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Does someone's religion or lack thereof make them less human?

Lots of questions tonight accusing Christians and atheists of hatred back and forth, and complains of hatred from both sides, and protests about stopping the hatred from both sides.

Does someone's religion really make a difference about whether it's "OK" to hate them or not? We're all still people...yes? Or does someone's belief or lack thereof change your opinion of them so much that it makes hatred OK?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have read a book called "The Story of B" by Daniel Quinn. He says that there was time long ago when humans didn't NEED religion. They were happy enough just being human. But then a few hundred thousand of them got greedy and broke off to form our culture as it is today. These humans thought they were no good and in need of a saviour. Thus came religion.

    It's an AWESOME book!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe the term "hate" should be used less, when it is actually describing the emotion in which you would actually want someone to suffer greatly or die. I do not hate anyone by this definition, and I doubt many people do. We cheapen the word by using it to replace "dislike" or other similar words.

    In reply to your question, using my definition, only a very sick and twisted individual has the capacity to hate someone for their religion alone. This is certainly not okay, and although I disagree with the concept of religion as a whole, I do not hate or even dislike people for being religious, I dislike them for using their religious beliefs as an excuse for doing harm onto others. We are all still people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion is the measure of how inflexible a people can be when dealing with ever more complicated problems that need innovative new approaches to solve. The moribund nature of religion inhibits a society's ability to respond in a timely and meaningful manner and in an ever more increasingly complicated world, may in the end, lead to the demise of that society. Religion has outlived it's usefulness and must be discarded.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not at all... "religion" is just a term or the eternal destination one chooses. It doesn't make anyone more or less human.

    Christianity teaches against hatred. Jesus told us to love one another, to give to the needy, etc. So even if a few 'Christians' on Answers say that they hate atheists, that doesn't mean we all do.

    Blessings. :)

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  • bess
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    That should make them think. But it is like racism it doesn't make sense but you can't tell them anything they would just rather hate. It helps them to feel better about themselves to have someone to look down on. It allows them to trivialize their own shortcomings and character flaws and never really take responsibility for wrongs they commit because they just say well at least I'm not like so and so. It is very sad and really only hurts the hater unless they act violently toward the group they choose to hate.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    definite, i'm agonistic and that i agree, we are the only rational thinkers. Atheists of course can no longer instruct nonexistence and believers can no longer instruct existence. Agnostics are the only ones clever and brave adequate to admit this. I forgot who it became that pronounced some thing like "i'm smarter than you because of the fact i be attentive to that i'm stupid" I oftentimes lean in the direction of the atheists nonetheless and now and returned even say i'm one because no person is conscious wtf an agonistic is. =P Oh btw, i hit upon it give up wonderful to be a spec of dirt basically sitting right here in this enormous rock in the path of nowhere. I extremely savour it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm neither Christian nor Atheist. I see both sides and agree and disagree with both.

    Doesn't make me less human, just more human for voicing my belief.

  • julie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It is not "OK" to hate anyone. Jesus was the perfect example when he went to the outcasts instead of the righteous because He knew they needed salvation that much more.

  • 1 decade ago

    Klu Klux Klan seems to think so

  • Me
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    religion is not a basis of which to judge a person as a individual

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