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LJ asked in Society & CultureHolidaysChristmas · 1 decade ago

Need help with Christmas Gift Ideas.?

I've got a friend from high school that I only hear from at Christmas. She always calls a few hours before she shows up with her husband and kids. The call is always the same "Hey I'm in town with your presents. We'll be there in a few hours." I never know what day they're going to spring this on me. This is always a hassle because we have so many parties to attend. I've wrote to her asking for ideas for the kids and her Husband and that just made her mad. I've tried e-mailing her trying to pick up on things she says, but her email never works. I'm out of ideas. I have no clue what they are in to because I really don't know them.

I feel like I should get them something, but what? Also how should I handle the last minute drop ins?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Around our house we have occasional surprise visitors kind of like you have. So I keep a few things on hand. I go to the liqour store and buy about 6 bottles of nice but not expensive wine and head over to walmart and get 6 or so wine gift bags and matching tissue paper. For the younger group I get a few gift cards and a little stockings and a couple pieces of candy. I never put but 5.00 on a card though. It is quick and easy to travel with. Plus if you don't havea long time to entertain if you have prior engagements then when your unexpected company calls you can say "I'm looking forward to your visit but I can only be available for just a little bit, I have visiting of my own to do, Sorry but if you had taken the time to call me in advance I would have been able to make more time for you"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here is a novel way to deal with her, don't give them anything; apparently you think more of the friendship than she does or else she would not be sooooooooooooooooooooo rude as to give you a few hours notice by expecting you to drop what you are doing to go out and get something for them unless she is being very rude in assuming that you have already gotten something for them. When she shows up tell her that you didn't know what to get them and that since she didn't give you much notice that you were too busy with the activities that you had already planned and shouldn't be expected to drop what you are doing to accommodate her and she should call about two or more days before arriving to let you know what day and time she and her family are going to be dropping by so that you can possibly reschedule things around her visit. Or to really get the point across be sure not to be home and then if she calls and says that she missed you tell her that you had things to do and you couldn't wait for her for hours to show up, that you have a life too and if she doesn't understand and gets mad then she can't be a very good friend.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Sun sign: Gifts for Leo Leos love gifts. They will appreciate more the fact that you thought of them than the actual present. (True!!) However, if you want to make them really happy, buy something of which they could be proud of: a mobile phone, a funny shirt or a pet. (I guess lol) The best colours for Leo are orange-red hues. (I love all colours :P) Gift Ideas: favorite music CDs, concert tickets, electronics, a funny shirt, interior design objects, a pet, something made by you (for example a woven bracelet). I'd be happy with any of those :) Rising: Gifts for Cancer Firstly, the fact that you bought him a present is a sign that you thought of him and this will make the Cancer very happy. (Yes :D) It would be ideal to buy him something he already said he wants- to prove that you are permanently listening to what he says. (Doesn't matter, there are money matters ya know?) In any case, be sure that any gift will bring him great joy, especially because it comes from you. Even if it is a bracelet which he would normally consider a horrible thing, he will wear it with pride, as a proof of your love for him. Anything related to the occult or has a Spiritual touch will surely fascinate him. The color that suits him the best is blue. (Blue actually suits me best) Gift Ideas: a painting, fluffy slippers, a fresh perfume, a book in the series " How to start your own business', a religious icon, a charm, a meditative music CD. I'd be fine with any of them except for a religious icon. I'm not religious

  • 1 decade ago

    Never feel obligated to buy anyone a gift for Christmas or any time for that matter because they chose to get you something. If she brings you a gift say thank you. I would also e-mail her and tell her your family has plans this year,and if she plans on coming out next year you would appreciate knowing ahead of time so that you can plan for their arrival. If she gets mad at this,you haven't lost much. She seems to be very inconsiderate.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Be kind, you will be glad someday that you've kept this friendship alive. I would suggest something simple like an assortment of nuts or goodies for the grownups and some fun candy-type treats for the kids. World Market has great holiday goodies all put together with cool stockings, toys, etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    You could always tell them something like, "Sorry, you caught us, as we getting ready to leave for my in-laws. I wish I had known when you were coming in to town, so I could have made time for a visit."

    It is very rude to just drop in on some one and expect them to drop everything for you. I personally would say so to the person.

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