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  • I think this is censorship. If you don't agree please enlighten me.?

    Recently I answered a question from Daughter in the Politics section. She had asked for a site on ISIS. I sent her the address of the best site I have come across which was a video "The Covert Origins of ISIS".

    I was shocked when my answer was deleted by Yahoo, and later my appeal was rejected, too, on grounds of violating Guidelines. I checked the Guidelines and did not notice any violation. By the way, I was also banned from Daughter's site.

    Can anyone explain this in supposedly free North America?

    12 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • If this is not censorship please say why?

    A few days ago, an asker in Politics section(Daughter) wanted an answer to "I need information on ISIS" and she also asked for a site.

    I sent her the address of a video called "The Covert Origins of ISIS" which is the best I had come across.

    My answer was removed for supposed violation of Guidelines, and my appeal was rejected, too. I am also banned from the asker's site! I read the Guidelines and didn't notice anything I had violated.

    If this is not censorship by Yahoo, then what is it.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Would it not serve American people more to take out $800 million from the billions given to Israel annually?

    Obama recently agreed to cut $800 million from the Food Stamps program that feeds American families and children, But Israel continues to receive billions in aid. Does this make sense?

    12 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • How about "1% Democracy" as a name for the US democracy?

    What do you think, especially if you don't agree?

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • "Israeli PM demands Obama commit to military action if Iran sanctions fail"?

    The above was the heading to an article in yesterday's (March 1) Guardian, a respectable British paper. It has been clear for a long time that Israel is pushing US into a war with Iran, like they did in Iraq. Why is the American government so servile to Israel, why does it betray Americans and the world in general to cater to Israeli and Zionist interests? Why do they give at least $3 billion a year to Israel and end up being bought by Israeli lobbies such as AIPAC? Why have they allowed the mainstream US media be controlled by the Zionists when it is a truism that for democracy to function it is essential to have a healthy and balanced media? Why are so many strategic administrative positions held by advocates of Israeli interests instead of American people's interests? Can this situation be explained?


    How does a supposed government of the people legislate policies that are so much against the people? Isn't this legalized crookedness and how did it come about?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can this situation arise from democracy?

    This short under one-minute clip is for all Americans to reflect upon regardless of being Liberal, Conservative, Republican, Democrat, Socialist, Capitalist, etc.?

    The top 1% in US own more of the total wealth than the bottom 90%. HOW CAN THIS SITUATION WHICH I REGARD AS IMMORAL ARISE IN A GENUINE DEMOCRACY? Keep in mind that DEMOCRACY means the rule of "demos," that is, people.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Mr. Tony Blair as peace envoy...can anyone justify it?

    I share the views in the following article...

    The Peace Envoy

    By Gilad Atzmon

    06/30/07 "ICH" -- -- What a great day for peace enthusiasts! A new envoy to the Middle East has been appointed for the Quartet, and it’s no other than the former British PM, Tony Blair. Blair, the man who gave the Israelis the green light to flatten Beirut. Blair, the man who started an illegal war in Iraq. Blair, a man who, according to the Geneva Conventions, is to be held personally responsible for more than 700,000 dead in Iraq for failing to ‘protect civilian populations against certain consequences of war’[1]. A man who is supposed to be charged for genocide at The Hague. That’s right, a man who should end his life behind bars is now becoming a peace envoy.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Example of American democracy in Iraq? How does anyone justify it?

    "[Reporters Without Borders] compiles an annual Press Freedom Index for countries around the world. In 2002, under Saddam Hussein's rule, Iraq ranked 130. In the 2006 index, Iraq fell to position 154.

    The same index listed the U.S. at 17 in 2002, a rank that fell to 56 by 2006"


    For those not familiar with Reporters without Borders, they are a well-respected and independent group.

    This much we know, it isn't possible to have democracy without a proper free press. How can US, now #56 in the press freedom index talk about bringing democracy anywhere when its own democracy is so faulty?!

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • At over 400, 000 Iraqi lives; > 2800 US lives; > $345,000,000,000 cost, can someone justify this war?

    Is it really in the interest of American people to act as mass murderers for Israeli interests because they wanted this war, and also, can't nations use God-given resources like oil in co-operation with each other instead of this atrocious insanity? Please provide us with the rationale for this carnage that was brought on by deliberate lies.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • -Why wasn't this letter to the editor published in Toronto Star?

