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Adolf Hitler?

did adolf hitler always have a hatred for jews? or did he use the jewish poeple as a way of getting elected?,as i know many german jews fought in ww1 and probably alongside hitler.


just wanted to know if he played on peoples fears,much like the bnp today..

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Germany was in depression after the first world war, they needed something to focus the country. Hitler realized that a common hatred and making the country mobile for war would regain the country strength and unity. The Jews were a convent excuse, a people that is despised by a number of the white Europeans at the time. He found ample sources of hate material made through history to use as his ammunition. However, using the Jews as a means by witch he could bring Germany and himself into dominance was a risky gamble. Which did not work as he had hoped when he could not establish a lasting rule over Europe.

    Did he hate Jews himself? At first glance it might seem that way, but any autobiography of him shows that he knew and was acquainted with many Jews. However, he were a convenient sacrifice for his ambitions for himself and Germany. In the end, he probably hated the Jews.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He did hate jews, but you must understand that he did not just come to hate jews out of vacuum. Anti-semiticism was a very established and accepted fact all over Europe in the 19th Century.

    Even the English and American were considering solutions for dealing with their Egyptian problem. Why do you think that the English approved the Balfour declaration after WWI... it was to make sure that the jews in UK and in Europe have a reason to leave their countries and go back to Palestine.

    Hitler, was ant-semitic and a rascist, but so were many germans, English, Russians and other Europeans back than. He just acted on what others just thought about (the Final solution). Sad!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think like all politicians, he just tuned into a hatred that was already there. After the First World War, Germany was crippled, in every sense of the word, but mostly financially, the economy was on it's knees and the rest of the World stood back and watched. Meanwhile internally it was perceived that the Jews (that had never integrated into German life) were profiting from the misery of normal everyday people.

    Hitler did not MAKE everyone hate the Jews, they already Hated the Jews, they had already become the focus of hate in the depressed (in more ways than one) country; he just used that hate and the other problems of the country to secure absolute power.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hitler resented the Jews. Most of the country did at that time and like Bush is doing now, played on the fears of the country to gain control. Most of the German people saw Hitler as a hero, and sadly still do (Im talking about the older generations). Also, Hitler and his regime were very much into the occult; they combined several pagan religions and modified rituals to serve the Nazi party. The swastika is an ancient symbol of luck or prosperity. They used celtic runes, psychics, mythology from Greece and the Norse, and even searched for the Holy Grail. Hitler believed that the Arain people were decendents of mythological gods that inhabited Atlantis. Because of this belief, he thought he needed to purify the race to reobtain their godlike status, and so there wasnt room for the mentally ill (he had his own sister killed), the handicapped, gays, Jews, or gypsies.

    Source(s): History Channel The Occult History of the Third Reich DVD set Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer (Hitlers architect)
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hitler's anti-semitism seems to have been personal and not just a cynical political ploy. Even though it orginated from Hitler's deprave psyche, Hitler and his cohorts new how to use it to their advantage. Albert Speer said he underestimated Nazi anti-semitism when he joined the movement. He initially thought it was just a way to get in power that the Nazis would abandoned afterwards, instead of becoming the rationale of Nazism. Boy, was he stupid! Toward the end of the war when it was apparent Germany would lose the Nazis gave priority to the death trains taking Jews to the camps than they did to supply trains taking supplies to their armies.

    As for the Jews who fought alongside Hitler and other future Nazis in WW1, it was irrelevent. One of Nazism's main beliefs was that Jews were responsible for Germany's defeat. If Jewish veterans weren't washed down an Orwellian memory hole, revisionst history made them out to be traitors.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Adolf hitlers hatred for the jews stemmed from what he thought was the jewish explotation of the german people. The jews were the ones in germany that owned nearly all the buinesses and finacial institutions. There was great unrest in germany at this time with high inflation and an upsurge in communism. He blamed the high inflation which was causing people to turn to communism on the jews.he more or less told the people that the jews were a scourge on germany. The rest we know. I must mention this, that Hitlers favourite car was the Mercedes, but he was unaware that Mercedes is a jewish girls name, and none of his followers ever told him this.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its been a long time since I did History, but as far as I remember he had a burning hatred for communism and Bolsheviks. The Jews came to be associated with Bolshevism and that was one of his reasons for hating them.

    He murdered the disabled, the mentally ill, Communists, Gypsies and 'degenerates' such as artists before he started mass murder of the Jews.

    Don't forget, these were German citizens killed by their own government.

    And yes you're right, todays fascists use the same tired old tactics.

    You only have to look at Yugoslavia to see it still works.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hitler, like very many others in Germany, may had an idea about Jewish people as richer and more welfare citizens in Germany. In those days of economical depression, this very negative idea about Jewish people was something which helped a lot of German people to feel themselves as offers of something, threating them outside the Germany.

    Source(s): My family history.
  • 1 decade ago

    I probably can't answer this to your satisfaction. As for why Hitler hated Jews so much, it was because Hitler was a demon possessed person. That is, he was an instrument of Satan. If we can accept this premise, then it gives us some understanding as to why he hated Jews. Satan hates both the Jews and the Christians. Our histories cannot be separated.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What you are going to hear here is rumor and hearsay. If you want true history you need delve into the texts.

    I won't be surprised if someone doesn't say Hitler's nanny was an alien and a Jew that was mean to him.

    Fact is of course he fed into and prospered by manipulating people's fear.

    That is what all tyrants have done in one way or another.

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