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peace m asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What is supposed to be so terrible about Chavez? I wish Harper in Canada would care as much for Canadians.?

I just listened to the tape of Chavez's speech in the UN:

Instead of mere idiotic and blind condemnation, I wish to hear from someone with a sense of rationality to listen to it and explain to us what's bad about him?


Chavez is NOT a dictator, he was elected democratically although US tried to bring about a coup to depose him. I don't want a dictator for Canada, but nor do I want a Bush poodle!

Update 2:

I think phoxee and ldude both gave good answers, and I can't choose between them!

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hugo Chavez is a democratically elected idiot of Venezula who comes to the UN and makes a public statement to the world that George Bush is the devil. As most of us know GB is not smart enough to be the I rest my case..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I really can't answer your question. I'm here reading the answers given by other people, and each time I'm more convinced, most think with the official head. That is natural, since mediocrity is the rule in all societies and that of the US is not an exception.

    There are individuals however, who dare to get into the dangerous enterprise of thinking with own head, those are the men and women that change the world for better or for worse often depending from your point of view

    In "Im Namen des Teufels" a novel by Hans Habe, he points that one half of the world population are hypocrites, and

    the remaining one is composed by cynics. Chavez definitely is not hypocrit, then he must be a cynic, but no wonder if half the people are.

    By the other hand, as I transcribe a statement from a novel doesn't mean that I agree totally with.

  • 1 decade ago

    Chavez simply has the guts to stand up to the United States. I'm sure there are many other world leaders who feel similarly about the US, though have the capability or the guts to do so. Venezuela has lots of oil. The United States is addicted to oil, and the drive up in oil prices has poured money in to Venezuela, helping to keep Chavez popular at home, and giving him freedom to launch these tirades.

    Bush declares an "Axis of Evil" and "War on Terror". Chavez declares Bush the devil. He is simply borrowing some of the rhetorical extremism that Bush has made popular. You would expect Chavez to play out in the US about as well as Bush plays in Iran.

    He also enjoys bringing up Castro and Cuba. The US has been trying to get rid of him for half a century to no avail. More ways for Chavez to annoy the US with simple statements

  • 1 decade ago

    Chavez nationalized Citgo Oil Co. and uses the proceeds to help poor people. Last fall, two charitable organizations in the U.S.approached all the major oil companies to help poor U.S. citizens pay their heating bills. Citgo was the only oil company that helped and has continued to help for over a year. Of course, everyone acts as if Chavez just now started helping as a publicity stunt. That's just more lies from the Mainstream media. Nationalizing a private industry and helping the poor are two things the right-wing Bushophants hate. It just terrible!!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like he's power hungry to me:

    "The headquarters of the United Nations must be in the South. "

    "And the fourth; we need to strengthen the role of the Secretary General;"

    "That was shown painfully with the tragedy caused by Hurricane Katrina; they do not have a government that protects them from the announced nature disasters" I flatly dis-agree with this statment. Hardly any other countries could handle a disaster the size of Katrina. He's really calling the Kettle Black here.

    You can't possibly protect anyone from a natural disaster, other than tell them to get out of the Hurricane's path. And we have excellent disaster relief funding that most countries woudl envy.

    Maybe you like this guy because he hates our President? And you expect me an American to like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, he's got a personal vendetta against the USA. While he's in the USA exercising his USA given right to freedom of speech denouncing us in the the UN, he(and his security police) are brutally oppressing any dissent in his country. He's only interested in power and since USA is the "big boy on the block" he's trying to use the UN to grab his share.

  • 1 decade ago

    Easy explanation, He is a DICTATOR! I did not know Canada wanted to be conquered & cared for whether they wanted it or not. Coup are not usually the way Canada gets its leaders but

    it is your choice.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's just showboating for those who look to him, as he is "standing up" to the US

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    power is wonderful when you are head of a country full of oil///

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