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NewBorn how does this work?

ok long story short my bf now husband cheated on me, and got another girl pregnant, she didnt want the baby we all sat down talked about it and she has agreed to give him to us.. BUT she wants to leave to go to a different state as soon as he is born and she never wants to have anything to do with him.. but how do we do this.. i mean can we get a SSN for him and does the birthC come to us.. or what i mean never had a kid since i cant have child.. but this is confusing.. and he is due in 5 days.. kind of stressing me out.. plus on top of that i am taking him to hawiie to live after he is born because my husband is military and going to iraq. so i would need to get some kind of proff that i am the "caregiver" or whatever right.. im not sure how this all works...


Well i understand that and we do have the papers and is ready to file once he is born but was just thinking that she might have to give me temp rights or something not sure.. i love him he is a great baby.. cant wait for him to come out.. long term im not worried just want to make sure that i can get rights so i can leave with him...

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Whoa...that's a lot to deal with...I would suggest a counselor (for all of you, including the baby's mother) and a lawyer...a good one.

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    she'll need to sign away her rights and then you can adopt the baby. as far as the ssn, most hospitals will fill out the paperwork for you, so all you have to do is request it. uhm, other than that, get a doc to clear the baby for flight and then you should be good to go. If you can't get all that done before your hubby goes to Iraq, have him give you Power of Attorney over the child until he gets back. Your legal office at your base will be able to take care of that after the child is born. Good Luck and Kudos over being willing to take this child in as your own after what has happened. There are not many people who would do that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should hire an attorney and formalize the adoption procedures. That's the only way to protect your rights, should she ever return and change her mind about the baby.

    The only way you can ensure that the baby is yours, and not hers, is if you get her to waive her parental rights.

    As to the birth certificate and ssn, the hospital takes care of that when the baby is born. It will be given to you when you formalize the adoption procedures.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are going to have to legally adopt him. I would get a lawyer and get it all drawn up with legal papers. There might be a window in which you wont be able to leave with him (Im really not sure). Find a lawyer who specializes in adoption law. Good luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know exactly, but definitely contact some child agency for adoption or something. They might know what to do. There are definite legal things to be sorted out for change of guardian, handling the birth cert. Contact your local government legal office that handles those kinds of things.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well you should legally adopt him. Then he is yours no matter what and she can't ever come back and take him back. You need to start figuring it out asap. Have her sign the adoption papers. Good luck and congrats....seems like a sticky situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    You might want to contact your local Social Services agency and talk to a social worker. They have all the names & numbers of who to talk to and which papers you need to fill out. I live in Wisconsin, and something similar happened to my son, though he wasn't married or even dating his wife at the time of the birth of his son. Before his son was born, the girlfriend stopped dating my son (big sigh of relief!) and moved in with another fella. My son started dating the girl he was really meant to be with. After they got married, the mother of his son decided to give up her rights, giving full custody to my son, plus giving full mommy rights to his wife. They had to go through a lawyer, with lots of paperwork, background checks and personal interviews. It costed something like $2000 to make him fully adopted. But, in our eyes, it was well worth it. The mom was given the option to visit him, by appointment, if she wanted to. She's only done so a couple of times, mainly on his birthday. Otherwise, she stays out of his life. So, check with your Social Services agency. They'll know the laws of your state, and what it will take to get things moving. And we thank your husband for his service to our country. <*)))><

  • cottom
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Medically, that's 28 days after unique date of consignment, no longer surely delivery date, yet I nevertheless evaluate them a new child till they are 2 or 3 months previous, i imagine to, it relies upon on the size of the toddler.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe you are going to have to legally adopt hime. If she dont want the baby and wants to give it to you than she needs to sign over paternal rights and sign legal adoption papers.

  • 1 decade ago

    why don't you try to adopt him? I am not sure how long this takes but she will need to sign the adoption papers to give him up to you.

    Good luck

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