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Do you think 50 is too old to adopt a child?

.. Just wondered what you think.. I will still adopt but just wondered

I work out and am in good shape.. for me it is just a number!


By the way I am a woman.. my own mother said I would be an embarrasment on the parent \teacher conterence day. I reminded her about all the grandmothers raising the grandchild

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I assume you must already have started all your paperwork if you are planning this...I do know certain places have age aunt was denied due to her she went to China. She and her husband have three girls now..its awesome. 50 is not too old, all kids are embarrassed by their parents no matter how old they are...we wear the wrong thing, have the wrong hair, we talk to their friends, we are breathing...just about anything qualifies as an embarrassment. Congrats!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Even a teen parent can't know for sure how old they will live to. No one is promised tomorrow. If you are in good shape and can support a child I say go for it. Their are so many kids in need of a good home. I think adoption is a wonderful thing. If you are concerned, then adopt a chil that is older, many times they can't find families because everyone wants a baby. I hope to someday adopt an older child. Heck it may even be when I am 50. After all, like you said, its just a number.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, my dad was about 50 when I was born. 50 is VERY young today. Even people in their 60's are starting new careers. I think that a strong argument could be made that a 50 year person has the right combination of maturity and vigor for making an ideal parent.

    However, it's better that you be married - that's the more important issue, in my opinion.

    I believe that if there was a true shortage of married couples and and an abundance (great need) for children to be adopted, then possibly some single people could step in and help. Otherwise, it's better for children to have two parents (a female mother and a male father).

    I need to mention that so-called "gay adoption" involves child corruption, that should be against the law and single parenthood is by far preferable to this, although the regular, normal family is the best.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh please...My Mom was 40 and my Dad was 43 when they had me. ANd they weren't a "young" 40 - they were as old as the hills...LOL.

    And I loved every minute of it. They were great parents and even though they physically couldn't do a lot of the things that other young parents could - it didn't matter. I was loved more than anyone else I knew. I was proud of them and they were proud of me. I kept them young. I lost my Dad when I was 30 - that kind of hurt. But you know what? I "had" more of a father than most people out there. So I might have only had him for 30 years but what I had was a million times more important than time.

    Don't worry about a number. Think of the life that you can give the child. You'll be fine!

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  • Mary B
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My mother was 40 years old when I was born I felt that I missed out on a lot of things other families were doing. My parents were to old they were tired I also lost my parents young I am 43 and both are gone now. I lost my mother to cancer 15 years ago and my father died three years ago. you may be in good health now but what about ten years from now. Please adopt, but would you think about an older child they need love and homes too. I took in a 15 year old boy two years ago and he is a true joy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Gosh, my Mother in law is 52 and she runs after my son and plays with him all the time. I don't think it is that old. You are fifty, in twenty years you will be 70 and the child might be 20 or older. So I guess it works out. My mom is 58 and she takes care of a 4 yr old and a 16 month old full time.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, not if your prepared to be a really good parent and love the child no matter what which is what the child really needs!. It sounds like you pretty much will be so good luck with everything!.

  • Bella
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It,s up to the individual,I am 49 and i don't think that i could have a child at my age now as thy are a lot of hard work,My children are now adults,i had 6 children,I have 9 gran kids and thy run me ragged

  • 1 decade ago

    Just adopt an older kid and you will be fine..... Its not good for the child to see his dad be old and sick. Maybe you are fit now but think about how will you be after 20 years...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is very true, as long as you are mentally fit and finanacially suitable to adopt a child its great. I was adopted myself and I am glad because my biological parents, I have contacted and never want to talk to them again.

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