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peace m asked in News & EventsMedia & Journalism · 1 decade ago

Example of American democracy in Iraq? How does anyone justify it?

"[Reporters Without Borders] compiles an annual Press Freedom Index for countries around the world. In 2002, under Saddam Hussein's rule, Iraq ranked 130. In the 2006 index, Iraq fell to position 154.

The same index listed the U.S. at 17 in 2002, a rank that fell to 56 by 2006"


For those not familiar with Reporters without Borders, they are a well-respected and independent group.

This much we know, it isn't possible to have democracy without a proper free press. How can US, now #56 in the press freedom index talk about bringing democracy anywhere when its own democracy is so faulty?!

5 Answers

  • -RKO-
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm unfamiliar with Reporters Without Borders, but I can easily understand why the U.S. ranks so poorly in its index. The Bush administration has encroached on our freedoms and encumbered our rights, particularly in the matter of a free press and freedom of speech. We are slowly turning into a police state where we cannot demonstrate against an oppressive or tyrannical government (as allowed by our Constitution). Even Ben Franklin once said: "When government fears the people, it is liberty. When people fear the government, is is tyranny."

    Jefferson said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

    But, like lobsters in a pot of lukewarm water, we comfortably languish in our $400,000 homes and drive around in our $60,000 gas-guzzling SUVs until - suddenly! - the government will take over and we will have no freedoms at all.

    And, as the pot starts boiling over, we'll all scream in agony over our own apathy. Only then will we realize that we should have paid more attention to what our corrupt government was doing instead of worrying about Britney Spears' shaved head and "low prices - everyday" on plastic junk we don't need from WalMart.

    You're right: it's not possible to have a democracy without a free press. In fact, it's not even possible to have a republic (such as is the U.S.A.) without a free press. Our government has become far too bloated, powerful, overbearing, and controlling. The only way we will ever take back our country is to start another American Revolution.


    Read the new blog, "BUSHWACKER!"


    But Americans are too wimpy - too comfortable - to fight for their rights. Like the lobster in the pot,we will simply squeal a lot and continue to allow our government to boil us alive.

    The Bush administration has not put American taxpayers TRILLIONS of dollars in debt because it wants to bring 'democracy' to Iraq. Bush, Cheney & Co. only want all that OIL swimming underneath Iraq's sands so they and their Exxon-Mobil buddies can make billions of dollars feeding the American dependency on cheap, easily-accessible foreign OIL.

    It's time for American citizens to take up arms against a tyrannical and oppressive government, as is allowed in our U.S. Constitution. Too bad most people believe the "right to bear arms" means they can own a handgun.

    Too bad most people in this country believe "freedom of speech" means they can use any vulgar language they want to use, regardless of how it offends others.

    Too bad media moguls believe "freedom of the press" means they can air whatever obscene, pornographic crap they wish.

    We have so badly misinterpreted our Constitution, it's no wonder the U.S.A. is gradually going the way of the Roman and Greek empires. -RKO-

  • 1 decade ago

    Its easy to justify, reporters without borders is a liberal/neo-Marxist rag and I would not trust anything from this bias source. Secondly, when you consider that the US has 300 million people, there is no other country on earth that is as democratic and open as the US. That's why millions of people flock to the US from other countries. You can put down the US all you want, but all you have to do is look at reality and see that people are well off in the US and the demand is extremely high to live here.

    Hope you can find a better source of information next time ;-)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Reporters without Borders are just as independent group as Fox News.

    So your source is out in left field.

    Do they have an index of voting under saddam compare to now.

    Didn't think so.

  • AZ123
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    We're going down the tubes, dude. The fascists discount everything that doesn't come out of the mouths of such established liars as Rush Limbaugh, O'Really, Cheney and Bush as liberal/Marxist. Of course, if they knew their history a little better they would be aware that liberals and Marxists are quite different. It might be wise to get a passport and come up with an exit strategy ASAP.

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  • keetan
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    some human beings can under no circumstances locate the money fairly is very authentic to the babies of a small yet very influential u . s . that pull u.s. via its nostril each and every of the time. Oil is effective and the Iraqi section and the neighbourhoode is very effective because of the fact of its tectonic shape that ingredients replenishing source of oil.whilst each and every of the oil in the international has run out that section will nonetheless save offering. Saudi Arabia is wealthy yet no longer area of this formation, yet Iran and the full Persian Gulf is.

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