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Why all the hubbub about Immigrants?

Why do we even worry about silly laws. I'm sure there would have been plenty of "Illegal" immigrants come into the U.S. back in the days if they had strict immigration laws. Then we wouldn't be having this conversation. How are immigrants from mexico detrimental to the people who worry about them? I've heard things like diseases and drugs (too late for that one, some of the diseases that are here were brought by europeans and the drugs are gonna get here no matter who it is bringing them over)

If you would study some economics immigrants help our gross domestic product a heap. Increased production at lower costs (labor) thus increasing profits, keeping supply up, recessions small (although unavoidable because it is a part of the business cycle). A major percentage of a family's income is spent on consumer items like food and necessities which they buy in the U.S., while the minor "savings" which people cry about leaving the country to relatives back in mexico is paltry in comparison


The U.S. economy also benefits because this is a natural import of cheap human resources. India and China have plenty of cheap labor and then we cry because of our trade deficit. this in turn promotes the old nationalistic "Buy American" which I think has a great effect on people perception of mexican immigrants being evil.

Would you rather have mexican immigrants spend their money in the U.S. or foreign workers in foreign countries?

Innovation is the key to our economy turning around its trade deficit. Entrepreneurs know this and are faced with a double edged-sword. Yes I can innovate and lower my production costs with cheaper labor yet, because of the outdated protectionist "Buy American" propaganda we have immigration laws that make it illegal. With this new lowered production costs maybe corporations will be more willing to buy capital goods which will have a multiplier effect on the economy.

Why else to you think that we have these laws in place? It isn't because

Update 2:

we don't have room for them. Sure make new towns and cities, it'll only help America in the long run. I really hope that one day short-sighted Americans will see this logic and not just be anti-immigrant because it is against the law.

15 Answers

  • Yakuza
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your stand is obvious and the fact that you have been feeding on the economic drivel being fed to you by idiots is very clear.There aren't any facts in your statement,only supposition and rhetoric.

    While it may have a temporary positive affect,business interests however are short-term. Easy immediate access to labor will always be preferred to the costs of training and capital investment for the longer term. In the nature of economic cycles, yesterday’s essential labor can often become, as the defunct factories and mills of Europe have shown, today’s unemployed. Employers who demanded immigrant labor are not held to account for this or required to contribute to subsequent costs of their unemployed former workers. Few things are more permanent that temporary worker from a poor country. If business were made responsible for the lifetime costs of their migrant labor in the same way as they must now deal with the lifetime environmental costs of their products, perhaps enthusiasm for labor migration might be moderated and make way for longer-term investment in capital-intensive restructuring.

    Because of their much lower incomes and their larger family size, legal immigrants pay dramatically less in federal income taxes than do natives. The average federal income tax payment by households headed by legal Mexican immigrants was $2,156, less than one third of the $7,255 average tax contribution made by native households. By design, the federal income tax system is supposed to tax those with higher income and fewer dependents at higher rates than those with lower income and more dependents. So the much lower income tax contributions of Mexican immigrants simply reflect the tax code and not some systematic attempt by Mexican immigrants to avoid paying taxes.Keep in mind that the majority of illegal aliens dont pay any taxes,except sales taxes,and yet they enjoy and use all of this nations infrstructure,its schools,hospitals etc.Perhaps you need to look at the larger picture.

  • 1 decade ago

    While it's obvious you speak english well, your logic leaves a lot to be desired. The hubhub isn't about immigration- it's about ILLEGAL immigration.

    Immigrants who wish to become Americans should start by respecting American laws and principles, not by breaking the laws. The fact that entering the country legally is not as easy as breaking in is hardly justification for illegal entry, any more than breaking into your house to steal because you won't give me your key without first knowing if I'm trustworthy. The fact that the country you wish to immigrate to may find you unacceptable is also equally invalid as an excuse for breaking in. If you don't understand that these "silly laws" are what keeps your country safe- your education is seriously incomplete.

    Logically, the act of entering the country illegally immediatly disqualifies the person as a suitable candidate for citizenship. Crossing the border is just the start. Such people then use forged documents, steal social security numbers and lie to employers who are then fined because they failed to see through the fraud. There is a string of ongoing illegal acts associated with virtually every illegal entrant. Actions demonstrate character issues, and character issues are habitual. It's not a temporary condition.

