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Hypothetical question about the Bible?

This one's been in my head for a few days, but some similar questions are up, so here goes...

You have a friend, who, for whatever reason--from a different culture, odd upbringing, whatever--knows absolutely zip about Christianity. Never heard of Jesus or the Ten Commandments or anything. So you give him a Bible, and he goes off to read it.

He comes back, having finished the Bible. He tells you that because of it, he has become a Christian. And he wants to talk about some things in the Bible.

His interpretations are very different from yours--very different from any you would normally accept. In fact, just about the only part he sees the same way is the salvation message. Perhaps he sees the Old Testament as parables and not actual events; perhaps he sees Paul's letters as superfluous next to the message of Jesus.

Since he is a Christian, presumably he has been guided by the Holy Spirit in his interpretations.

What would you do? Go with it, correct him, discuss it...?


For the record, these "differences" are examples. Just thing of things that are important to you in the Bible and think about how you would react if those things were interpreted very differently.

Update 2:

Time for my disclaimer: This question does not reflect me or my beliefs. It is just a question. No ad hominem arguments please.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Perhaps you should reflect on your motivations for "correcting" someone's interpretation of a book...

    As stated above; you already have the answer you want, yours. You are not looking to "teach" anything, you only want to blindly convert.

    You have given a good example here on how dogmatism (yours) suppresses the free mind and individualism of others.

    Allow your friend his views, maybe you could learn something from him.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think what your trying to ask is because this person has not been influenced by traditional teaching (which may be wrong) he has an advantage. But lets be realistic some of the Bible is easy to understand and some hard, and there are many different views on what it says. Although, some of the misinterpretations come from wrong motives or from false influence. I would say that just as many misinterpretations are because people fail to recognize the cultural context, historical context, the type of genre (psalms is poetry [Hebrew poetry] which is different to todays poetry). The Bible is God's divine word which reveals himself and humans relationship with him. But it didn't drop out of heaven it was written in real time by real people and is a historical document, thus if someone doesn't know about these things then i would expect them to not understand or wrongly understand at least parts of it. wouldn't you? So ease up on the guy I'm sure the first time you read your maths books at school you didn't completely understand them. Lucky we have teachers and people to correct us and tools of learning. Its arrogant to thing you have perfect knowledge but its wrong to thing that you can teach a child anything.

    Source(s): 'How to read the Bible for all its worth'
  • 1 decade ago

    The most important thing anyone needs first to know from the Bible is how to become a Christian. Congrats that he's understood that part! As for the rest, when we ALL got saved, NONE of us understood a whole lot more than that at first. But now that he's saved, he has the Holy Spirit who will teach him as he reads to understand what the true meaning is in the scriptures. Plus now that he's saved, he'll more than likely want to get into a good Bible believing church that will help him grow even stronger in the Faith. Salvation is where we ALL have to start, Hun!

  • JenV
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Discuss it. The Bible is open to interpretation, and there are thousands of interpretations by different religious groups. Who is to say who is right or wrong (as the Bible says we are not to be the judge of men). So it is not your place to "correct," simply because your beliefs are not exactly the same. But there is no harm in a discussion - perhaps your friend will share with you a perspective you have not yet seen, or you will lead your friend into a set of beliefs more like yours, without being pushy. We will go where the spirit guides us.

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  • 1 decade ago

    That is not a "Hypothetical" question, it is a real one. It is clear that "churchianity" is NOT following Scripture. First I would discuss basic ideas. That Scripture is to be understood literally unless there is some textual reason to understand it in a figurative sense. Then I would rejoice that I had the opportunity to go through the entire book one point at a time. (I probably would buy another book to take notes into) and we hopefully could spend many happy hours sorting out which of our thoughts were culturally conditioned, and which were guided by the Spirit of the Almighty. YHVH, He is Almighty, and anything other which tries to get in front of Him is the Enemy (EX.20 --translation for meaning, not words) Scripture is very clear that most have something that they worship rather than the Almighty, and it is to their damage.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Interesting question. What if he took a completely different message from the bible? What if he held the OT in higher regard than the NT? What if he believed in Christ but focused on his more violent side and statements he made that re-inforced some of the nastier aspects of the OT?

    How could you correct him? He has read the same document you have, and come away with a different message. Is his understanding any better than yours or anyone elses?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have come across many who have different beliefs than me. The biggest thing was tongues. I have offered many people to do a study and we will read each word from Acts to 1 Corinthians. I told them we will look up each word to get the true meanings. So far no one has took me up on that. I think thats the best way is to study the word of God with them and stay in the word and do not go on what you may have heard. When you stay in God's word he will show you the truth. So I would discuss it and both do a study on it and come back with what you found.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmmm.......are you thinking that you need to bring him around to your way of thinking? Are you SURE that your way doesn't need any tweaking? I would think it would be interesting to discuss, since the salvation message is the core of what is essential, and you said he had that right. If he understands the main things re: Jesus, then the rest can be talked about w/out any pressure of trying to bring you to his way of thinking or vice versa. As he grows in the faith some of his viewpoints will likely be honed.......hopefully we all will keep growing and learning, you know? Thankfullyyyyyyy God doesn't need US that much in touching ppl's hearts lol. You sound like a great friend. :))))

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    push aside portion of the Bible is generally executed by them that ether do no longer realize it are by them that do not wont to have self assurance it because it is going hostile to different beliefs. i have self assurance God is waiting to save all of his Holy word at the same time for guy form, i have self assurance it to be the KJV. Bible I actually have self assurance it to be one hundred% genuine. Do I understand the word of God one hundred% . NO. I study each and each day, by the word and the Spirit practise me. Do I make mistakes, sure, i'm human. so I study also by my mistakes and advance extra in reality and understanding. in search of Gods truths is a growing procedure that in no way ends. besides the undeniable fact that it does 2 issues to me, It advance me and differences me from the sinner i became to the christian that God wont's me to be.or maybe as he's doing that to me i'm saved by His loving Grace.

  • 1 decade ago

    The problem starts when the word presumably comes in.If we can get confidence when we acquire knowledge of science and mathematics etc.You cannot presume his mental or psychological state, unless, it is expressed by him personally.Holy Spirit is the source of precise knowledge, it provides guidence to make you confident and make your conviction strong.When Holy Spirit comes in contact with prophets, their companions are very clearly witnessing that phenomenon and their conviction becomes stronger than mere believing in him.

    Source(s): 1)-The Holy Quran as translated by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani,India, the Promised Messiaha and Imam Mehdi 2)-Reason, Rationality and Revelation by Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmed, the fourth successor ofHazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani,India, the Promised Messiaha and Imam Mehdi. 3)-Mirqat-ul Yaqeen by Hazrat Maulvi Nurudin, the first successor of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani,India, the Promised Messiaha and Imam Mehdi.
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