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  • So who is the idiot now Beck or Jones?

    While Beck tends to go overboard at times it would appear that he was close enough to the truth on Green Czar Jones to win this battle. Does any one else find it shameful that a talk show host has to do the vetting for Washington?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where are all the people who bashed FMEA and Bush over Katrina?

    Today they are in Deltona lining up for replacement of everything they lost. None of them with flood insurance of course. Very similar to that bunch from New Orleans that are still being housed at government expense four years later and still blaming Bush.

    Where are the Hollywood celebrities holding telethons asking for help in restoring Iowa and helping the folks affected by the floods? Where is good old Michael Moore?

    Why is the media NOT asking the tough questions about why the federal government hasn't solved this problem? Asking where the FEMA trucks and trailers and food services are?

    Why isn't the Federal government moving Iowa people into free hotels in Chicago and Minneapolis ?

    When will Spike Lee say that the Federal government blew up the levees that failed in Des Moines ! ; ?

    Where are Sean Penn, Bono, and the Dixie Chicks?

    Where is the hysterical 24/7 media coverage complete with reports of shootings at rescuers, of rapes and murder?

    Where are all the people screaming that George Bush, or in this case that Barrack Obama hates white, rural people? My God, where are Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Oprah, and Harry Connick Jr?

    How come in another two weeks, you will never hear about the Iowa flooding ever again? Where are the government bail out vouchers? The government debit cards?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is anyone bothered by the fact that during the G20 Conference Obama surrendered our national sovereignty?

    During the G20 Obama agreed to the creation of the International Financial board which has the power to vote and thus set the pay structure for all businesses world wide. This board is made up of many countries but the US only has 1 vote on the board with the majority of the other votes coming from the EU. Because of the structure of the board our control of our economy has effectively been handed over to the EU. This is a rejection of our "Declaration of Independence" and our national sovereignty.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • For anyone who questions the reason AIG used tax dollars to pay bonuses does this help?

    I wrote my congressman to voice my concerns about the AIG bonuses and this is what he had to say:

    Thank you for contacting me about the issue of executives at AIG receiving bonuses. Like you, I still have a lot of questions about how these bonuses were allowed to be paid and who authorized it. As small businesses and middle-class Americans struggle to make ends meet in this economic crisis, I share the outrage that taxpayer dollars should not be used for executive bonus payments. We deserve an answer as to how this happened.

    The Financial Services Committee, on which I serve, held a hearing to examine this issue on March 18, 2009. I questioned how $165 million in taxpayer dollars could be given out in bonuses to AIG executives and we still do not know the full answer to that question. News reports highlight that these bonuses would not have been allowed if a provision in the hastily-drafted stimulus spending legislation was not removed behind closed doors. This is taxpayer money and we deserve to know what went on behind those closed doors and why either the Treasury Department or Democratic leadership stripped an amendment that would have banned these types of bonuses.

    However, in response, the House scheduled a bill to be voted on the House floor that did not seek to end these bonuses from happening, but instead created a punitive 90% tax on these bonuses. I voted against this hastily-drafted constitutionally-questionable bill because it uses the tax code as an unprecedented punitive tool against tax-payers, and does nothing to stop future companies that have taken bailout and taxpayer money from giving executive bonuses. I supported an alternative bill that would have required the Treasury Department to be accountable with our taxpayer dollars by approving any future bonus payments for companies that have received taxpayer funds, and recouping 100 percent of our taxpayer money back. It is my belief that hardworking American taxpayers deserve all of that money back. Unfortunately, that alternative bill was not given the opportunity to be debated or voted on.

    Thanks again for contacting me on issues of importance to you. If you would like additional information on services my office can provide you, my votes and positions on issues facing our nation, and to subscribe to receive periodic "e-newsletters," please visit my website at




    I do not think that the bonuses should be taxed at 90% or that the government has the right to demand them to be given back. My

    belief is that it was a mistake by the current administration and that they should take action going forward to prevent this from happening again. I would also like to say that Kevin McCarty is a true American.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is it time to drop the principles set forth by the Constitution?

    I have noticed that when someone mentions the constitution, the founding fathers, or the limits on government power on this site they get hit by the thumbs down. I have also noticed that there is a lot of people who think that the government have the responsibility to insure every aspect of our well being is taken care of at the expense of the government and ultimately the tax payers. What I would like to get here is a consensus of how many people believe the constitution no longer should apply to our government/ country. Obama has pushed socialism to new heights but both parties have pushed the socialist agenda for over 80 years. Do you think it is time to return to the constitution or time to consider it a relic of years gone by?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you have a problem with the US giving 300 million to rebuild Gaza?

    Or how about the 600 million to the Palestinian Authority? It seems to me that the current administration has forgotten that we are in bad economic times with this type of gift to repair a war torn area in which we did not send troops. I think we should ask the Palestinian Authority to help rebuild Iraq and ask Israel to help with the war in Iraq to see if they are as willing to help US as we are to help them.

    Is this 900 million dollars an attempt by the Obama administration to buy friendship? If it is remember that we have been buying friends in Saudi for years. The plan worked so well that on 9/11 Saudi terrorist took American planes and used them as weapons against innocent civilians.

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you regret voting for Obama? Are you having second thoughts?