    If you want to become an American, you adopt it's fundamental values. You work to make it's language your primary language. You support the country you adopt. As John Kennedy said- "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country".

    On the other hand, if you purpose is to live off what others have built, you just "colonize" the land you immigrated to. You don't bother to learn the language, the history, the values- you just import your own. Historically that includes sending the spoils of such colonizations back to your homeland. Thus, you dilute and destroy the values and principles that have created the benefits you are taking advantage of.

    Money?? This "paltry sum" you mention needs to be seen in real terms. The three largest sources of revenue for Mexico are Oil, Tourism- AND MONEY SENT BY US IMMIGRANTS TO THEIR FAMILIES IN MEXICO. Why? Often to finance their illegal entry into the US. The problem is feeding on itself, and growing. Even the Mexican goverment is reluctant to give the problem more than lip service, because it's a huge cash cow. If it weren't for that money, demands on their government would be much higher.

    Your position is one that says- Give America to anyone who wants it; their reasons or what they contribute is not important. That says you have no concept of the way the country was built, and what it's value is. Early immigrants came here for the opportunity to build it by contribution, not the opportunity to take what others have built. There is a big difference.

    The way to stop illegal immigration is simple:

    Anyone who enters the country illegally has committed a felony, and is forever barred from citizenship. It should be retroactive- if you are here illegally, you are out of the game, and a fugitive.

    Honest people who apply for entry through the system, and have something to contribute- even if it's only menial labor- have demonstrated respect for the country, and should have the option to apply for citizenship.

    Most illegal immigrants are already felons. That's an earned title, not an arbitrary or discriminatory one. Since that doesn't seem relevant to you, I must assume that you are comfortable living in a population of felons. Does your cell number have anything to do with a phone?

  • 1 decade ago

    The reason most of us are upset is because not all of us have college degrees and with the influx of illegals, the wage goes down because they will work cheaper than we will (in the 1980 s construction workers made $19.00 p/h now, $9.00 p/h, auto mechanics made $15-20 p/h now they call it a good job if they see $10.00) , there are 35 million of us who can't put food on the table or afford health insurance due to the wages decreasing due to the illegals coming in and driving wages down. Can you see now what all the hubbub is all about!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The difference is "back in the day" immigrants came to our country to work for a better life, be productive, learn English and embrace the American way of life.

    This bunch of illegal alien criminals are in our country with their hands out, terrorizing Americans, having anchor babies every 9 months, bankrupting our social services, disrespecting our flag with no intention of ever learning English & becoming productive members of American society. They march in the streets demanding rights, turn our neighborhoods into the projects. Oh I could go on & on...but unless you have been living under a rock you know all this!

    45 BILLION dollars - this is just the amount wired to Mexico, not mailed or carried over our border - is not paltry to most of us American taxpayers

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  • 5 years ago

    Ya the spanish english & french WERE azzholes doing that to these men and women again within the day huh?? Too unhealthy it was once two hundred yrs in the past.. Too unhealthy american citizens had been running to rectify this wrongs for a century already and extra.........

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What a load of crap! The only thing that will be left in America will be the ultra rich and the poor sound like some other country?

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We pay for the services and use them as well. They are ruining our children's schools. There should not be more until there is excess capacity in schools and services, not when schools are running 'year round' for lack of space and employing teachers on 'emergency certificates' and when stretching our children's education funds to fund a vast ESL program for children of illegals means no PE, music, languages or other 'electives' for our own children.

    I could care less how much business makes off of them. As the Fed Reported, business profits have been golden, yet the percentage of gross domestic product spent on wages now is the lowest it has been since WW II. (Read, the Great Depression.) We who need health care for our sick, social security for our own retirement, and education for our children are being hurt by their draining our services.

  • 1 decade ago

    If all these people who are so upset about illegals would do their part, we wouldn't have to be building walls. People....stop bitching & complaining and do your part! If you suspect an individual or company hiring an illegal immigrant, report them both. If everyone did this, soon none of them would want to come here illegally.

  • 1 decade ago

    What happens to the people that used to do that job? You are not worthy of being an American. In fact your are probably a Mexican right?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'll keep it short and simple. Let's say you are hispanic and your standing in line at the movies. I cut in front of you in line. Then I get a free movie ticket because I'm white. You'd be upset wouldn't you? My point is said.

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