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peace m asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

At over 400, 000 Iraqi lives; > 2800 US lives; > $345,000,000,000 cost, can someone justify this war?

Is it really in the interest of American people to act as mass murderers for Israeli interests because they wanted this war, and also, can't nations use God-given resources like oil in co-operation with each other instead of this atrocious insanity? Please provide us with the rationale for this carnage that was brought on by deliberate lies.


007...what's delusional about me...I mean couldn't you support your allegation with anything!!!

Kepler...I provided rationale for why I think this is an immense crime against humanity, and I asked to have this insanity explained. If it ain't, then why don't you enlighten us because for me life is sacred and precious...why is it being destroyed along with the ecology?

Omgykkn...dream on! Regarding 9/11 there's a pretty valid case that it was an inside sponsorship, so what are you saying?! sound like a zionazi, there isn't anything I can say to you.

And as-salam...please think, if there was a remote chance of WMD in Iraq the Bush regime would celebrate because it isso utterly discredited. Any light uranium there is likely to be from the rockets dropped in Bush1 and Bush2 assaults, the ones that have caused such increases in cancers and birth defects, in particular among the children. Besides slogans, give reasons to justify the mass killings you've caused.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What do you expect from a nation that condones torture and covert surveillance of its population. A population which overwhelmingly supports invasion of a sovereign nation, degradation of privacy rights, supports no gun controls, a president and high government officials who blatantly lie, incompetent management of the national treasury, and natural resources, and expect anything different than the complete and total denial of any responsibility for the consequences of their insanity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Islamofascism, and their desire to dominate the world under sharia law, is plenty enough justification to me. We need occupied real estate to stage troops for the inevitable war with Iran and their nutjob leaders who want to destroy western civilization and bring back a world-wide caliphate. Being on both sides (Iraq and Afghanistan) gives us a strategic advantage.

    And no "lies" were told (except by our MSM). Even the French and Russian intelligence agencies believed Saddam had a WMD program. If we didn't find anything (which could easily be disputed), it is most likely that the evidence was moved into Syria before the invasion. And much of the infrastructure that Iraq built was dual use, meaning they built pharmaceutical and industrial plants in such a way as to allow quick conversion to the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons at a moment's notice.

    * Note to peace m: "zionazi" ??? - cute. Actually I'm a proud Christian Conservative American Patriot from flyover country, who doesn't want to see us, or any other part of the world dominated by the cult of islam. The entire region needs a good enema, and that is what President Bush is attempting to do. Saddam WAS paying cash rewards to the families of homicide bombers. He WAS providing indirect support to terrorists in order to be a nuicence to America. He WAS playing shell games with that useless socialist collection called the UN. He WAS shooting at our pilots who were working under UN mandates. He had already proven himself willing to use WMD. He and his sons were filling up mass graves, picking women off the streets to rape at will, using REAL torture (not dunking some lowlife terrorist in water), I could go on but I'm sure it won't make any difference.

    You and your kind, and I and my kind will never come to any agreement on this. It's like any other hot-button issue today - all the issues that could have a lib/conservative "compromise" have been accomplished. What we are left with are issues for which neither side will ever give anymore, and so we will never settle them. If it were up to me, we would at this point part ways, and you could live in your godless, feelsgood, anything-goes, appeasement society, and we could live as god-fearing people without all the abortionist / homosexual / athiestic / multiculturalist / socialist cr@p.

  • 1 decade ago

    When you put it that way? Then maybe it was worth it, since the purpose of 9/11 was to scare us away and we're going to do the exact opposite of what someone tries to bully us NOT to do.

    Had you left us alone, none of this would have happened. NEVER WAKE THE SLEEPING GIANT.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    At Peace

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you look at the results on Election Day, as well as the departure of Rumsfeld, it appears as though the American people "get it", and have sent a clear message to Bush & Co.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey we are bringing peace and democracy to Iraq. We will liberate them even if we have to kill every Iraqi.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its enabled justice for the few hundred people killed by Saddam.

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like you're already sure of the answer...

  • 1 decade ago

    Ugh...the real Thumbs (me!) would NEVER same something as lame as freedom isn't free (barf!)

  • 1 decade ago

    yeh! explosions! guns! death! rape! pillage! collateral damge! Heaven! Kill those less fortunate! Rockets! Bombs!

    Um, no justification methinks.

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