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What are some real facts about immigration/illegal immigration?

What facts or statistics can you share on the immigration issue?

7 Answers

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    In fiscal year 2002, 33.6% of criminals sentenced in federal district courts under Federal Sentencing Guidelines were non-citizens, and 55% of these non-citizens were illegal aliens. This means that illegal aliens accounted for 17.5% of all crimes prosecuted in federal courts, whereas they are less than 6% of the adult population.

    There are 400,000 illegal aliens being sought by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as "Absconders," and 100,000 of them are criminals. They have been ordered deported but cannot be located.

    From 1980 to 1999, the number of illegal aliens in federal and state prisons grew from 9,000 to 68,000. Today, criminal aliens account for about 30% of the inmates in federal prisons and 15-25% in many local jails. Incarceration costs to the taxpayers were estimated by the Justice Department in 2002 to be $891 million for federal prison inmates and $624 million for inmates in state prisons.

    In 2004, the federal government reimbursed states and counties almost $300 million for over 200,000 illegal aliens in custody in jails and prisons. This number does not include illegal aliens in jail in jurisdictions that did not request reimbursement (such as Illinois and Wisconsin), nor does it include thousands sentenced to probation instead of jail time.

    From 1995 to 1999, the INS released over 35,000 criminal aliens instead of deporting them. Over 11,000 of them later committed serious crimes. The data for 2000-2004 has not been released.

    In 2003, the ICE Detention and Removal Office in Los Angeles had the manpower to process only 10-12% of the estimated 40,000 illegal aliens who passed through the county jail (24% of the total of 170,000). Over 35,000 were released back into the community.

    Over 23,000 individuals with criminal histories were apprehended by the Border Patrol in 2004 trying to enter the U.S. illegally. No one knows how many crossed our open borders successfully.

    The Los Angeles County District Attorney's office says there are over 300 murder warrants outstanding in L.A. County for illegal aliens who have fled to Mexico. They estimate there are 800 to 1,000 such warrants statewide in California and possibly 3,000 nationwide.

    Frequently, an illegal alien arrested for a crime can accept "voluntary removal" instead of going to trial for his crime. He is sent home but not counted as being deported. Thus, he has no criminal record if he re-enters the country. Local prosecutors make this deal to save money, but because of our open borders such criminals often return and commit additional crimes. No one has yet calculated the cost of this practice.

    Although all illegal aliens are subject to deportation by law, only the most serious criminals are detained and deported from local jails because of inadequate ICE manpower. Over 200,000 illegal aliens who were incarcerated for minor crimes in 2004 were released back into the community instead of being deported.

    In 2004, over 50,000 apprehended "Other-than-Mexican" illegal aliens were released by the Border Patrol due to a lack of detention space. Most of them did not show up for their immigration court hearing.

    The Border Patrol does not routinely arrest "coyotes" who smuggle illegal aliens into the country. They are merely sent back across the border with their "clients." They are arrested and prosecuted for human trafficking only after the coyote's file has numerous apprehensions and five documented re-entries after deportation.

    Illegal aliens are often released because of lack of detention space, yet the federal agency responsible for detention facilities, ICE/DRO, has never requested the funds to build adequate detention facilities.

    Prepared as a Public Service by The National Center for Citizenship and Immigration

