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The Bible (gives Hope)
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Can you explain this Android Device manager message?
I blanked out the street name.
Last located at 11:58 AM
(Mom's house) El Cajon, CA 92021, USA - Accurate to 19 meters
Last online June 13, 2014
Today is June 14, so does this mean the device was located today, or when it was last online?
I went to a restaurant, before I went to this location which is my Mom's house. So if this is saying that the device was located at my Mom's house ANY time on June 13, then the device must be either at my Mom's house or some place I have been after that time (not the restuarant that I went to yesterday.) But does this mean that the phone was actually located at this location at the time that I pinged it?
BTW - I tried this again, and it said device not found, last online June 13. This is important, because it probably means the phone is misplaced, not lost or stolen. Big difference.
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years agoDo Android phones tell the charger if the battery is low?
I'm trying to find out if an Android phone with a mini USB plug (say for example my Galaxy S3) send any kind of signal or voltage reading that indicates if my battery is low. The reason I'm asking is because I want to make a device that beeps and flashes a light when the battery is low, or drained completely. My phone does not make sound obviously when it's battery is discharged completely. A scenario would be I plug in the phone to charge it in my room, then I go watch TV. The phone for some reason uses too much power when wifi is on, so I forget to turn off wifi and my battery doesn't get charged, but drains slowly instead. I would like to prevent this by having a device that reads the voltage of the phone, then beeps, and flashes a red LED light when the battery is low.
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years agoCan I link other websites directly to a subdomain of my site?
Let's say I have a company that sells lawnmowers. I sell John Deere lawnmowers. Is it possible to have a subdomain on my primary domain that goes directly to John Deere without any use of hyperlinks?
For example Also if someone wants to make a website, but doesn't have a domain name, can I give them a subdomain, but they host that subdomain. If not to all these questions, then any other solutions would help. Thanks.
2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years agoIs there any modern day KayPro equivalent computer?
I'm looking for something sort of like the old KayPro computers if you remember them. They were portable, but they were not lap top. The idea is you had like a suitcase, and you could open up the suitcase and there was a computer, but it didn't have batteries. The idea is portability, but more power, and no battery. It would be like a tower computer, but an all in one unit that was portable. I remember Monorail was sort of like that. There are all in one computers but they don't look sturdy enough to carry around like a laptop.
1 AnswerDesktops8 years agoIs there a genre of fiction that fits the description below?
I am looking for books, movies, TV shows that are the kind that you would want to watch more and more to figure it out. For example 2001 a Space Odyssey is something I watched and it took a while for me to figure out. So I watched it multiple times. I find that once you read a book, or watch a movie there is no point in watching it again, it's spoiled. Is there a particular genre or place to look for this?
3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoIs my vision prescription going to be too strong?
I am getting progressive lenses. Normally if I buy reading glasses off the shelf it seems like even +1.25 is too powerful for me. This prescription says reading distance is +1.75. Is this because they are progressive lenses so that's the max at the bottom or do you think it will be too strong?
I also noticed the computer glasses prescription was +1.50 and that seems strong, because I think the ones I have now are +1.25.
3 AnswersOptical8 years agoIn what way will "the nations be blessed" in Galatians 3:8 and when?
EXTRA POINTS if you can include references to any commentaries or links to any teachings that have opinions on this. I am doing some research about a claim that someone has made regarding this verse.
1. In what way will the nations be blessed.
2. When?
3. Provide references to any commentaries, or links to any teachings that support your answer.
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoCan someone make a living as a motivational speaker even if they are not successful themselves?
I have a friend who wants be a motivational speaker as a career. What I find odd about this is that all the motivational speakers that I know of claim to have been successful in careers other than being a motivational speaker. I am trying to find one person that made a living as a public speaker that did not have any life experience, success, or fame to back up what they were speaking about. I don't see any real demand for just someone who is skilled at public speaking, except possibly to facilitate some event, or meeting.
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years agoHow can I switch my Cricket phone to a flashed phone?
I had an HTC EVO 4G that was flashed for Cricket ROM, and I had active service on my HTC. I loved it, but I thought my HTC EVO 4G phone was broken, so I bought a Cricket Android phone which is nice, but now my HTC works. I want to switch my service back to my HTC EVO 4G which still has the flash ROM. I tried entering the MEID number but it said there was a problem. Please help.
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years agoIs there language software or a program where you learn to understand first before pronunciation drills?
I want to learn Spanish, but I just hate trying to pronounce the words. The way I think it seems that if I understand the words, and what they sound like then that's 80 percent of the battle. Then I can learn to pronounce words. Learn to understand first, then speak later. Perhaps I'm wrong, I'm no language expert, but I am mainly interested in understanding, not speaking.
Actually all the methods I think don't work that well that I know of. I think the best way is by watching movies, drama, and comedy, because your mind remembers things by association with emotions, and when you are pumping adrenalin you tend to remember more.
Languages9 years agoIs there language software or a program where you learn to understand first before pronunciation drills?
