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peace m asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

Would it not serve American people more to take out $800 million from the billions given to Israel annually?

Obama recently agreed to cut $800 million from the Food Stamps program that feeds American families and children, But Israel continues to receive billions in aid. Does this make sense?


allonyoav, During Mubarak's dictatorship Egypt was receiving about $2 billion if I am not mistaken, and if I am not mistaken it is still getting a large sum. Mubarak was a puppet and worked with Israel in keeping Gaza closed. The new one, General (self-promoted to Field Marshall) Sissi is even harder towards Palestinians and it is business as usual with the Zionist regime. I believe Jordan receives a bit of aid, too, but the large bulk of any aid goes to Israel who is using this money to violate international law, use arms against defenceless people like in Gaza, create mayhem in Lebanon, etc. And what's more, buy American reps to do its bidding. How do you think US got into Iraq, "thanks" to Israel and now they want US to continue their agenda by bombing Iran and getting rid of Bashir in Syria. Don't you think American people should liberate their government from the Zionist Israeli occupation? Isn't over a $trillion spent and many killed and maimed f

Update 2:

allonayev, I thank you for the data on USAID. I don't know how it has been culled, hence its applicability to my point. I do know for a fact that Israel receives the maximum aid from US through its lobbies such as AIPAC, and through control of the US media. I refer you to the book, The Israel Lobby by professors Mearsheimer and Walt (Chicago and Harvard respectively). Also look into the document Project for a New American Century written by a group of mainly neocon Jews a few years prior to 9/11. One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to see that this is really an Israeli Zionist agenda passed on to US Admin as policy for US. What happened in Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. was the implementation of this Jewish sponsored policy. The cost has been well over a $trillion as well as thousands of American lives lost and tens of thousands maimed and in despair. Not only American people have suffered by having resources taken from them, America has become hated for its support of

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree, foreign aid isn't doing us any good especially in israel... let someone else coddle these monsters. here is why, a link in a few seconds...hold on...

  • Sean
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Kerry and Obama want to send the fascists that overthrew the Ukrainian government $1 billion, that is against international law.

  • 7 years ago

    How about just letting the American taxpayer keep the $800 million, since it is his/her money in the first place?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Tax wall street to fund Medicare for all and Medicaid for the destitute.

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  • 7 years ago

    Everyone's got a good point. Americans should keep the money or it should go to paying off the debt

  • 7 years ago

    Why not take the $800 million formt he budget going to Arab countries foreign aid which is triple that fo Israel- and much of that is going to countries whose populations are HOSTILE towards the USA. It would make far more sense to take money away from those who attack you rather than your allies. Does it make sense to give so many billions to Arab countries whose populations are so hostile towards the USA and US values?

    edit: Do your research- Arab/Muslim nations received more than triple the amount in aid that Israel received in 2012 (the latest data I could find)- see

    Highlights- Afghanistan 12 Billion

    Iraq 2.8 Billion

    Egypt 2.7

    Jordan 1.4

    Pakistan 1.2

    Total: 21.1 Billion Israel Total 6.2 Billion

    Even if Afghanistan is taken out, the Arab nations received 1.5x more aid than Israel.

    2013 from

    Egypt 1.5 billion

    Iraq 2

    Israel 3

    Jordan .6

    Afghanistan 2.5

    Pakistan 2.2

    Arab countries (excluding smaller allocations): 8.8 Billion

    Israel: 3

    Arab countries just under triple the amount of Israel.

    Your interpretation of Israels actions is just the normal propaganda rubbish shelled out by the hate ISrael crowd- as is your attempt to claim that Israel receives the bulk of foreign aid when it is blatantly NOT true and the Arab nations receive far more aid than Israel does! Question is, with the facts in front of you are you going to admit your error or continue with your propaganda?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Israel is a welfare recipient of the largest order and the one entity that can afford to have their funds slashed..

  • 7 years ago

    Since the administration says we're at "full employment"....just get a job. Problem? Don't you believe your liberal government?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Exactly, it makes no sense. Israel needs no foreign aid.

  • 7 years ago

    Good eye, brother!

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