    When is the public going to realize that our mainstream media in the West is really a corporate media and very much controlled by Zionist Jews? Why would a letter like the following not get published in the Toronto Star? It raises an issue of conscience regarding our taxes, and directs attention to the life of a truly brave woman who deserves a lot more publicity than TomKat's recent wedding. For how long do the Zionists think they can get away with controlling news?

    Dear Sir

    Re: War of words (November 18)

    I am baffled as to why the play My Name Is Rachel Corrie should be considered controversial. Here's a woman who was bulldozed to death in yet another routine act of crime against humanity by the state of Israel. What should be controversial, and in fact explored, is the silence by our media and acquiescence by our government at such immence atrocities by this terrorist nation. I feel guilty that our taxes are supporting Israel through tax deductible donations.

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • What is meant by the word "begotten" when it's said that Jesus is the only begotten son of God?

    In the Quran, Jesus is born of virgin Mary without a father, different to the way you & I and the other prophets were born. He is regarded as massih (the Messiah) and referred to as Roohu'Allah, the Spirit of God. This makes sense to me, but "begotten" brings the notion of intercourse to my mind, which belittles God. If "begotten" makes sense to anyone, please enlighten me. By the way, my problem isn't with Jesus and the essence of Christianity but rather, with the man-made theology associated with it.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this media education site? I really like it.?

    Today I came across:

    They have great videos on understanding media. This is a must if we are to have a healthy democracy. As it is, our perception is being shaped by the corporate media and its false and very biased information content. I watched the whole of a video called PEACE, PROPAGANDA, AND THE PROMISED LAND which was actually on:

    I think it's a must watch for anyone who wants to know about the Israeli/Palestinian issue. However it takes over an hour to watch, and I wonder how many prople care about really understanding what's going on instead of just filling their minds with BS they get all the time.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Recipe for a Filipino dish...?

    Recently I had a Filipino food which I really liked...I think the name was lumi or lomi, and it has noodles and different sea food like shrimps and squids, etc...and it even had an egg in it, too.Just curious if anyone else has heard of it.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What is supposed to be so bad about socialism (* NOTE:I don't mean communism)?

    A lot of Americans curse socialism, and I am curious as to why, because I think they reject it without understanding what is being rejected. What is so special about US capitalism which seems to me to cater to money and those who have it, especially those who have lots and lots and lots of it instead of people in general. What's wrong with putting the real needs of people above the whims of the very rich? Am I blind not to see it or many Americans have been deceived and brainwashed by their media who cater to the very rich?

    17 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • So far over $315 BILLION on Iraq war based on the LIE of WMD...what about medicare in U.S.? Do Americans care?

    I came across this article:

    If America's So Great, Where's Our Health Care?

    Lack of health insurance kills six times as many Americans each year as

    9/11 did.

    By Sarah Ruth van Gelder

    Lack of health insurance kills six times as many Americans each year as

    9/11 did.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is supposed to be so terrible about Chavez? I wish Harper in Canada would care as much for Canadians.?

    I just listened to the tape of Chavez's speech in the UN:

    Instead of mere idiotic and blind condemnation, I wish to hear from someone with a sense of rationality to listen to it and explain to us what's bad about him?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Democracy or Corporate Capitalism? What's there now is plutocracy.?

    Criticism of call it what you want, plutocracy, unfettered capitalism does NOT imply communism, but it does mean travesty (mocking ) of democracy.

    Can democracy produce these statistics?

    The top 1% of the American population averages $15 million in net worth. Middle class holdings are $81,000. 30% of households have less than $10,000 in holdings, and 17% of households have a negative net worth. And this is said to be the wealthiest nation on earth!

    Source of the statistics and worth reading

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is what's happening in the Catholic Church regarding papal election mere coincidence?!?

    The last pope's election contributed immensely to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the big bad enemy at the time, and now we see a German pope being elected, and while still a rookie, he makes statements against the fabricated enemy at present, that is Islam...any thoughts?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this going to be another WMD lie to justify further crimes by the present American government?

    I just came across this's the crux of it?

    Thu Sep 14, 5:19 PM

    By Mark Heinrich

    VIENNA (Reuters) - U.N. inspectors have protested to the U.S. government and a congressional committee about a report on Iran's nuclear work, calling parts of it "outrageous and dishonest," according to a letter obtained by Reuters.

    The letter recalled clashes between the IAEA and the Bush administration before the 2003 Iraq war over findings cited by Washington about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction that proved false, and underlined tensions over Iran's dossier.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago