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Is heterosexuality outdated?

Now that we can reproduce without the disgusting act of heterosexual intercourse do we really need to keep breeding stock around?

Other than rape and war what has the so-called "straight community" given to society?

Spousal abuse at all time high rates.

Way over 50% admit to cheating.

Over 50% end in divorce.

It's just not natural.

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hetero-phobia makes as little sense as homophobia. People fall in love as their natures lead them, this is not subject to rational argument. Romeo and Juliet had any number of reasons to stay apart, Romeo and Julius would as well, if they were in love it wouldn't matter. The word "natural" means "occurring in nature", therefor heterosexuality, like homosexuality, is, by definition, "natural". What isn't natural is attempts to claim that lifelong monogamy is the only option, history and nature both refute that. The homosexual community has done it's own share of contributing to rape and war, those are things common among all people, you can't, based on historical fact, attribute them to only the "straight community". 90% of child molesters are hetero because 90% of people are hetero, again, not an indictment of the straight community. You might try asking what you, personally, have contributed to society, and go from there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Errr..yeah right. OK I'll take this question seriously...

    First there is nothing disgusting about having sexual intercourse (BTW I'm hetero). There is no finer bond between two people making love. As far as the reproduction part, it is up to each one of us to use protection so not to have an unwanted baby.

    The reason rape, spousal abuse, divorce, cheating are so high, is because of a lack or morality. I feel this stems from early childhood when the schools tell the parents, not to spank Johnny because Johny will have problems. Well Johnny was not spanked and now we really have problems.

    We should bring back some good old fashioned moral obligations and respect for one another regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual preference, gender expression, religion and what ever you wish to add to the list.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    funny. Although I personally think the whole enchilada can go, not just the straights. What has the HUMAN community given the planet? I mean really? Its a fricking disease. And gays love money, power and selfishness just as much as straights. Well maybe not as much as straight alpha male types but given time and societal acceptance they would most likely develope the same god awful traits.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think heterosexuality is just as normal and natural as homosexuality.

    Some of my best friends and dearest relatives are heterosexual.

    If there were no heterosexuals, no one could fix my car. If there were no heterosexuals, there would be no Neal Boortz (I love him). And no self-respecting homosexual would cut my hair for 10 bux like my straight female barber does.

    Stick you post in your hat.

    Source(s): I love Boortz, you piglet!
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  • 1 decade ago

    Nice try, but no cigar. Talk to us when no gay person ever commits rape, domestic abuse, cheats and divorces his or her partner.

    For years and years the gay community has fought to be accepted. Then, you just turn around and flame the straight community.

    Is it just human nature to take one step forward and two steps back?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, unless you were conceived in a test tube, I assume you got here through a disgusting act of heterosexual intercourse. So it can't be all bad. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Straight bashing is just as uncool as gay bashing (tho I'll admit I do feel a twinge of guilty pleasure in seeing some of them get a taste of their own medicine.)

  • 1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    how would you feel if your parents or family were killed-what they did was natural with no doctors. The problem today is too many people please their flesh and not God.

    The next generation needs Jesus more than any other, not ignorance or more self indulgence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No statistics dont mean its brings happiness and kids The world is whats messed up

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