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I'm confused why did most Democrats vote for tax cuts extension?

House voted 367 to 45 senate 79 to 9, For almost 6 years I've heard liberals in the Democratic party say how bad these tax cuts are for the middle class. Yet the majority of them voted to keep them going. Can anyone explain this to me?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    and I've also heard almost every conservative say that the democrats will raise taxes FOR SURE and there is no other option... yet, many clearly voted for the cuts? odd?

    but, to answer your question, I think you're mis-quoting the democrats... people haven't been so much saying, it's bad for the middle class, but instead the cuts are geared much toward the higher classes... the middle class gets some cuts, which is good, clearly not bad, but relatively, they really aren't getting anything compared to what the upper classes are getting...

    something can be both good for the middle class and good for the upper class, but in this case, it was AMAZING for the upper class and only good for the middle class... see the difference?

    maybe Rangel said that, but he's a nutbar, and he's not representative of the entire democratic party...

    but the final issue I will raise is also the most likely... basically, if you vote against tax cuts before an election, the Repubicans will say "they didn't want you to have tax cuts!"... which isn't exactly true, since they do want some tax cuts, but not the exact tax cuts the Republicans were proposing...

    but they passed them to at least get the good cut for the middle class, even with the AMAZING one for the upper classes that they probably didn't exactly support...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wait till January when they take control of Congres. They have already stated that they would roll back the tax cuts on the upper 2 - 5%. You know, the people that pay almost 50% of the taxes taken in.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, a few things of the top of my head--

    1) They're wrong-- everybody got a tax break from the top on down to those who pay next to nothing.

    2) Its partially a political move so that the R's don't have the chance to point and say-- see, told you they'd raise your raxes.

    3) If I remember correctly, those which were extended did affect the middle class.

    4) The only tax "hikes" I think they'd even consider these days would be on the top 1-2% of wage earners, not the middle class. It would be suicide to do anything else. Frankly, they should leave well enough alone and attack the spending side + get the darn oil companies to pay ther friggin' royalties.

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess they know that the tax cuts are actually really good for the economy and that our tax revenues have actually improved as a result of the tax cuts. Also our economy is better than it has been in years as a result of people keeping more of their money and spending it on what they want.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because they're not as stupid as most of the people they aim their "tax cuts for the rich" rhetoric at.

  • 1 decade ago

    To get votes. Almost all politicians just want money and votes.

  • 1 decade ago

    tax cuts aren't the problem. they are a good thing. out of control spending by the Republicans is the problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah I can explain it....your under the mistaken belief the Democratic Party has middle class interests in mind.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We all know. We just don't want YOU to know. Merry Christmas.

  • 1 decade ago

    they don't know their as**s from their elbows thats why!

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