    Obama promised to clean up Washington but he is appointing tax evaders. Obama promised transparency but in the White House press room he told reports if they kept badgering him he would not hang out with them. The reports were asking about Obama's justification for appointing lobbyist to positions within days of his saying that lobbyist would not be allowed to take such positions. As a person who voted for Obama do you feel betrayed?

    26 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • So Obama will make the world like us more?

    Everyone who supported Obama's run to the White House claimed that he would win over the support of other countries. It looks as the EU and Canada may decide they are not big fans after finding out that the stimulus package contains a made in America clause for the projects that the stimulus package will pay for. Is he going to go against NAFTA and hold true to the plan or will he back down to maintain our relations with Europe and Canada?

    I approve of the made in America clause but it does look as if the countries that object have legitimate complaints.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why does my Naval Orange tree produce oranges that taste like lemons?

    I live in SoCal and I have a lemon tree about 15 feet from my orange tree. For the last two years my oranges have become small (they were almost the size of grapefruit a couple of years back) and no longer look like navals. I get tons of oranges but only a half dozen tasted sweet the rest were like lemons.

    9 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • I own a 98 Toyota Avilon that has a check engine light on. I have done a code scan and retrieved code P1410 ?

    And 1411. The problem is with the EGR system and troubleshooting is very involved. I was wanting to know the most common cause for these codes. I have verified that the VSV is working, the EGR valve does not have a blown diaphragm, the EGR position sensor has the right resistance readings across pins E2 and VC on the position sensor when engine is cold, and the vCV is working properly. What would you replace to correct the problem?

    1 AnswerToyota1 decade ago
  • What is the best camp site at Yosmite Park.?

    I am looking to go camping in one of the reserveable sites at Yosmite and was wanting to find out which camp ground is the favored one by most people. If you don't mind please give any extra information you can about the area.

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • In the same line as Greencoke's question If it is unhealthy to eat sweets and smoke should the government?

    outlaw those things. It would make the people here more healthy and cut down on heart failure. Should they also make eating fruit and oatmeal manditory?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I will give the discreption of two houses and I would like to see who knows or can guess who they belong to.?

    House 1:

    it Has 20 rooms if you don't include the 8 bathrooms and all are heated by natural gas. It has a pool and a pool house plus and extra guest house. It consumes more energy in one month than the average American house does in a full year. The average electric bill is 2400.00 per month. In natural gas (which is fossil fuel) it comsumes more than 20 time the national average for an American home. This home is not in the snow belt or the desert.

    House 2:

    This house is 4000 square feet (4 bedrooms).A closet in the house holds geothermal heat pumps which draw ground water through pipes that are sunken 300 feet in the ground. The water heats the house in the winter and cools it in the summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas and it consumes 25% of the electricity of a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 and waste water is collected,purified , and used for irrigation of the landscaping.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think yahoo answers helps or hurts in the polarization of politics?

    In my experiance it has helped me to become less polarized and more willing to give the Liberal's views some thought. I still don't agree on most issues but it has helped me become more open and willing to listen to both side of the issues. My opinion on things like immigration have been changed heavilly and while I believe that illegal immigration is very wrong and needs to be corrected I now also am for a guest worker program where the people coming in are tracked and documented. YA has made me a more thoughtfull person. I still don't agree with the liberals but I may be a little more moderate now.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is it wrong to murder someone? Is it wrong because of the pain it causes them? If they are killed quickly?

    without pain is it still wrong? You can probably guess why I ask this but I want to see the logic behind the pro abortion supporters. I don't disagree with abortion if it is to save the life of the mother but in all other cases I feel it is murder. I can't understand why this is not seen as a double standard. I know someone will make reference to the death of troops in Iraq and the death penilty but the killing in both of these cases are to protect innocent life even if some innocents are killed in the process (like abortion when the moters life is at risk). I am serious and I do want to understand both sides. I am open minded.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I saw the question about Saddam not attacking the US and must ask for some opinions.?

    Saddam never attacked the US so does that mean that the US should never attack him? If so it would stand to reason that the US should have never attacked Hitler either, is this the opinion of most of the people here?

    Saddam did advocate the destruction of the US where as Hitler was less vocal on this issue.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I have to ask why all the Bush haters accuse him for everything that goes wrong in the world?

    The same people who accuse him of being an idiot also give him credit for fixing oil prices via tha war and the handling of Katrina. The stroke of Tim Johnson to regain the power in the senate. The orcastration of 9/11 for finacial gains.

    If he is the idiot that all you claim he is how could he pull of such clever plans?

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • I have to ask why all the Bush haters accuse him for everything that goes wrong in the world?

    The same people who accuse him of being an idiot also give him credit for fixing oil prices via tha war and the handling of Katrina. The stroke of Tim Johnson to regain the power in the senate. The orcastration of 9/11 for finacial gains.

    If he is the idiot that all you claim he is how could he pull of such clever plans?

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What are the best low peice viedo ipods.?

    I am wanting to get my son a viedo Ipod but need to think about my budget, What would you recommend.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Is illegal immigration a victimless crime?

    This is a link that talks of the problem on the east coast but the west is even worse.

    In Kern County Ca. an illegal convicted of molesting a 13 year old was given 3 years because in the view of a liberal judge the tax payers should not have to pay for his upkeep in prison. The illegal was convicted previously on similar charges to a 15 year old but cut a deal and was released.

    I personally would be willing to pay for his exacution.

    20 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago