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I have to ask why all the Bush haters accuse him for everything that goes wrong in the world?

The same people who accuse him of being an idiot also give him credit for fixing oil prices via tha war and the handling of Katrina. The stroke of Tim Johnson to regain the power in the senate. The orcastration of 9/11 for finacial gains.

If he is the idiot that all you claim he is how could he pull of such clever plans?


Pop D I don't know why it went in twice (must have been GW's fault). I am not saying he is great or even good but he was the best man on the ballot. He has tryed to do right and in many cases he has. The thing here is you can't have it both ways he cannot be an idiot and pull off all of the things he gets credit for.

In reguards to the war it was put before congress and voted on by all who chose to take part (the ones who didn't are not doing their jobs and should be thrown out).

no one blmes the Dems that voted in favor of the war and don't give me the he lied speach they had the same intel he did.

Update 2:

toffee read more on the answers site and you will see that some people say that Johnson was poisoned by the Bush admin.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I find it humorous that the description of Pres bush that the libs give today is so much like the description the libs gave Pres Regan in the 80s they consiterd both of them idiots or Diobolical madmen....

    so i get this mental image of Pres Bush sitting in the oval office stroking the small dog on his lap putting his pinky into his mouth (Dr Evil style) and proclaiming his new evil plan of creating a weather machine.. and using it to destroy New Orleans (insert manical laugher) Number 1 set my evil plan into motion

    First attempt DAMN!!! it went the wrong way and created the tsunami Reverse polarity now!!!

    Muhahaha!!!! I have destroyed the gulf coast Now oil prices will raise and global warming will consume the earth

    I mean seriously how can one actually belive so me of the crock the tin hats spew out.. I didn't know Pres Clinton was the Brian Boytano to them (as i hum the song from the south park movie)

  • 1 decade ago

    I was born when Truman was president so I have lived through several. I have never disliked a president like GWB. He was put into power by handlers, wealthy patrons, and the religious right. He was reelected based on citizens terrorism fears. His legacy is the Iraq war, the same war his father had the wisdom to avoid. He is responsible for the deaths of almost three thousand American soldiers at this point and many more to come. I dislike the fact that he is arrogant and that he avoided combat due to his fathers connections and didn't have the guts for combat, yet he sends other families sons into Irag to be killed or mained. Can anyone name a single good thing he has done? He have divided the country into extremes and has alienated our allies.

    The only venture he has ever been success with has been his association with the Texas Ranger with which he was a minor stockholder and he would have probably failed at that, if only his father had not been President. He is a sorry individual and a sorry leader. He will go down with Jimmy Carter as one of sorriest Presidents in history.

  • bob h
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Joevet. A word of advice. You asked the question. Now I suggest you keep your fingers off the keys till you read & understand the answers. Then type another one if you don't like what you read. I am not suggesting censorship. I am suggesting it is impossible to listen & understand with the mouth wide open.

    First off, gas was at a dollar in my gas war area near the 2000 election. The price never reached a dollar till the late 80s..

    I don't blame Bush for all that is wrong in the world. I don't know if he is inept or it is just an act. I am sure he is under the influence of a group of very powerful men, such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Worlfowitz, et al. He is their pawn, not vice versa. I accuse THEM of the botched diplomacy, the lies, & what seems to be complicity in events blamed on others. He holds the title of BOSS, so the responsibility is ultimately his because he lets these things happen.

    I already know you don't like my answer. I might suggest your question was an editorial in disguise. I would also suggest you support him more than you are willing to admit to us.

  • 1 decade ago

    They also blamed him for the tsunami, global warming/cooling and Gore/Kerry's descent into goofyland..

    There can only be two possibilities here. These are the rants of angry misguided, self-hating individuals or Bush is satan.

    The Internet gave these fringe elements a place to gather and combine their forces -- in the past we would never have noticed them.

    Pelosi, Clinton and the like are trying to find a way to distance themselves from these goofballs. While they celebrated taking back the House and the Senate they forgot to notice that they only got about half the seats the out of power party normally takes in an off presidential election year -- which should scare the heck out of them.

    What will be interesting is where they will direct their hate and loathing in two years from now.

    Buy stock in companies that manufacture anti-depressants.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Generally speaking, Bush is hated for being an incompetent, ignorant ***, not for his manipulative scheming. Not that the Bush Administration isn't guilty of manipulative scheming and lining their own pockets, but it's mostly Cheney and Rummy who were behind all that. Bush's ignorance and the preference he gives to the good ol' boy network wouldn't be such a problem if he had no more power than the lead planner of the annual barbecue cook-off for a neighborhood welcoming commitee, but as the man who claims to be the leader of the free world, his responsibilities are much bigger. The deficits in his intelligence, his shallow understanding of international politics, his hostility towards science and intellectualism, his willful ignorance of opposing points of view, and his namby-pamby view of the U.S. and the world make him a dangerous man.

    In short, buffoons are only harmless when they have no responsibilities. Giving a buffoon the most important job in the world and surrounding him with self-serving, hawkish advisors is a recipe for some major failure and destruction, e.g. the Iraq war.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's simple. Bush actually tells you what he's for and against. He allows the voters and his detractors to bash him on the merits of his plans and proposals. Anyone who takes a stance and speaks with authority and integrity on anything will be credited and criticized.

    Keep in mind the majority of detractors are Democrats, whose candidates really are snakes in the grass. I guess they have just come to expect that behavior in all politicians.

  • Pop D
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Why did you ask this question twice? Think you'll get different answers that might support the idiot-in-chief. He is the leader of the country so he gets blamed for all that goes wrong just like you Bush lovers like to give him credit for all that goes right. He is an idiot that is run by cheney and other advisors.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My opinions ad criticism of Bush are based on his performance over the past 6 years. I certainly don't base my opinion on what I read here.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's a dumbass. I don't think he was behind any sort of conspiracy himself... if it was anyone it was Rove. Anyway, you say the war was voted on... IT WASN'T. The vote was whether or not to give executive power to go to war (as a threat). Were you not paying attention at the end of 2002?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's laughable that you'd classify Bush's Katrina handling as a "clever plan".

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