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How can I learn to like my job?

I have the potential of making a pretty decent living for myself and my son, except I HATE MY JOB. I am a medical transcriptionist and I make about $50K/year. I'm 42 years old and I don't want to spend the rest of my life in school. Do you have any ideas how I can learn to like my job and accept it? Or do you think I should just buckle down and go to school? Only problem is, if I went to school I'd probably be making less than that when I graduate. grrrr....I don't know!!!

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Talk valium or lithium.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay, first of all i have no idea what a medical transciptionist does, BUT:

    Have you thought of starting your own company? Some kind of consulting type thing. In Calgary, they can't find people to work anywhere, and you could start a medical staffing company. Or you could go into new medical offices and help them train and put systems in place. Im not sure where you are from, but in Canada if you start your own business you can get grants to pay yourself until you get up and running. (a friend had a popcorn stand in a park and got paid for it even if she didn't make any money.)

    If it doesn't work out atleast you have something to fall back on.

    This is your chance to do something fun!


    The skills you have in your career are probably transferable. I wouldn't stay in a job I hated, but you have a son to think of so I realize that it may be hard. Talk to him. By staying in a job where you are miserable what aer you showing him? That real life sucks? If you take a small risk, make sure you have something to fall back on, but really - what have you got to lose? Try something new, worst case senario you end up back where you are. GO for it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Decide that you like being able to take care of you son and yourself more than you hate the job. You have a place to live, food, a car, some clothes, a lot of people are really struggling to get by, it could be a lot worse for you. Look at the bright side and smile as you go to work.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the most important thing to ask yourself is why you don't like your job. What about it is so unfulfilling? If you don't like your job because you'd simply rather be doing something else, you may consider picking up an extra activity, something that you do for yourself. I know this can be extremely difficult with children, but investing in yourself is something worth doing. If you don't like people at your job, consider moving. If you don't like your job because you hate the kind of work you're doing (paperwork, mostly, I assume), I think you might just have to find something else to do. I hope that is a little helpful. I know you can't really solve a problem like that in a box this big.

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  • BethS
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm not in love with my job either. I try to focus on what I like about my job. There is a lot office politics where I work, as well. I try to avoid the gossip and just do my job. I hang around the co-workers that I get along with best. Also, I try not to take work home with me, physically or mentally. I don't even think about it when I'm not there. And if you feel stressed, I find that exercise works wonders to relieve my stress level, which is usually work-related.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What a delema...

    Obviously you have already found out that happiness is not found in money...

    Millions chase that dollar sign and are miserable while they are doing it...

    Try this...

    Pray through it......

    What I mean is, shift your focus... begin to pray for guidance in your job, and wisdom...

    Try to set aside time to talk to your Maker every day from this day forward... You will find in a very short while that you are happy in what you do, because you are doing what you should...

    Keep your head up!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    oh yes,, make friends and think positive abt ure job. tell ureself tht YOUR JOB IS BETTER THAN MANY OTHER JOBS and Thank god u have got a good job, think abt those who r dreaming to get the job u r doing... :) All the best.

  • make the best of things when the world gives yoy eggsa make a cake

  • 1 decade ago

    forget about the money, and get a job that you like to do. the money will follow.

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