I want to learn Spanish, but I just hate trying to pronounce the words. The way I think it seems that if I understand the words, and what they sound like then that's 80 percent of the battle. Then I can learn to pronounce words. Learn to understand first, then speak later. Perhaps I'm wrong, I'm no language expert, but I am mainly interested in understanding, not speaking.
2 AnswersLanguages9 years agoAre double-strings louder than single strings?
I would like to know if 12 strings are louder than 6 strings on a guitar, or double strings tuned in unison like on a mandolin are louder and have more sustain. I'm developing a percussion technique and it's difficult to get a single string to play loud. So I'm wondring if that technique would work better on a 12 string guitar, or a mandolin. Thanks.
2 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoWill working long and odd shifts drive someone insane?
Someone I know is working 8,12 and 16 hour shifts as a caregiver. They never know in advance what shift they will work, and sometimes it's for more than 7 days in a row. Sometimes she will work from 4am to 4pm, then another day work from 11am to 3am (16 hours). I don't know how someone could keep sane working like that. I was wondering what the possible symptoms of that would be.
2 AnswersMental Health9 years agoSomeone wants to pay me, but not in person, but they don't have internet, how?
Someone keeps telling me that they want to pay me some money. I have pretty much written this off as an excuse,but to get this over with I would like to make this as easy as possible for them to pay me.
I don't want them to know my full name or account number, just my email and my first name they have so far. I was thinking that they could go to a check cashing place and deposit money there under a certain account number, then I could retrieve that money, or use moneygram.
3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance9 years agoWhat is the likelyhood statistically of a USPS mail delivery failure?
If someone sends a letter from Temecula California, to San Diego California which is less than 100 miles away, it seems like delivery would be extremely reliable, like 1 in a 1000 failures for a small letter. But someone said they sent a check, and it never showed up! I'm trying to find the statistics for that.
2 AnswersGovernment9 years agoIs there any free or inexpensive software that records multi-track simply?
I'm looking for multi-track recording software that is cheap, and simple to use. This is for an voice recording project, so I only need to record 3 tracks maximum (2 will do). Everything I have tried has been difficult to use. I'm very experienced with recording software like Cakewalk, and Acid Studio, but I want my focus to be on making the recordings, and not all the configuration. I just want 1-2-3. I seem to be having the greatest struggles with Windows 7 audio drivers with the freeware I have tried so far.
2 AnswersSoftware9 years agoHow can my friend get money if she's not paid her first check with employer?
My friend has a daughter and she is facing some hardship, because she was out of a job. Now her situation is worse, because they make her work 16 hour shifts, and she's not getting her first check 1 month after she started! I have loaned her money for rent, and to get back the car that was reposessed, now I'm out of money, and she needs $880.00 by the 10th or she's homeless. What can she do?
The place she works for gets her money based on when her clients get checks (it's a caregiver job).
3 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years agoWhich church or denomination believes what I believe?
The life of Jesus is the Gospel. His life is a message of hope. The hope is in the resurrection. The resurrection is the sign of approval by God that this man Jesus was blameless.
His life is the message that if we overcome like Jesus overcame, we can have eternal life.
His holy blood was shed on the cross to cleanse us of our sin, not just to save us from the consequence of sin, but so that we can be saved by the sanctification - made holy.
Made holy, not in word, but in both word, and deeds. Blameless on the day of his coming. He who endures to the end will be saved. Belief is in vain if it doesn't have substance, a hope of something to come. Jesus taught us the way, he is the truth, and the life. Repenting is necessary for salvation, because God is just and cannot justify someone who does not obey the truth. We gain in hope, and are not ashamed when we endure trials and temptations. We are innocent as babies until proven guilty by the law (romans 7:9), without knowledge of the law there is no sin (Romans 7). If you truly believe you no longer have "sin nature". Jesus did not substitute his life for ours, he did not pay for our sins, he ransomed us with his blood. He paid a price, not a punishment. If you believe the death burial and resurrection, but not the life of Jesus you don't know how to live in Christ. Jesus Christ came in the flesh, dwells in us, and Jesus is Lord, and will judge ME and YOU for both good and bad, so live soberly watching for his return after the tribulation.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoHow can I get this custom guitar cheap?
Most people who order custom guitars are professionals, so it's expensive to custom order. What I'm trying to do is build a special prototype guitar. Imagine I wanted to say build a guitar that had electronics built into a special plastic fretboard. So I don't want a fretboard on the guitar, because I will use my own. The only other special requirements is that it has a floyd rose tremolo, and floyd rose nut. And it might be a baritone. It could be like no frills Strat copy. I was thinking of just removing the fretboard, but I'm wondering if I can ask a factory to just build one without the fretboard.
Since I might want a baritone I figure I might as well get a baritone, and the floyd rose tremolo would be good to have as well as good pickups. I was on ESP guitars and something like this would be 6,000 dollars. My budget is more in the $300-600 dollar range since this is a prototype.
2 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago