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Lv 613,545 points


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Discordian chaote/ceremonial magician. Working on a master's in folklore & mythology, which basically allows me to read books, study history, learn about religions, and pick up on a lot of social anthropology while getting only one useless degree instead of four. Knitter, breeder of tropical fish, lover of the Gothic/Romantic period of literature, gamer geek, and taken by a wonderful significant other who is actually a pirate. Not the music kind, the kind with swords. Expertise areas: Pre-Reformation church history, classical Roman culture, "long 18th century" literature, practice & history of ceremonial/ritual magic, Buddhism, various crafts, tabletop/live-action roleplaying games, and vegetarian cooking. Since my 360 link option still won't show up, here's my 360 page: Current project: The FoEM/Strange & Norrell wiki.

  • Looking for a new Tarot deck?

    Currently, my main deck is Maxwell Miller's Universal Tarot, and I recently picked up the Thoth deck and have been using that a lot. (I also have the Dragon Tarot and the Runic Tarot.) However...I'm looking for a very traditional-type deck with older-looking illustrations. I don't want Rider-Waite (never liked it for some reason), and preferably as few words as possible on the cards--even omission of card names would be fine. Any suggestions?

    11 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Eve cults?

    Does anyone know if any groups exist that worship and/or revere Eve?

    Please note that I am not asking for your opinion on such a thing, or your opinion of me for asking. Just want to know if anyone knows if there are any. Thanks.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Different version of We Used To Be Friends by The Dandy Warhols?

    I'm trying to find the really stripped-down version that they're using for the theme to Veronica Mars this year. Only the original version of the song is on the show's soundtrack. Any idea what the name of the mix is, an album where I could find it, etc.?

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • Is God above being insulted?

    In any way, shape, or form. Choose your angle.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If someone asks a question about a religion...?

    but doesn't include theirs, do you assume that they follow that religion? (Not like "tell me about an aspect of this religion", obviously, but about something more inside the religion.)

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hypothetical question about the Bible?

    This one's been in my head for a few days, but some similar questions are up, so here goes...

    You have a friend, who, for whatever reason--from a different culture, odd upbringing, whatever--knows absolutely zip about Christianity. Never heard of Jesus or the Ten Commandments or anything. So you give him a Bible, and he goes off to read it.

    He comes back, having finished the Bible. He tells you that because of it, he has become a Christian. And he wants to talk about some things in the Bible.

    His interpretations are very different from yours--very different from any you would normally accept. In fact, just about the only part he sees the same way is the salvation message. Perhaps he sees the Old Testament as parables and not actual events; perhaps he sees Paul's letters as superfluous next to the message of Jesus.

    Since he is a Christian, presumably he has been guided by the Holy Spirit in his interpretations.

    What would you do? Go with it, correct him, discuss it...?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone who believes in the Bible hold a radically different...?

    interpretation of any parts, besides the "standard", accepted versions? For example, believing that Revelations doesn't necessarily mean a seven-year tribulation period, etc.

    Just curious on different viewpoints.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would you read a book that directly contradicted your beliefs?

    I'm not saying it would be something you would have to agree with. But, for the sake of seeing a different view, would you ever? Why or why not?

    For the record, this is sort of my current project--reading such things myself. Though I can't agree with them, it helps me to understand the people who hold opposing beliefs.

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • iPod/iTunes issues, Mac platform, heeeelp!?

    I have an iPod shuffle, and have had a few problems with it lately. I found out about the recent problems in general, got the Shuffle patch, updated iTunes, all good.

    Today...I plugged it in, and it started disappearing from the device list, with a message about improper device removal (though I hadn't removed it at all), then reappearing and doing this over and over again. I attempted to force-quit iTunes, and now...the triangle on my dock still shows it as being on, and when I click it, nothing happens. I tried it in my Recent Items menu, and got a message saying " cannot be launched. -600".

    Anyone have any clue? Like I said, last time I plugged the iPod in, about five or six days ago...I updated everything AND re-synced it. Nothing has changed since then...

    Mac 10.4.7, iTunes 7.0.2 with Shuffle patch.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • What beliefs are you most passionate about?

    It doesn't even have to be religious, though that's fine if it is. It can even be silly. All I ask is that it be a belief--not a proven fact, but an opinion you hold that others might disagree with. (This question popped into my head whilst Jibba Jabba Prime's questions were making me ponder my perceived superiority of Macs, something I'm far more likely to argue about than religion any day...)

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How does your religion view followers and non-followers differently?

    And if it doesn't differentiate, feel free to put that in.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The Perfect Ten rules?

    We got this for Christmas and tried to play last night, but couldn't get the rules at all. Are you only meant to play ten rounds? If you only score when you get all ten questions right...we played ten rounds and neither team scored. And if that's the only time you score, what is the purpose of marking how many questions were gotten correctly, as it seems to have no bearing on the game? And what's the deal with moving the free answer markers down on the board? Does that mean you always get that category free?

    1 AnswerBoard Games1 decade ago
  • How can you expect...?

    anyone to be openminded about what you believe when you're not openminded about what anyone else believes?

    Not that I'm saying to leave your religion or follow anyone else's. But I don't understand how you can expect someone else to follow your belief and take it as truth when you won't bother to even let them explain theirs, even if they have no wish to convert you. If you want open minds, display an open mind...or am I wrong?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell?

    Anyone else read this one? I'm on probably my fourth reread right now; it is undoubtedly one of, if not the, best books I have ever read.

    For those who have read it...what's your opinion?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Why discriminate with respect?

    I've seen at least five questions today demanding that one group respect the other. Instead of dividing everyone up into groups, creating *more* divisiveness, wouldn't it be better if everyone respected each other, no matter what their belief?

    I know I'm crazy. That's fine. I just hate seeing discrimination about respect. Religion or not, we are all still human, yes?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is your definition of being human?

    Not humanity as a whole, not in a scientific way, but the spark that makes one human--what is it, in your opinion?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Idealism or pragmatism?

    Is it better to fight to change the world into what you think is ideal, or to accept that the ideal way may not always be the best? What about if the majority agrees on ideals, but it still doesn't practically work? (I realize there are many shades of gray in between; feel free to elaborate as you wish.)

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Sanctity of life?

    If you believe in sanctity of life, how far does that extend? Is the death penalty OK for murderers?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does someone's religion or lack thereof make them less human?

    Lots of questions tonight accusing Christians and atheists of hatred back and forth, and complains of hatred from both sides, and protests about stopping the hatred from both sides.

    Does someone's religion really make a difference about whether it's "OK" to hate them or not? We're all still people...yes? Or does someone's belief or lack thereof change your opinion of them so much that it makes hatred OK?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago