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Peace asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 1 decade ago

Hiroshima & Nagasaki?

as you know USA bombed two city of Japan to finish World War 2....I dont discuss is it fair or not....But effect of atomic bomb is still over there? MAny ppl have cancer or kind of illness.....But I try tu get how Japanese ppl developed in short time period....They r great every field of industry and electronic area.....Could you think is it kinda take revenge on from all over World??

8 Answers

  • Rabbit
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    During discussions of nuclear war during the Cold War period, there were essentially two general camps: one thought the world would end and the other thought that while unimaginably disasterous, life would go on and people would (eventually) recover. The rebounding of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was, among others, an important piece of evidence the latter group usually presented. Along with the Mutually Assured Distruction (MAD) was the fact of targeting redundancies. For both sides, in order to insure that the other side would not have weapons or useful facilities survive a nuclear attack (and its counter attacks), most major targets were targeted multiple times and often with "spreads" of weapons. A city like Moscow or New York or Washington, DC, would have had an array of bombs from any one strike, but multiple units would make the same targeting--if force A was knocked out, force B would get it, whether forces A or B got it, force C would get it again, coming from a still different angle in case neither of the other two forces made it through. There were hardened silos, there were diffuse arrays of missles and one had to target the command centers as well as the individual silos. There were military bases and factory cities, and while the effects of a nuclear weapon was very broad, there were dispersal and survivability strategies to insure that something of our ability to fight back survived a first or even second strike. The fact of such targeting redundancies, there was reason to believe that large tracts of non-targeted lands and people would be the places where survival hope would be sustained--on both sides--and both the US and the USSR were enormous countries. Of course, the first group (the "we're all doomed" crew) made sure that we didn't spend too much for too long on letting the general population stay in survival mode with survival strategies and resources set aside.

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn't so much engage in the kind of "revenge" you were describing, they merely exerted and exhibited the human propensity to survive and overcome their adversity. Some folks have it. Some folks don't.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cyrano - I don't think your question has too much basis in fact.

    The bombings took place 62 years ago now, so I don't think the physical "effects" of the bomb are still there. Even those who were children at the time would be approaching old age and could develop cancers that are entirely unrelated to the bombs. I believe the incidence of cancer in these areas is not drastically different to any other "developed" country.

    As regards the economy - three things. Firstly, the bombs destroyed two cities not the entire country so, although they had a devastating effect, they did not wipe out the entire infrastructure. Secondly, the Japanese economy had always been pretty strong even before the war, so it is no surprise that they bounced back through sheer hard work. Thirdly, once again, the bombings took place in 1945 and it was not until the 1980s that the West really took notice of Japan as a burgeoning economy. This may seem like a short space of time to you, but 40 years is a very long time in economic or social history - certainly enough time for the recovery of an economy such as Japan's.

    As for your comment regarding revenge............well that's just kind of silly really isn't it !

  • 1 decade ago

    After WWII, the Japanese people and the U.S. people quickly became friends. The U.S. left the Japanese Emperor in place, but insisted on the formation of a democratic government. The Japanese military was dismantled and the U.S. committed to protect Japan from enemies.

    After winning the war, the U.S. felt it was also important to "win the peace." Japan was encouraged to develop industrially. This development was more rapid because Japan didn't have to spend a lot of money on Defense. I remember, as a child in the 1950s, that a lot of cheap toys and other items, marked "Made in Japan," were sold in the U.S. These items were similar in quality to what we now get from China. "Made in Japan" was a synonym for cheap and poor quality goods. Japan has come a long way since then!

    A large number of Japanese people also immigrated to the U.S. during the years after the war. I grew up with the children of some of them in Los Angeles. Thomas Noguchi, a post-war immigrant to the U.S., was for many years the Coroner in Los Angeles County ("Hollywood") and was known as "Coroner to the stars."

    So no, Japan's rapid rise in the industrial world is not an achievement of Revenge but of Forgiveness on both sides.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Allied dropped the two bombs to force the Japanese surrender, otherwise more soldiers wil have to die plus millions of brian-washed civilians. The Battle of Okinawa was clear testament after thousands of Jap civvies commited mass suicide.

    Japan's quick rebuilding was also funded largely by gold looted from Asia during the war. The Americans allowed that since the Cold War was brewing and they have to set a new base against communism in Asia.

    The founder of the LDP (present Jap Ruling party) was Yakuza and was heavily involved with the looted gold during the Jap conquests earlier. Mitsubishi was involved with the 'comfort women' and forced prsotitution, bla bla............

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  • 1 decade ago

    Part of the reason they developed so quickly was due to the reconstruction plan that the US helped them implement. Also, if you take all the industrial capacity that they had building a war machine and convert it all to consumer products, you can achieve quite a bit in a short time.

    we did the same thing in Europe. Leaving busted cities and broken economies is inviting another dictator to come in and take over and threaten the world anew. We spent millions rebuilding the world after a war we didn't start and didn't want to even get involved in.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    the truly Hirsoshima and Nagasaki raids the position no longer something compared to the hearth Raids performed by the individuals on the eastern position of beginning. one element it did not do replaced into shorten the warfare. The Japs the position waiting to provide up and had already taken a vote and the position purely waiting for an Imperial Edict because it replaced right into a instantly 50/50 divide. provided that the information of both cities, it did then reason the Emporer to area with the peace faction, even with the undeniable fact that he would have more effective than in all possibility lengthy gone that way as He knew from his own sources Japan ought to no longer shelter itself any extra, the fleet replaced into all yet destroyed, the airforce replaced into mauled, the petrol had lengthy gone and the electorate had somewhat fled from the cities. even with the undeniable fact that pondering the three operations the allies had for something of 1945 and 1946, the Invasion of the eastern position of beginning would have fee the lives of maximum folk of the inhabitants and the shortcoming of as a lot as a million million provider workers. The southern Operation Zimmer replaced right into a shown failure at the same time as it replaced into performed (the liberation of Thailand and Malaysia) with unfavorable making plans and undesirable judgement and does no longer in problem-free words have fee lives on the British and Commonwealth forces, yet besides the destruction of various of POW's. Then there replaced into also the Soviet thrust to imagine about, which pondering the speed of the upward thrust in 1945 from Manchuria adversarial to an excellent stress of troops, it would have meant the shortcoming of Korea and northern Japan more effective than in all possibility. Truman replaced into already attentive to the topics the Soviets the position causing in Europe and realized that this also ought to no longer be allowed to take position contained in the eastern section. So using the Atomic wepons, i imagine replaced into no longer a warfare crime, it replaced right into a thanks to an end.

  • 1 decade ago

    They developed in short time period with help from other countries. They are only great in industry and electronic area because they copy and improve on Western and European technology. This is how they stay competitive. It's not revenge, but economic survival in a global marketplace.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Seems it also effected your spelling and grammar.

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