charge of the battery after it is dead , ( after it is fully discharged ) , you can find the soul also there .

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  • Shayna
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The mind, body and soul are inner connected as we live in the body. When we pass from this life, into the state of rest the body and mind dies but the soul lives. The day of judgement will be the day we are all judged on our lives. The soul, if you will, is like the black box seen in airplanes. It is the recorder of our lives. The soul retains all the spiritual information. God does not judge our minds or our bodies. Man looks at the outside of man but God looks at the inside of Man. That is the soul. He judges us not on our works but our intentions and goodness or lack there of. Do not confuse the carnal body with the spiritual body. Good works are the result of living with Godly intentions. Good works will not save anyone. Many people live as though, that if theydo good things they are good and will be saved. Not true. The only thing that saves anyone is the acceptance of repentance...the blood shed by Christ. The mind and body will pass but the soul will live on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The soul is an entity that cannot be seen by medical tools. But it is there.

    No one knows for sure, but I'm sure that this isn't too farfetched: Before you die, your brain uses electromagnetic pulses to transfer all of your memories from the pulsing brain to the soul (stored in the heart). Your heart then ejects the soul, thus ceasing your body life. The death of a living thing opens up an inter-dimensional tear, which the soul goes through. In this other dimension, your soul then uses your memory to morph into an exact copy of you, and then your living self is dispersed throughout, and voila, welcome to heaven.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no division of body and soul. The scriptures do not teach that the soul is separate and distinct. Your soul is you. Adam did not possess a soul, according to the account in Genesis. Adam was not given a soul - he WAS a soul. God created a living soul even as the account states. Before God created him, Adam did not exist. After Adam died, he did not exist in some other state.

    “There is no dichotomy [division] of body and soul in the O[ld] T[estament]. The Israelite saw things concretely, in their totality, and thus he considered men as persons and not as composites. The term nepeÅ¡ [ne′phesh], though translated by our word soul, never means soul as distinct from the body or the individual person. . . . The term [psy·khe′] is the N[ew] T[estament] word corresponding with nepeÅ¡. It can mean the principle of life, life itself, or the living being.”—New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967), Vol. XIII, pp. 449, 450.

    “The Hebrew term for ‘soul’ (nefesh, that which breathes) was used by Moses . . . , signifying an ‘animated being’ and applicable equally to nonhuman beings. . . . New Testament usage of psychē (‘soul’) was comparable to nefesh.”—The New Encyclopædia Britannica (1976), Macropædia, Vol. 15, p. 152.

    “The belief that the soul continues its existence after the dissolution of the body is a matter of philosophical or theological speculation rather than of simple faith, and is accordingly nowhere expressly taught in Holy Scripture.”—The Jewish Encyclopedia (1910), Vol. VI, p. 564.

    If one attains to a resurrection, then everything that made that person - his personality, thoughts, feelings and experiences - are in God's memory and God recreates that person with all these things in tact.


    Source(s): The Holy Scriptures The Catholic Encyclopedia The New Encyclopedia Britannica The Jewish Encyclopedia
  • angk
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Think of it as putting a CD with a program on it into your computer. Without the computer, the CD isn't really useful, but the information is recorded upon it. So perhaps we need a body to "run the program", but the information is all there in the soul.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is one of the problems with the belief in the afterlife. Since there would be no physical body as such, all the things your physical body knows would be lost. In fact, this obviously happens to the physical body to when it breaks down (from injury or disease). So the soul wouldn't retain any information from the brain.

  • 1 decade ago

    The brain is a tool. When you die you won't need it. It's almost like asking whether you'll be able to retain information about your oil and gas levels when you get out of your car.

  • 1 decade ago

    The things which are in our pea brains mean nothing,when we go to God we will have infinite wisdom.

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