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peace m asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Can this situation arise from democracy?

This short under one-minute clip is for all Americans to reflect upon regardless of being Liberal, Conservative, Republican, Democrat, Socialist, Capitalist, etc.?

The top 1% in US own more of the total wealth than the bottom 90%. HOW CAN THIS SITUATION WHICH I REGARD AS IMMORAL ARISE IN A GENUINE DEMOCRACY? Keep in mind that DEMOCRACY means the rule of "demos," that is, people.


Re: mtheoryr's response

How can supposed irrational capitalism arise in a democracy worthy of the name? Wouldn't you agree that democracy has been hijacked as it isn't possible in a democracy to have such an unjust gap unless the people are masochists to vote for policies that basically serve the very rich?!

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wish the American nation would wake up and realise that they live in a Fascist state, were the poor are getting poorer and poorer and the Government is only there to protect the interests of Corporations.

    The CIA exist only to depose democratically elected goverments, put in place a puppet dictator to opress the people and build roads and infrustructre to expliot that country's resources without having to do anything to improve the lives of the people in those countries they have invaded.

    There is not one single country that has become better off because the US meddled in its affairs, and the only reason they have become involved is to protect corporate interests. People, even Amercian people, are not important, the proctection of profit is.

    Your country is in an illegal war purpetrated by a criminal who took the USA into Iraq on what he KNEW was a lie. The blood of over 4.000 American soliders and 1.2 million Iraqis is on his hands and there is NO ONE who can bring him to face hearings. They have tried. No other President in history has been able to deny the people their chance to question him.

    The Bush family and his cronies have been making obscene amounts of money from the war, $23 billion of American taxpayers money is 'missing', and no-one can call the President or any of his staff to account. This is not the behaviour of a democratically elected leader, this is the behaviour of a dictator.

    In third world dictatorships, the wealth of the country is concentrated in the hands of the very few, while the majority live in poverty. The statistics clearly show that in America this is also the case, as is evident in the link in this question.

    It is not true that if you work hard and are honest, that you will do well and become wealthy. Inequalities are built into the system and exascerbated in every new generation. The ONLY way out of poverty is to be paid a fair wage for a days work. The minimum wage in Britain is just over £5 an hour, ($10), and even that is not enough.

    People should be able to work and make ends meet without having to put their hands our for tax rebates from the Government. In America, the minimum wage should be much higher, but because the Government is controlled by big business, the laws to make corporations pay a fair wage would never be passed. That is true of all your candidates for election, because they are all in the pockets of corportations.

    The sitiuation outlined in the video can arise because you do not live in a democracy, you live in a country controlled by corporations, which is the true definition of Facsim.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That would be the result of irrational capitalism not a Democracy.

    Back lash of the objectivity ethical philosophy where "rational self interest" is used to defend this type of activity but the over-site of reason seems to have been ignored.

    The wealthiest people in America are no longer "improving the quality of their lives" as one could not possibly improve upon their life beyond a certain material point.

    What happens instead is they are increasing their control of the remaining populous and in fact lowering the quality of life for others in the process.

    To think some actually believe that this is "rational" by appealing to Ayn Rand ethical philosophy which can not be said to be completely valid in the first place.

    But the point remains that it is not a Democracy that has lead to this skewed status but irrational capitalism.

  • 1 decade ago

    unfortunately this is the truth. it is sad to see some try to justify such an unjust system. they make excuses such as USA is a republic and not a Democracy and that some people work hard and what is wrong to be rich ?! the fact is that resources have been distributed unequally and illegitamately from the beginning and that's not a fair competition! those 1% don't even have to work since money brings money! lets put it this way i personally loose tens of thousands of dollar every day since i am not a billionaire! peace

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i in my view think of pakistan elect genuine democracy on the 2d when you consider that pakistan is a federation of many countries. the relegion is undemanding however if that is used wrongly. if u elect shariah then that recommend, all people who's muslim would be a pakistani, that is a pakistan idealogy. and that i think that could create inhabitants and an excellent form of different problems. secondly, making shariah regulation in pakistan will make west to take subject concerns extra and that they are going to make incorrect image of islam even it would hav not something to do with islam. pakistan hav to handle with that besides with being susceptible on the 2d. third i think, the step would desire to be taken by using saudia arabia not pakistan and then it may sell to different international places. and that i dont think of it is possible on the 2d. additionally compelled shariah wont artwork properly as for alcohol is undemanding or not, i dont understand, its not that undesirable. human beings have been scared rationalization for lack of self belief and the bomb blasts. i assume its not sturdy to concern approximately that until eventually now u flow out of ur is using incorrect regulations of rulers. my factor is, however if u start up implementing shariah, it will be misused and could take them in extra problems. we are used and experimented many circumstances, even against russians and isnt those adequate mesries?? and in the top, pakistani consitution is islamic which says, each regulation would desire to be in accordance to quran and sunnah. yet u see no such element so.. the undemanding factor is implementation and coaching and that could elect an prolonged term stradegy. pakistani human beings will additionally ought to alter themselves.

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  • 1 decade ago

    We are not a Democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. Lesson number one completed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush and company are only interested in democratising others than themselves. If they tried to democratised the US they would be a forgone conclusion.

  • 1 decade ago

    How is concentration of wealth immoral? Or undemocratic? That makes absolutely no sense. Who cares if those people have a lot of money? Some people get an education and work hard to become wealthy. I see no problem with it. People get what they deserve and earn. Anyone can get there, if people just stop asking for hand-outs and stop whining.

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