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joevette asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do you regret voting for Obama? Are you having second thoughts?

Obama promised to clean up Washington but he is appointing tax evaders. Obama promised transparency but in the White House press room he told reports if they kept badgering him he would not hang out with them. The reports were asking about Obama's justification for appointing lobbyist to positions within days of his saying that lobbyist would not be allowed to take such positions. As a person who voted for Obama do you feel betrayed?


Bash you are incorrect, my facts are the reality. I follow politics every day and from many different sources. I listen to both conservative and liberal sources. I am not a guy that believes in parties so when I ask or answer I am fair to both sides. I may at time joke around but I see partisanship as a failure in our system.

Update 2:

Privacy I did not ask about Steele I asked about Obama. The old bait and switch to avoid answering the question.

Update 3:

Eathen I can agree with part of what you have said but I do not buy the old it was an honest mistake bit. Geithner commited the same mistake twice so either he is a slow learner or he is a crook. I personally think he is the later. I agree with Daschel stepping aside. I think he made the honorable decission by doing so.

Update 4:

Gone Green I am in agreement with you on the idea that both sides are crooks.

Update 5:

Poppa Poopy I see that you are making excuses for the current admin by saying that this is the worst time in your history but I think Bush actually inherited a worse situation with the 911 attacks and Katrina happening right on the heels of his election. You are also complaining that the Repubs are not working with him but at what time did the Democrats work with Bush? A presidents ability to gain support is what makes them go down as great in the history books.

As for your opinion on Daschel, he may be able to do a good job but I have a problem with giving crimnals high offices no matter how qualified they are for the position. If you think that all the tax issues with Obama's staff are just mistakes you are nieve.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I for one think that the tax problems that have came up are the TIP of the iceberg. I don't think the last administration let DEMS get away without paying taxes unless there was something in it for the same. I think the whole DA*N bunch of politicians up there need to be audited...every one of them. No party preference. I just think a very smelly closet has been opened...period.

  • 5 years ago

    He would not help infanticide. do not pay attention to the smears, quite after the campaign! He helps a woman's good to verify on, yet desires to artwork to shrink the kind of abortions. They have been attempting to make a great deal out of the reality that he voted to disclaim wellbeing care to "failed abortion" toddlers. In different words, they tried to declare that he voted that if an abortion failed and the toddler replaced into born, they might purely permit it lay on a table and die. of course this is not what he voted for. He voted against the invoice as a results of fact it did not comprise sufficient provisions for the wellbeing of the mummy, and there replaced into ALREADY A regulation IN place offering previous due-term care to undesirable toddlers. He knew that by balloting against it he would be helping the mothers, and the toddlers would nonetheless get the comparable care.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama has been the POTUS for all of a couple of weeks. Any time we get a new democratic President eveything they do or don't do immediately is magnified tremendously. I don't think that Daschle's back taxes would hurt the position of Secretary of Health and Human Services. I think he could have done the job if he was left alone and allowed to pay off his debt - of which he paid off over 140 grand.

    Obama is coming into the Presidency at the toughest time in my lifetime. We need to give the man a chance. We also need to look at how the other side is working with him (not at all yet).

    Finally, I don't think that anyone should regret their vote if they voted with their head and heart rather than their eyes.

  • VW
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I didn't vote for him but I've heard plenty of people who did and regretted it. The thing is that when Obama makes mistakes, it's okay, he's only human. When Bush made mistakes it was criminal? Very interesting. could it have to do with people identifying with Obama and because he is not doing what they expected it's easier to say "It's okay, give him a chance" rather than "Oh, no. What did I do voting for this guy."

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  • 1 decade ago


    Obama vetted them pretty well actually. Daschle didn't tell them about his tax problems until after they made the announcement. And he didn't know about Geithner's problems. (besides, they weren't tax cheats. they made mistakes. they ARE human after all). And guess what? Obama admitted that mistakes were made. Bush never admitted mistakes.

    Also, Obama was simply visiting the press that one day. He just came down to say hi and they started badgering him with questions. They could have waited to ask press secretary Gibbs later on.

    Why do I have a feeling I'm going to get a bunch of thumbs down just for stating the truth?

  • 1 decade ago

    If as you Democrats keep saying , it is early yet , so give him a chance , then I sure do not want to be around when he gives up US troops to the UN and when he puts us into a hole so deep that we can't possibly see over the top . I also do not want to be around when this becomes one of the Muslim Nations .

  • older
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    his ratings are going down, he admits to making some mistakes but "so what" he still made them. someone said he didn't get the truth from people around him. seems like thats the same thing that happened to bush but people ignored that fact and bashed him for years. hope the same happens to obama which has already started. things are crumbling around him already.

  • 1 decade ago

    No way. Do you know about your new RNC leader yet?

    "WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 (UPI) -- Newly elected Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele funneled payments to a defunct company run by his sister, a former Steele official says.

    Alan Fabian, 44, who was finance chairman for Steele's unsuccessful 2006 run for U.S. Senate in Maryland, last year was sentenced to nine years in prison for swindling millions of dollars from businesses and banks, and charged with a series of frauds totaling almost $40 million. In a deal with prosecutors, Fabian has turned over information indicating Steele paid $37,000 to sister Monica Turner, even though her company had been dissolved 11 months earlier, The Washington Post (NYSE:WPO) reported.

    Fabian also alleges during his 2006 Senate campaign, Steele, a former Maryland lieutenant governor, used money from his campaign improperly and paid $75,000 from the campaign to a law firm for work that was never performed, the newspaper said.

    The Post said it is unclear how extensively his claims have been pursued, but a spokesman for Steele said federal agents have contacted Turner recently.

    Steele spokesman Curt Anderson said he did not know what information the federal agents were seeking, but said of Fabian's allegations, "It's from, what, a convicted felon? And it has no substantiation in fact."

    OPPS! Was that glass I just heard breaking?

    You attack Obama over who he appointed and it is "bait and switch" if I mention who the Republicans appointed to head their National Committee? No, it is pointing out that mistakes can and do happen, even to the Republicans. After all, McCain picked Palin even with "troop-gate" hanging over her head. At least Obama had the courage to say he messed up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, there are some lingering questions but hardly enough to assume that voting for any alternative would have been in any way a wiser choice. It would seem that we all owe our leaders the benefit of our future disappointments.

  • 1 decade ago

    I did not vote for this idiot, so no I do not regret not voting for him.

    And have you seen the crooks he has in that cabinet.

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