    Rep. Tom Tancredo, Founder and Honorary Chairman - A Non-profit Organization

    P. O. Box 3044, Littleton, CO 80161

    Source(s): How To Report Illegal Aliens - Updated DHS Version! By Juan Mann See also: The Struggle To Report Illegal Aliens: A Status Report With all this hoopla about homeland security, why isn’t there a “Terrorism Information and Prevention System” that Americans can really use? Why not start reporting illegal aliens and criminal alien residents? Illegal aliens are subject to deportation at any time. Their very presence violates federal law. Lawful permanent resident aliens – that is, anyone with a “green card”– also can become deportable if they are convicted of certain crimes. These criminal alien residents can lose their permanent resident status and be deported right along with the illegal aliens and non-immigrant visa overstayers – if the proper authorities only knew about them. The new Department of Homeland Security is the proper authority to whom to report the presence of illegal aliens, non-immigrant visa violators, and green card holders who have been convicted of crimes. The DHS has background information on reporting “suspected illegal aliens or suspected illegal immigration activity.” For now, this link sends you right back to the former Immigration and Naturalization Service field offices, now part of the DHS’ service-oriented Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services - BCIS. Though it looks like BCIS took over the INS web site, all the law enforcement agents are still at the former INS field offices anyhow, since no new facilities sprang up overnight when the INS left the Department of Justice on March 1, 2003. The law enforcement components of the former INS are now called the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement – BICE (field offices) and the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection – BCPS (field offices). To report an illegal alien, look up the nearest existing field office and ask for the (BICE) Investigations Division or the "Enforcement Office." If you cannot speak with a Special Agent from the Investigations Division, ask to speak to a Deportation Officer from the Detention and Removal unit. Make a report over the phone or go in person. You are performing a vital public service by doing this. Officers in these divisions are obligated by law to make a written record of your report. The groups U.S Border Control and also list ex-INS field office contact numbers. If you live in a border area – roughly, within 50 miles of the border - you have the better option of reporting the presence of illegal aliens to the nearest BCBP or Border Patrol field office. You can either call or go in person. If there is no Border Patrol station listed nearby, contact the nearest Sector Office to find out if there is a local sub-station that is not listed on the web site. Like the former INS, the Department of Homeland Security still doesn’t have a way to report illegal aliens over the internet. But the Federal Bureau of Investigation does! Thanks to a recent delegation of authority by Attorney General John Ashcroft to the FBI Director, all Special Agents of the FBI now have the power to enforce immigration law. So send your internet tips to the FBI on or contact them the old-fashioned way, by calling or writing one of the FBI field offices. (The DHS has a guide for how to “report a missing person suspected of falling victim to dangers along the border.” This public service is part of the “border safety initiative” of its alien-friendly BCIS - proving that the BCIS already is living up to its legacy as the reincarnation of all the INS “customer service” bureaus.) Illegal aliens and criminal alien residents might be up to some type of fraud against the Social Security system too. For them, false documents are a way of life. The Office of Inspector General of the Social Security Administration operates a fraud hotline for reporting misuse of social security cards and false statements on claims – whether by employers or employees. Prosecuting Social Security fraud has been used successfully to tie-up terrorist suspects, even if they are not illegal aliens. Report criminal violators to the FBI for prosecution by the U.S. Attorney. Though it has been accused of giving cover to illegal aliens through tax ID numbers, the Internal Revenue Service also accepts citizen reports on general tax fraud including “earned income tax credit” abuse. The IRS’ criminal investigation division handles employment tax fraud reports. The Department of Health and Human Services maintains a hotline for reporting Medicare or Medicaid fraud, child non-support, AFDC fraud, and abuse of related programs. Also, believe it or not, all male illegal aliens (as well as male permanent resident aliens, ages 18 through 25) must register with the Selective Service System. If they do not register, they can be prosecuted for a felony and fined up to $250,000 and/or be put in jail for up to five years. They also may not then be eligible for U.S. citizenship. And there are state penalties for failing to register. Selective Service registration is conveniently available in Spanish. Report draft registration violators to the FBI for prosecution by the U.S. Attorney. What will the DHS actually do when you call? It will take the information down, as it is legally obligated to do....and quite probably not much else. It may get interested in a criminal alien, an alien that’s the subject of some other type of investigation - for example an Arab terrorist, an alien smuggler - or an alien who has been deported before. Non-criminal aliens might be sent a letter by the Deportation and Removal section, saying, in effect, "Dear Mr. Alien, you have been already ordered removed by an immigration judge, or we know you have overstayed your status, please come in to the office to be deported, bring one bag." (These are known as “run letters,” for obvious reasons.) But even this doesn’t always happen. But none of this should make any difference to VDARE.COM readers. Your report will be on record. The government will know about it – and will know we know it knows about it. The Chinese say a journey of a thousand miles must start with one step. Americans can start regaining control of their borders - and of their nation’s destiny – with one phone call
  • towle
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    businesses choose unlawful extraterrestrial beings for low wages so the businesses can shift the wellbeing Care expenditures to US criminal Taxpayer Ala' Walmart. %. gets a $4 according to hr activity. He works a splash OT. His Mrs. maintains to be at abode with their 2 or 3 toddlers and via his low wages he and his family contributors qualify for US Social centers. the middle type possibilities up the tab. Congress, Wall highway ....will under no circumstances be taught that an Industrialized usa can not stay fullyyt on burger flippers, illiterate "Migrants" and different provider workers. a usa such because of the fact the U. S. needs a stable production base, a healthful inhabitants, a healthful housing marketplace and a "healthful" criminal Immigration plan. we won't be able to proceed to outsource each thing which may well be made extra fee effectively someplace else for the sake of saving some money whilst lining the wallet of the CEOs. inspect the canine food remember and the Matell Toy Lead remember and that's barely the start. China and those different Asian international locations shrink many corners in production reason the U. S. can't be monitoring each production internet site.

  • 1 decade ago


    cuts into the wages of American Workers

    To The Tune Of Some $ 200 Billion (With A "B") Annually

    According to Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.),

    who is head of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus,

    "Massive immigration of low-skilled, low-wage workers

    depresses wage rates

    for people who are at the low economic end of the scale.

    The overall effect will be

    the decline of the living standard of every American,

    or most Americans."

    $$40 BILLION Untaxed US Dollars

    is sent back to their own nation - ANNUALLY -

    In effect, they are LOOTING the Treasury of the United States

    as surely as if they went to Fort Knox

    and loaded up all our gold bullion on trucks

    and drove to Tijuana with it.

    The Invaders are also TAKING more

    in the way of SOCIAL SERVICES


    Than they pay into the System.

    This is so, because many of them work under the table

    and **Don't Pay Income Taxes,**


    (Thats YOU And ME Folks)

    Are Supporting Them

    These Invaders are causing a BLEEDING in the System.

    As invaders,

    they're NOT Playing by the same rules as the Citizens.

    This leads to a WEAKENING of Our Nations ECONOMY.


  • 1 decade ago

    Education: Taxpayers are being forced to pay for the schooling of the children of illegal immigrants.

    Illegal immigrants who take low-paying jobs don't pay enough in taxes, if they pay at all, to reimburse taxpayers the $5,000-plus annually it takes to educate each of their children.

    The total K-12 school expenditure for illegal immigrants costs the states $7.4 billion annually-- enough to buy a computer for every junior high student nationwide.

    In California, the $2.2 billion spent on the education of the children of illegal immigrants for one year could:

    Pay the salaries of 41, 764 teachers, or 14 percent of California's teachers.

    Pay for California's class sizes to remain capped at 20 students for a year, with $300 million to spare.

    Buy books, computers, and other instructional equipment for 346, 689 classrooms, 79 percent of all classrooms in California.

    Fully fund California 's free lunch program for almost two years.

    Source(s): ^^^^^^^^ the cost is just for California and for ONE year, notice that money could buy a PC for every Junior high student nationwide!!! Unbelievable
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  • 1 decade ago

    It is a fact that a young man without a drivers license who was going 90 miles an hour and was drunk was arrested and put in a police car. He escaped from the police car and ran off a bridge, falling to his death.

    He was here illegally. His mother, who is also here illegally, is now suing the police department for millions of dollars. This really happened recently in the Washington DC metro area.

    While tragic, I can't see how this woman is entitled to anything except transportation back to whatever country she is a legal citizen of.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only about half come across the Mexican border. Most of the rest enter legally and overstay tourist visa's, student visa's etc.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there are 4 million illegal canadians here

    Source(s): hearsay lol
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