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I have to ask why all the Bush haters accuse him for everything that goes wrong in the world?

The same people who accuse him of being an idiot also give him credit for fixing oil prices via tha war and the handling of Katrina. The stroke of Tim Johnson to regain the power in the senate. The orcastration of 9/11 for finacial gains.

If he is the idiot that all you claim he is how could he pull of such clever plans?


Gas has not been under a buck since the 80's.

Update 2:

I haven't seen another terrorist attack on US soil allthough some have been stopped.

Don't get me wrong I am not a fan of all his doings but to blame him for things he had nothing to do with is silly and counter productive.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Libs, let me put this a bit more eloquently for you.

    Is George Bush a bumbling idiot who has trouble tying his own shoes in the morning?

    Or is he an evil mastermind plotting to overthrow the constitution and install a theocracy?


    *goes away singing the Liberal's favorite song*

    When the dog bites...

    When the bee stings...

    When you're feelin' sad...


  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, how can you give him credit for fixing the oil prices, when he is the reason they were up to almost 4 dollars a gallon in the first place?

    Second of all, who praises him for his handling of Katrina? I am pretty sure that it took him over a week before he even went to New Orleans to see the havoc Katrina wreaked. Then he spent the next 2 weeks blaming everyone but himself for the bungled handling of Katrina. By the time he got around to actually doing something, evrything was already destroyed and people were stranded throughout New Orleans.

    Good Job George, I don't know how we all missed the great things you have done for us!

    In case you don't read sarcasm too well, he sucks, and if you don't see it your an idiot. It has nothing to do with democrat or republican, he is just totally overmatched.

  • Pop D
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    He is the commander-in-chief. He is the Decider. He is the top man in the United States and the buck stops at his desk. If he is responsible for all the good things that have happened on his watch as the Bush-lovers claim, then he is also responsible for all the things that go wrong as the Bush-haters claim... You can't have it two different ways sweetie. The idiot can pull of all those clever plans because his advisors are running the show, not him. George W. is only the puppet. If he doesn't have "Q" cards in front of him he doesn't have the slightest idea on how to intelligently answer a question.

  • Mav
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't Hate Bush....I voted for him.

    As President he is responsible for everything in the county.

    Katrina: He did not do an adequate job of handling the problem.

    Oil Prices: He had little to do with that issue. However, we are still paying too much for gasoline.

    Iraq: He has failed terribly.

    Public confidence: He has none at this time.

    George Bush's problem is that he can not articulate any issues.

    In a word: He is Not Presidential. He has surrounded himself with incompetent advisers.

    The sooner George is out of office, the better off this country will be.

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  • 1 decade ago

    so i get this mental image of Pres Bush sitting in the oval office stroking the small dog on his lap putting his pinky into his mouth (Dr Evil style) and proclaiming his new evil plan of creating a weather machine.. and using it to destroy New Orleans (insert manical laugher) Number 1 set my evil plan into motion

    First attempt DAMN!!! it went the wrong way and created the tsunami Reverse polarity now!!!

    Muhahaha!!!! I have destroyed the gulf coast Now oil prices will raise and global warming will consume the earth

    I mean seriously how can one actually belive so me of the crock the tin hats spew out.. I didn't know Pres Clinton was the Brian Boytano to them (as i hum the song from the south park movie)

  • luap
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    He took a country that had nothing to do with 911,started a war with it , is responsible for thousands of people dying , with the excuse that we are fighting terrorist, meanwhile are borders are wide open with thousands of people coming across, many of which could be terrorist, it has nothing too do with being a bush hater, its the facts, and the only real idiots are the people that support him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You think those "plans" are clever? You consider the Katrina disaster a "clever" Bush plan?

    And everyone knows its Cheney, not Bush, who fixed the oil prices and promoted war-profittering following 9/11.

    Bush apologists dont seem to think their insults through carefully...

  • 1 decade ago

    Exactly what Bush haters are you talking about? Who the hell are you talking about? Do people like me, like the vast majority of America, that don't like Bush believe in the things you mentioned? Are you a coke head, like Bush used to be?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only things Bush is to be blamed for are the things he has screwed up.

  • 1 decade ago

    If the Bush Haters didn't accuse him of everything wrong, then they might have to look at their own lack of effectiveness at bringing about any positive change. Even worse they might have to explain how their politicians keep reversing their positions on events

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