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16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    depending upon the state in which you live-you could be in trouble

  • 1 decade ago

    the honor system doesnt work, thats for sure.

    male or female, a deadbeat is a deadbeat. they have to pay for their it or not. even after the children are grown and married she will owe you that money (its child support, not child trust fund, so yes, thats your money owed).

    i am assuming you have a court order for child support already.

    contact your local legal aid office; they are in all states and most counties. they go on a sliding scale so its free for most. its in the phone book or call the county court clerks office for the number.

    call your child support case worker. ask for an enforcement hearing. ask for wages to be attached or her drivers L to be taken away. they also intercept tax refunds (state and federal), so ask if the amount is enough to do so. every state is different, so look into your rights.

    jail sometimes give you a small chunk of money, and is motivating to some. if a parent runs over state line, its a federal offense today.

    make sure the debt owed is reported on her credit reports (depending upon the amount too) to all 3 major credit reporting agencies.

    every state is different, so here are some links to help, just click on your state and find the child support section.

  • 1 decade ago

    If in the court papers that she is to pay child support then you need to go the district attorneys office (family support division) and file a claim there --they will contact her to work with her and if she doesn't comply they will attach her wages---In the mean time have the kids call her every time they need anything --from clothes to makeup gas --anything --and then maybe she will see that taking care of the kids financial needs is not easy--for just one parent

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Contact your local child support enforcement agency with all the info you have including a copy of your final divorce decree. They will help you collect whats due to you. If you dont have one contact the courts and explain to them that she is in violation of the divorce decree by refusing to pay child support. Theyll tell you how to proceed with this. Good luck and Merry Christmas

    Source(s): Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Pyschology
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  • 1 decade ago

    Several questions here...........

    1. How long have you been divorce?

    2. Does she work?

    3. Is there a court order?

    If all of this is from a past divorce from several years ago, you need to contact the attorney general, or your child support office and see what kind of action you need to take.

    If this is a recent divorce contact your attorney and see what action he/she needs to take.

    If she doesn't have a job GOOD LUCK

  • 1 decade ago

    The question is.... do you have an Order stating that she is to pay you support? If so, then file a Rule for Contempt. If not, you need to file a Rule to Establish Support. You need to counsel with an domestic attorney. You are entitled to support, and she is a terrible mother for not wanting to support her children without being forced to. That is something she should want to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Name her shame her. Depending on where you mate, if the UK don't bother with ChildSupport Agency....they haven't managed to get £32k of my ex husband, and they could have thrown him in prison, but NO they came to a £50p.m agreement for the first debt, my kids will be 37 & 39 by the time this is paid!

    If she has a job get in touch with her payroll department the courts can do this, if she is on state benefit it can be deducted out of that, it's a poxy £5 or £10 a week, but who cares!

    Good for you that you are trying to get it out of her, absent parents make me want to vomit!

  • 1 decade ago

    Get a lawyer and the judge will make her pay child support as long as they are under 18.

  • 1 decade ago

    file a support order petition in court. that way if she fails to pay she will be arrested for non payment of a court order. file the papers and the courts will do the rest.

    Source(s): work in juvenile and domestic court
  • 1 decade ago

    Does she have a job? She can get her wages garnished.

    Find out from your attorney or from the court what you need to make that happen.

    If she doesn't have a job, you will probably just have to suck it up. Thank your lucky stars you divorced her and you got the kids!

  • 1 decade ago


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